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{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
2020-12-28 20:42:38 +00:00
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
2020-12-25 16:46:02 +00:00
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unticked-promoted-constructors #-}
-- |
-- Module : Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Protocol
-- Copyright : (c)
-- License : AGPL-3
-- Maintainer :
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable
-- Types, parsers, serializers and functions to send and receive SMP agent protocol commands and responses.
-- See
module Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Protocol
( -- * Protocol parameters
-- * SMP agent protocol types
ACommand (..),
AParty (..),
SAParty (..),
2021-08-22 12:19:38 +00:00
MsgMeta (..),
SMPConfirmation (..),
AgentMsgEnvelope (..),
AgentMessage (..),
AgentMessageType (..),
APrivHeader (..),
AMessage (..),
pattern SMPServer,
SrvLoc (..),
SMPQueueUri (..),
SMPQueueInfo (..),
ConnectionMode (..),
SConnectionMode (..),
AConnectionMode (..),
ConnectionModeI (..),
ConnectionRequestUri (..),
AConnectionRequestUri (..),
ConnReqUriData (..),
ConnReqScheme (..),
AgentErrorType (..),
CommandErrorType (..),
ConnectionErrorType (..),
BrokerErrorType (..),
SMPAgentError (..),
MsgIntegrity (..),
MsgErrorType (..),
QueueStatus (..),
-- * Encode/decode
-- * TCP transport functions
import Control.Applicative (optional, (<|>))
2020-12-25 16:46:02 +00:00
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (..), ToJSON (..))
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 (Parser)
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 as A
import Data.ByteString.Base64
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.Composition ((.:), (.:.))
import Data.Functor (($>))
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Kind (Type)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as L
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime)
import Data.Time.ISO8601
import Data.Type.Equality
import Data.Typeable ()
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Generic.Random (genericArbitraryU)
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.QueryString
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Crypto as C
import Simplex.Messaging.Crypto.Ratchet (E2ERatchetParams, E2ERatchetParamsUri)
import Simplex.Messaging.Encoding
import Simplex.Messaging.Encoding.String
import Simplex.Messaging.Parsers
2021-02-28 17:00:14 +00:00
import Simplex.Messaging.Protocol
( ErrorType,
2021-02-28 17:00:14 +00:00
SrvLoc (..),
pattern SMPServer,
2021-02-28 17:00:14 +00:00
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Protocol as SMP
import Simplex.Messaging.Transport (Transport (..), TransportError, serializeTransportError, transportErrorP)
2021-01-03 18:05:50 +00:00
import Simplex.Messaging.Util
import Simplex.Messaging.Version
import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary (..))
2020-12-28 20:42:38 +00:00
import Text.Read
import UnliftIO.Exception (Exception)
smpAgentVersion :: Version
smpAgentVersion = 1
smpAgentVRange :: VersionRange
smpAgentVRange = mkVersionRange 1 smpAgentVersion
2022-01-11 21:01:21 +00:00
-- it is shorter to allow all handshake headers,
-- including E2E (double-ratchet) parameters and
-- signing key of the sender for the server
e2eEncConnInfoLength :: Int
2022-01-11 21:01:21 +00:00
e2eEncConnInfoLength = 14848
e2eEncUserMsgLength :: Int
e2eEncUserMsgLength = 15856
-- | Raw (unparsed) SMP agent protocol transmission.
2020-12-28 20:42:38 +00:00
type ARawTransmission = (ByteString, ByteString, ByteString)
-- | Parsed SMP agent protocol transmission.
type ATransmission p = (ACorrId, ConnId, ACommand p)
2020-12-28 20:42:38 +00:00
-- | SMP agent protocol transmission or transmission error.
type ATransmissionOrError p = (ACorrId, ConnId, Either AgentErrorType (ACommand p))
type ACorrId = ByteString
2020-12-28 20:42:38 +00:00
-- | SMP agent protocol participants.
2020-12-28 20:42:38 +00:00
data AParty = Agent | Client
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | Singleton types for SMP agent protocol participants.
data SAParty :: AParty -> Type where
SAgent :: SAParty Agent
2020-12-28 20:42:38 +00:00
SClient :: SAParty Client
2020-12-28 20:42:38 +00:00
deriving instance Show (SAParty p)
deriving instance Eq (SAParty p)
instance TestEquality SAParty where
testEquality SAgent SAgent = Just Refl
testEquality SClient SClient = Just Refl
testEquality _ _ = Nothing
data ACmd = forall p. ACmd (SAParty p) (ACommand p)
2020-12-28 20:42:38 +00:00
deriving instance Show ACmd
type ConnInfo = ByteString
-- | Parameterized type for SMP agent protocol commands and responses from all participants.
data ACommand (p :: AParty) where
NEW :: AConnectionMode -> ACommand Client -- response INV
INV :: AConnectionRequestUri -> ACommand Agent
JOIN :: AConnectionRequestUri -> ConnInfo -> ACommand Client -- response OK
CONF :: ConfirmationId -> ConnInfo -> ACommand Agent -- ConnInfo is from sender
LET :: ConfirmationId -> ConnInfo -> ACommand Client -- ConnInfo is from client
REQ :: InvitationId -> ConnInfo -> ACommand Agent -- ConnInfo is from sender
ACPT :: InvitationId -> ConnInfo -> ACommand Client -- ConnInfo is from client
RJCT :: InvitationId -> ACommand Client
INFO :: ConnInfo -> ACommand Agent
CON :: ACommand Agent -- notification that connection is established
SUB :: ACommand Client
END :: ACommand Agent
DOWN :: SMPServer -> [ConnId] -> ACommand Agent
UP :: SMPServer -> [ConnId] -> ACommand Agent
SEND :: MsgFlags -> MsgBody -> ACommand Client
MID :: AgentMsgId -> ACommand Agent
SENT :: AgentMsgId -> ACommand Agent
MERR :: AgentMsgId -> AgentErrorType -> ACommand Agent
MSG :: MsgMeta -> MsgFlags -> MsgBody -> ACommand Agent
ACK :: AgentMsgId -> ACommand Client
OFF :: ACommand Client
DEL :: ACommand Client
OK :: ACommand Agent
ERR :: AgentErrorType -> ACommand Agent
deriving instance Eq (ACommand p)
deriving instance Show (ACommand p)
data ConnectionMode = CMInvitation | CMContact
deriving (Eq, Show)
data SConnectionMode (m :: ConnectionMode) where
SCMInvitation :: SConnectionMode CMInvitation
SCMContact :: SConnectionMode CMContact
deriving instance Eq (SConnectionMode m)
deriving instance Show (SConnectionMode m)
instance TestEquality SConnectionMode where
testEquality SCMInvitation SCMInvitation = Just Refl
testEquality SCMContact SCMContact = Just Refl
testEquality _ _ = Nothing
data AConnectionMode = forall m. ConnectionModeI m => ACM (SConnectionMode m)
instance Eq AConnectionMode where
ACM m == ACM m' = isJust $ testEquality m m'
cmInvitation :: AConnectionMode
cmInvitation = ACM SCMInvitation
cmContact :: AConnectionMode
cmContact = ACM SCMContact
deriving instance Show AConnectionMode
connMode :: SConnectionMode m -> ConnectionMode
connMode SCMInvitation = CMInvitation
connMode SCMContact = CMContact
connMode' :: ConnectionMode -> AConnectionMode
connMode' CMInvitation = cmInvitation
connMode' CMContact = cmContact
class ConnectionModeI (m :: ConnectionMode) where sConnectionMode :: SConnectionMode m
instance ConnectionModeI CMInvitation where sConnectionMode = SCMInvitation
instance ConnectionModeI CMContact where sConnectionMode = SCMContact
2021-08-22 12:19:38 +00:00
type MsgHash = ByteString
-- | Agent message metadata sent to the client
data MsgMeta = MsgMeta
{ integrity :: MsgIntegrity,
recipient :: (AgentMsgId, UTCTime),
broker :: (MsgId, UTCTime),
sndMsgId :: AgentMsgId
deriving (Eq, Show)
data SMPConfirmation = SMPConfirmation
{ -- | sender's public key to use for authentication of sender's commands at the recepient's server
senderKey :: SndPublicVerifyKey,
-- | sender's DH public key for simple per-queue e2e encryption
e2ePubKey :: C.PublicKeyX25519,
-- | sender's information to be associated with the connection, e.g. sender's profile information
connInfo :: ConnInfo
deriving (Show)
data AgentMsgEnvelope
= AgentConfirmation
{ agentVersion :: Version,
e2eEncryption :: Maybe (E2ERatchetParams 'C.X448),
encConnInfo :: ByteString
| AgentMsgEnvelope
{ agentVersion :: Version,
encAgentMessage :: ByteString
| AgentInvitation -- the connInfo in contactInvite is only encrypted with per-queue E2E, not with double ratchet,
{ agentVersion :: Version,
connReq :: ConnectionRequestUri 'CMInvitation,
connInfo :: ByteString -- this message is only encrypted with per-queue E2E, not with double ratchet,
deriving (Show)
instance Encoding AgentMsgEnvelope where
smpEncode = \case
AgentConfirmation {agentVersion, e2eEncryption, encConnInfo} ->
smpEncode (agentVersion, 'C', e2eEncryption, Tail encConnInfo)
AgentMsgEnvelope {agentVersion, encAgentMessage} ->
smpEncode (agentVersion, 'M', Tail encAgentMessage)
AgentInvitation {agentVersion, connReq, connInfo} ->
smpEncode (agentVersion, 'I', Large $ strEncode connReq, Tail connInfo)
smpP = do
agentVersion <- smpP
smpP >>= \case
'C' -> do
(e2eEncryption, Tail encConnInfo) <- smpP
pure AgentConfirmation {agentVersion, e2eEncryption, encConnInfo}
'M' -> do
Tail encAgentMessage <- smpP
pure AgentMsgEnvelope {agentVersion, encAgentMessage}
'I' -> do
connReq <- strDecode . unLarge <$?> smpP
Tail connInfo <- smpP
pure AgentInvitation {agentVersion, connReq, connInfo}
_ -> fail "bad AgentMsgEnvelope"
-- SMP agent message formats (after double ratchet decryption,
-- or in case of AgentInvitation - in plain text body)
data AgentMessage = AgentConnInfo ConnInfo | AgentMessage APrivHeader AMessage
deriving (Show)
instance Encoding AgentMessage where
smpEncode = \case
AgentConnInfo cInfo -> smpEncode ('I', Tail cInfo)
AgentMessage hdr aMsg -> smpEncode ('M', hdr, aMsg)
smpP =
smpP >>= \case
'I' -> AgentConnInfo . unTail <$> smpP
'M' -> AgentMessage <$> smpP <*> smpP
_ -> fail "bad AgentMessage"
data AgentMessageType = AM_CONN_INFO | AM_HELLO_ | AM_REPLY_ | AM_A_MSG_
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Encoding AgentMessageType where
smpEncode = \case
AM_HELLO_ -> "H"
AM_REPLY_ -> "R"
AM_A_MSG_ -> "M"
smpP =
A.anyChar >>= \case
'C' -> pure AM_CONN_INFO
'H' -> pure AM_HELLO_
'R' -> pure AM_REPLY_
'M' -> pure AM_A_MSG_
_ -> fail "bad AgentMessageType"
agentMessageType :: AgentMessage -> AgentMessageType
agentMessageType = \case
AgentConnInfo _ -> AM_CONN_INFO
AgentMessage _ aMsg -> case aMsg of
A_MSG _ -> AM_A_MSG_
data APrivHeader = APrivHeader
{ -- | sequential ID assigned by the sending agent
sndMsgId :: AgentMsgId,
-- | digest of the previous message
prevMsgHash :: MsgHash
deriving (Show)
instance Encoding APrivHeader where
smpEncode APrivHeader {sndMsgId, prevMsgHash} =
smpEncode (sndMsgId, prevMsgHash)
smpP = APrivHeader <$> smpP <*> smpP
data AMsgType = HELLO_ | REPLY_ | A_MSG_
deriving (Eq)
instance Encoding AMsgType where
smpEncode = \case
HELLO_ -> "H"
REPLY_ -> "R"
A_MSG_ -> "M"
smpP =
smpP >>= \case
'H' -> pure HELLO_
'R' -> pure REPLY_
'M' -> pure A_MSG_
_ -> fail "bad AMsgType"
-- | Messages sent between SMP agents once SMP queue is secured.
data AMessage
= -- | the first message in the queue to validate it is secured
| -- | reply queues information
REPLY (L.NonEmpty SMPQueueInfo)
| -- | agent envelope for the client message
A_MSG MsgBody
deriving (Show)
instance Encoding AMessage where
smpEncode = \case
HELLO -> smpEncode HELLO_
REPLY smpQueues -> smpEncode (REPLY_, smpQueues)
A_MSG body -> smpEncode (A_MSG_, Tail body)
smpP =
>>= \case
HELLO_ -> pure HELLO
REPLY_ -> REPLY <$> smpP
A_MSG_ -> A_MSG . unTail <$> smpP
instance forall m. ConnectionModeI m => StrEncoding (ConnectionRequestUri m) where
strEncode = \case
CRInvitationUri crData e2eParams -> crEncode "invitation" crData (Just e2eParams)
CRContactUri crData -> crEncode "contact" crData Nothing
crEncode :: ByteString -> ConnReqUriData -> Maybe (E2ERatchetParamsUri 'C.X448) -> ByteString
crEncode crMode ConnReqUriData {crScheme, crAgentVRange, crSmpQueues} e2eParams =
strEncode crScheme <> "/" <> crMode <> "#/?" <> queryStr
queryStr =
strEncode . QSP QEscape $
[("v", strEncode crAgentVRange), ("smp", strEncode crSmpQueues)]
<> maybe [] (\e2e -> [("e2e", strEncode e2e)]) e2eParams
strP = do
ACR m cr <- strP
case testEquality m $ sConnectionMode @m of
Just Refl -> pure cr
_ -> fail "bad connection request mode"
instance StrEncoding AConnectionRequestUri where
strEncode (ACR _ cr) = strEncode cr
strP = do
crScheme <- strP
crMode <- A.char '/' *> crModeP <* optional (A.char '/') <* "#/?"
query <- strP
crAgentVRange <- queryParam "v" query
crSmpQueues <- queryParam "smp" query
let crData = ConnReqUriData {crScheme, crAgentVRange, crSmpQueues}
case crMode of
CMInvitation -> do
crE2eParams <- queryParam "e2e" query
pure . ACR SCMInvitation $ CRInvitationUri crData crE2eParams
CMContact -> pure . ACR SCMContact $ CRContactUri crData
crModeP = "invitation" $> CMInvitation <|> "contact" $> CMContact
instance ConnectionModeI m => FromJSON (ConnectionRequestUri m) where
parseJSON = strParseJSON "ConnectionRequestUri"
instance ConnectionModeI m => ToJSON (ConnectionRequestUri m) where
toJSON = strToJSON
toEncoding = strToJEncoding
instance FromJSON AConnectionRequestUri where
parseJSON = strParseJSON "ConnectionRequestUri"
instance ToJSON AConnectionRequestUri where
toJSON = strToJSON
toEncoding = strToJEncoding
-- debug :: Show a => String -> a -> a
-- debug name value = unsafePerformIO (putStrLn $ name <> ": " <> show value) `seq` value
-- {-# INLINE debug #-}
instance StrEncoding ConnectionMode where
strEncode = \case
CMInvitation -> "INV"
CMContact -> "CON"
strP = "INV" $> CMInvitation <|> "CON" $> CMContact
instance StrEncoding AConnectionMode where
strEncode (ACM cMode) = strEncode $ connMode cMode
strP = connMode' <$> strP
connModeT :: Text -> Maybe ConnectionMode
connModeT = \case
"INV" -> Just CMInvitation
"CON" -> Just CMContact
_ -> Nothing
-- | SMP agent connection ID.
type ConnId = ByteString
type ConfirmationId = ByteString
type InvitationId = ByteString
data SMPQueueInfo = SMPQueueInfo
{ clientVersion :: Version,
smpServer :: SMPServer,
senderId :: SMP.SenderId,
dhPublicKey :: C.PublicKeyX25519
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Encoding SMPQueueInfo where
smpEncode SMPQueueInfo {clientVersion, smpServer, senderId, dhPublicKey} =
smpEncode (clientVersion, smpServer, senderId, dhPublicKey)
smpP = do
(clientVersion, smpServer, senderId, dhPublicKey) <- smpP
pure SMPQueueInfo {clientVersion, smpServer, senderId, dhPublicKey}
-- This instance seems contrived and there was a temptation to split a common part of both types.
-- But this is created to allow backward and forward compatibility where SMPQueueUri
-- could have more fields to convert to different versions of SMPQueueInfo in a different way,
-- and this instance would become non-trivial.
instance VersionI SMPQueueInfo where
type VersionRangeT SMPQueueInfo = SMPQueueUri
version = clientVersion
toVersionRangeT SMPQueueInfo {smpServer, senderId, dhPublicKey} vr =
SMPQueueUri {clientVRange = vr, smpServer, senderId, dhPublicKey}
instance VersionRangeI SMPQueueUri where
type VersionT SMPQueueUri = SMPQueueInfo
versionRange = clientVRange
toVersionT SMPQueueUri {smpServer, senderId, dhPublicKey} v =
SMPQueueInfo {clientVersion = v, smpServer, senderId, dhPublicKey}
-- | SMP queue information sent out-of-band.
data SMPQueueUri = SMPQueueUri
{ smpServer :: SMPServer,
senderId :: SMP.SenderId,
clientVRange :: VersionRange,
dhPublicKey :: C.PublicKeyX25519
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance StrEncoding SMPQueueUri where
-- v1 uses short SMP queue URI format
strEncode SMPQueueUri {smpServer = srv, senderId = qId, clientVRange = _vr, dhPublicKey = k} =
strEncode srv <> "/" <> strEncode qId <> "#" <> strEncode k
strP = do
smpServer <- strP <* A.char '/'
senderId <- strP <* optional (A.char '/') <* A.char '#'
(vr, dhPublicKey) <- unversioned <|> versioned
pure SMPQueueUri {smpServer, senderId, clientVRange = vr, dhPublicKey}
unversioned = (SMP.smpClientVRange,) <$> strP <* A.endOfInput
versioned = do
dhKey_ <- optional strP
query <- optional (A.char '/') *> A.char '?' *> strP
vr <- queryParam "v" query
dhKey <- maybe (queryParam "dh" query) pure dhKey_
pure (vr, dhKey)
data ConnectionRequestUri (m :: ConnectionMode) where
CRInvitationUri :: ConnReqUriData -> E2ERatchetParamsUri 'C.X448 -> ConnectionRequestUri CMInvitation
-- contact connection request does NOT contain E2E encryption parameters -
-- they are passed in AgentInvitation message
CRContactUri :: ConnReqUriData -> ConnectionRequestUri CMContact
deriving instance Eq (ConnectionRequestUri m)
deriving instance Show (ConnectionRequestUri m)
data AConnectionRequestUri = forall m. ConnectionModeI m => ACR (SConnectionMode m) (ConnectionRequestUri m)
instance Eq AConnectionRequestUri where
ACR m cr == ACR m' cr' = case testEquality m m' of
Just Refl -> cr == cr'
_ -> False
deriving instance Show AConnectionRequestUri
data ConnReqUriData = ConnReqUriData
{ crScheme :: ConnReqScheme,
crAgentVRange :: VersionRange,
crSmpQueues :: L.NonEmpty SMPQueueUri
deriving (Eq, Show)
data ConnReqScheme = CRSSimplex | CRSAppServer SrvLoc
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance StrEncoding ConnReqScheme where
strEncode = \case
CRSSimplex -> "simplex:"
CRSAppServer srv -> "https://" <> strEncode srv
strP =
"simplex:" $> CRSSimplex
<|> "https://" *> (CRSAppServer <$> strP)
simplexChat :: ConnReqScheme
simplexChat = CRSAppServer $ SrvLoc "" ""
-- | SMP queue status.
data QueueStatus
= -- | queue is created
| -- | queue is confirmed by the sender
| -- | queue is secured with sender key (only used by the queue recipient)
| -- | queue is active
| -- | queue is disabled (only used by the queue recipient)
2021-01-04 20:25:02 +00:00
deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
serializeQueueStatus :: QueueStatus -> Text
serializeQueueStatus = \case
New -> "new"
Confirmed -> "confirmed"
Secured -> "secured"
Active -> "active"
Disabled -> "disabled"
queueStatusT :: Text -> Maybe QueueStatus
queueStatusT = \case
"new" -> Just New
"confirmed" -> Just Confirmed
"secured" -> Just Secured
"active" -> Just Active
"disabled" -> Just Disabled
_ -> Nothing
type AgentMsgId = Int64
-- | Result of received message integrity validation.
data MsgIntegrity = MsgOk | MsgError {errorInfo :: MsgErrorType}
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance StrEncoding MsgIntegrity where
strP = "OK" $> MsgOk <|> "ERR " *> (MsgError <$> strP)
strEncode = \case
MsgOk -> "OK"
MsgError e -> "ERR" <> strEncode e
instance ToJSON MsgIntegrity where
toJSON = J.genericToJSON $ sumTypeJSON fstToLower
toEncoding = J.genericToEncoding $ sumTypeJSON fstToLower
instance FromJSON MsgIntegrity where
parseJSON = J.genericParseJSON $ sumTypeJSON fstToLower
-- | Error of message integrity validation.
data MsgErrorType
= MsgSkipped {fromMsgId :: AgentMsgId, toMsgId :: AgentMsgId}
| MsgBadId {msgId :: AgentMsgId}
| MsgBadHash
| MsgDuplicate
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance StrEncoding MsgErrorType where
strP =
"ID " *> (MsgBadId <$> A.decimal)
<|> "IDS " *> (MsgSkipped <$> A.decimal <* <*> A.decimal)
<|> "HASH" $> MsgBadHash
<|> "DUPLICATE" $> MsgDuplicate
strEncode = \case
MsgSkipped fromMsgId toMsgId ->
B.unwords ["NO_ID", bshow fromMsgId, bshow toMsgId]
MsgBadId aMsgId -> "ID " <> bshow aMsgId
MsgBadHash -> "HASH"
MsgDuplicate -> "DUPLICATE"
instance ToJSON MsgErrorType where
toJSON = J.genericToJSON $ sumTypeJSON fstToLower
toEncoding = J.genericToEncoding $ sumTypeJSON fstToLower
instance FromJSON MsgErrorType where
parseJSON = J.genericParseJSON $ sumTypeJSON fstToLower
-- | Error type used in errors sent to agent clients.
data AgentErrorType
= -- | command or response error
CMD {cmdErr :: CommandErrorType}
| -- | connection errors
CONN {connErr :: ConnectionErrorType}
| -- | SMP protocol errors forwarded to agent clients
SMP {smpErr :: ErrorType}
| -- | NTF protocol errors forwarded to agent clients
NTF {ntfErr :: ErrorType}
| -- | SMP server errors
BROKER {brokerErr :: BrokerErrorType}
| -- | errors of other agents
AGENT {agentErr :: SMPAgentError}
| -- | agent implementation or dependency errors
INTERNAL {internalErr :: String}
deriving (Eq, Generic, Read, Show, Exception)
instance ToJSON AgentErrorType where
toJSON = J.genericToJSON $ sumTypeJSON id
toEncoding = J.genericToEncoding $ sumTypeJSON id
-- | SMP agent protocol command or response error.
data CommandErrorType
= -- | command is prohibited in this context
| -- | command syntax is invalid
| -- | entity ID is required with this command
| -- | message size is not correct (no terminating space)
| -- | message does not fit in SMP block
deriving (Eq, Generic, Read, Show, Exception)
instance ToJSON CommandErrorType where
toJSON = J.genericToJSON $ sumTypeJSON id
toEncoding = J.genericToEncoding $ sumTypeJSON id
-- | Connection error.
data ConnectionErrorType
= -- | connection is not in the database
| -- | connection already exists
| -- | connection is simplex, but operation requires another queue
| -- | connection not accepted on join HELLO after timeout
| -- | connection not available on reply confirmation/HELLO after timeout
deriving (Eq, Generic, Read, Show, Exception)
instance ToJSON ConnectionErrorType where
toJSON = J.genericToJSON $ sumTypeJSON id
toEncoding = J.genericToEncoding $ sumTypeJSON id
-- | SMP server errors.
data BrokerErrorType
= -- | invalid server response (failed to parse)
RESPONSE {smpErr :: ErrorType}
| -- | unexpected response
| -- | network error
| -- | handshake or other transport error
TRANSPORT {transportErr :: TransportError}
| -- | command response timeout
deriving (Eq, Generic, Read, Show, Exception)
instance ToJSON BrokerErrorType where
toJSON = J.genericToJSON $ sumTypeJSON id
toEncoding = J.genericToEncoding $ sumTypeJSON id
-- | Errors of another SMP agent.
-- TODO encode/decode without A prefix
data SMPAgentError
= -- | client or agent message that failed to parse
| -- | prohibited SMP/agent message
| -- | incompatible version of SMP client, agent or encryption protocols
| -- | cannot decrypt message
deriving (Eq, Generic, Read, Show, Exception)
instance ToJSON SMPAgentError where
toJSON = J.genericToJSON $ sumTypeJSON id
toEncoding = J.genericToEncoding $ sumTypeJSON id
instance StrEncoding AgentErrorType where
strP =
"CMD " *> (CMD <$> parseRead1)
<|> "CONN " *> (CONN <$> parseRead1)
<|> "SMP " *> (SMP <$> strP)
<|> "NTF " *> (NTF <$> strP)
<|> "BROKER TRANSPORT " *> (BROKER . TRANSPORT <$> transportErrorP)
<|> "BROKER " *> (BROKER <$> parseRead1)
<|> "AGENT " *> (AGENT <$> parseRead1)
<|> "INTERNAL " *> (INTERNAL <$> parseRead A.takeByteString)
strEncode = \case
CMD e -> "CMD " <> bshow e
CONN e -> "CONN " <> bshow e
SMP e -> "SMP " <> strEncode e
NTF e -> "NTF " <> strEncode e
BROKER (TRANSPORT e) -> "BROKER TRANSPORT " <> serializeTransportError e
BROKER e -> "BROKER " <> bshow e
AGENT e -> "AGENT " <> bshow e
INTERNAL e -> "INTERNAL " <> bshow e
instance Arbitrary AgentErrorType where arbitrary = genericArbitraryU
instance Arbitrary CommandErrorType where arbitrary = genericArbitraryU
instance Arbitrary ConnectionErrorType where arbitrary = genericArbitraryU
instance Arbitrary BrokerErrorType where arbitrary = genericArbitraryU
instance Arbitrary SMPAgentError where arbitrary = genericArbitraryU
-- | SMP agent command and response parser
commandP :: Parser ACmd
commandP =
"NEW " *> newCmd
<|> "INV " *> invResp
<|> "JOIN " *> joinCmd
<|> "CONF " *> confMsg
<|> "LET " *> letCmd
<|> "REQ " *> reqMsg
<|> "ACPT " *> acptCmd
<|> "RJCT " *> rjctCmd
<|> "INFO " *> infoCmd
<|> "SUB" $> ACmd SClient SUB
<|> "END" $> ACmd SAgent END
<|> "DOWN " *> downsResp
<|> "UP " *> upsResp
<|> "SEND " *> sendCmd
<|> "MID " *> msgIdResp
<|> "SENT " *> sentResp
<|> "MERR " *> msgErrResp
<|> "MSG " *> message
<|> "ACK " *> ackCmd
<|> "OFF" $> ACmd SClient OFF
<|> "DEL" $> ACmd SClient DEL
<|> "ERR " *> agentError
<|> "CON" $> ACmd SAgent CON
<|> "OK" $> ACmd SAgent OK
newCmd = ACmd SClient . NEW <$> strP
invResp = ACmd SAgent . INV <$> strP
joinCmd = ACmd SClient .: JOIN <$> strP_ <*> A.takeByteString
confMsg = ACmd SAgent .: CONF <$> A.takeTill (== ' ') <* <*> A.takeByteString
letCmd = ACmd SClient .: LET <$> A.takeTill (== ' ') <* <*> A.takeByteString
reqMsg = ACmd SAgent .: REQ <$> A.takeTill (== ' ') <* <*> A.takeByteString
acptCmd = ACmd SClient .: ACPT <$> A.takeTill (== ' ') <* <*> A.takeByteString
rjctCmd = ACmd SClient . RJCT <$> A.takeByteString
infoCmd = ACmd SAgent . INFO <$> A.takeByteString
downsResp = ACmd SAgent .: DOWN <$> strP_ <*> connections
upsResp = ACmd SAgent .: UP <$> strP_ <*> connections
sendCmd = ACmd SClient .: SEND <$> smpP <* <*> A.takeByteString
msgIdResp = ACmd SAgent . MID <$> A.decimal
sentResp = ACmd SAgent . SENT <$> A.decimal
msgErrResp = ACmd SAgent .: MERR <$> A.decimal <* <*> strP
message = ACmd SAgent .:. MSG <$> msgMetaP <* <*> smpP <* <*> A.takeByteString
ackCmd = ACmd SClient . ACK <$> A.decimal
connections = strP `A.sepBy'` (A.char ',')
msgMetaP = do
integrity <- strP
recipient <- " R=" *> partyMeta A.decimal
broker <- " B=" *> partyMeta base64P
sndMsgId <- " S=" *> A.decimal
pure MsgMeta {integrity, recipient, broker, sndMsgId}
partyMeta idParser = (,) <$> idParser <* A.char ',' <*> tsISO8601P
agentError = ACmd SAgent . ERR <$> strP
parseCommand :: ByteString -> Either AgentErrorType ACmd
parseCommand = parse commandP $ CMD SYNTAX
-- | Serialize SMP agent command.
serializeCommand :: ACommand p -> ByteString
serializeCommand = \case
NEW cMode -> "NEW " <> strEncode cMode
INV cReq -> "INV " <> strEncode cReq
JOIN cReq cInfo -> B.unwords ["JOIN", strEncode cReq, serializeBinary cInfo]
CONF confId cInfo -> B.unwords ["CONF", confId, serializeBinary cInfo]
LET confId cInfo -> B.unwords ["LET", confId, serializeBinary cInfo]
REQ invId cInfo -> B.unwords ["REQ", invId, serializeBinary cInfo]
ACPT invId cInfo -> B.unwords ["ACPT", invId, serializeBinary cInfo]
RJCT invId -> "RJCT " <> invId
INFO cInfo -> "INFO " <> serializeBinary cInfo
SUB -> "SUB"
END -> "END"
DOWN srv conns -> B.unwords ["DOWN", strEncode srv, connections conns]
UP srv conns -> B.unwords ["UP", strEncode srv, connections conns]
SEND msgFlags msgBody -> "SEND " <> smpEncode msgFlags <> " " <> serializeBinary msgBody
MID mId -> "MID " <> bshow mId
SENT mId -> "SENT " <> bshow mId
MERR mId e -> B.unwords ["MERR", bshow mId, strEncode e]
MSG msgMeta msgFlags msgBody -> B.unwords ["MSG", serializeMsgMeta msgMeta, smpEncode msgFlags, serializeBinary msgBody]
ACK mId -> "ACK " <> bshow mId
OFF -> "OFF"
DEL -> "DEL"
CON -> "CON"
ERR e -> "ERR " <> strEncode e
OK -> "OK"
showTs :: UTCTime -> ByteString
showTs = B.pack . formatISO8601Millis
connections :: [ConnId] -> ByteString
connections = B.intercalate "," . map strEncode
serializeMsgMeta :: MsgMeta -> ByteString
serializeMsgMeta MsgMeta {integrity, recipient = (rmId, rTs), broker = (bmId, bTs), sndMsgId} =
[ strEncode integrity,
"R=" <> bshow rmId <> "," <> showTs rTs,
"B=" <> encode bmId <> "," <> showTs bTs,
"S=" <> bshow sndMsgId
serializeBinary :: ByteString -> ByteString
serializeBinary body = bshow (B.length body) <> "\n" <> body
-- | Send raw (unparsed) SMP agent protocol transmission to TCP connection.
tPutRaw :: Transport c => c -> ARawTransmission -> IO ()
tPutRaw h (corrId, entity, command) = do
2020-12-28 20:42:38 +00:00
putLn h corrId
putLn h entity
2020-12-28 20:42:38 +00:00
putLn h command
-- | Receive raw (unparsed) SMP agent protocol transmission from TCP connection.
tGetRaw :: Transport c => c -> IO ARawTransmission
tGetRaw h = (,,) <$> getLn h <*> getLn h <*> getLn h
2020-12-28 20:42:38 +00:00
-- | Send SMP agent protocol command (or response) to TCP connection.
tPut :: (Transport c, MonadIO m) => c -> ATransmission p -> m ()
tPut h (corrId, connId, command) =
liftIO $ tPutRaw h (corrId, connId, serializeCommand command)
2020-12-28 20:42:38 +00:00
-- | Receive client and agent transmissions from TCP connection.
tGet :: forall c m p. (Transport c, MonadIO m) => SAParty p -> c -> m (ATransmissionOrError p)
tGet party h = liftIO (tGetRaw h) >>= tParseLoadBody
tParseLoadBody :: ARawTransmission -> m (ATransmissionOrError p)
tParseLoadBody t@(corrId, connId, command) = do
let cmd = parseCommand command >>= fromParty >>= tConnId t
fullCmd <- either (return . Left) cmdWithMsgBody cmd
return (corrId, connId, fullCmd)
fromParty :: ACmd -> Either AgentErrorType (ACommand p)
fromParty (ACmd (p :: p1) cmd) = case testEquality party p of
Just Refl -> Right cmd
tConnId :: ARawTransmission -> ACommand p -> Either AgentErrorType (ACommand p)
tConnId (_, connId, _) cmd = case cmd of
-- NEW, JOIN and ACPT have optional connId
NEW _ -> Right cmd
JOIN {} -> Right cmd
ACPT {} -> Right cmd
-- ERROR response does not always have connId
ERR _ -> Right cmd
DOWN {} -> Right cmd
UP {} -> Right cmd
-- other responses must have connId
| B.null connId -> Left $ CMD NO_CONN
| otherwise -> Right cmd
cmdWithMsgBody :: ACommand p -> m (Either AgentErrorType (ACommand p))
cmdWithMsgBody = \case
SEND msgFlags body -> SEND msgFlags <$$> getBody body
MSG msgMeta msgFlags body -> MSG msgMeta msgFlags <$$> getBody body
JOIN qUri cInfo -> JOIN qUri <$$> getBody cInfo
CONF confId cInfo -> CONF confId <$$> getBody cInfo
LET confId cInfo -> LET confId <$$> getBody cInfo
REQ invId cInfo -> REQ invId <$$> getBody cInfo
ACPT invId cInfo -> ACPT invId <$$> getBody cInfo
INFO cInfo -> INFO <$$> getBody cInfo
cmd -> pure $ Right cmd
getBody :: ByteString -> m (Either AgentErrorType ByteString)
getBody binary =
case B.unpack binary of
':' : body -> return . Right $ B.pack body
str -> case readMaybe str :: Maybe Int of
Just size -> liftIO $ do
body <- cGet h size
s <- getLn h
return $ if B.null s then Right body else Left $ CMD SIZE
Nothing -> return . Left $ CMD SYNTAX