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{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NumericUnderscores #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
-- |
-- Module : Simplex.Messaging.Client
-- Copyright : (c)
-- License : AGPL-3
-- Maintainer :
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable
-- This module provides a functional client API for SMP protocol.
-- See
module Simplex.Messaging.Client
( -- * Connect (disconnect) client to (from) SMP server
ProtocolClient (thVersion, sessionId, transportHost),
-- * SMP protocol command functions
-- * Supporting types and client configuration
ProtocolClientError (..),
ProtocolClientConfig (..),
NetworkConfig (..),
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (..), ToJSON (..))
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.Either (rights)
import Data.Functor (($>))
import Data.List (find)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as L
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Network.Socket (ServiceName)
import Numeric.Natural
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Crypto as C
import Simplex.Messaging.Parsers (dropPrefix, enumJSON)
import Simplex.Messaging.Protocol as SMP
import Simplex.Messaging.TMap (TMap)
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.TMap as TM
import Simplex.Messaging.Transport
import Simplex.Messaging.Transport.Client (SocksProxy, TransportHost (..), runTransportClient)
import Simplex.Messaging.Transport.KeepAlive
import Simplex.Messaging.Transport.WebSockets (WS)
import Simplex.Messaging.Util (bshow, liftError, raceAny_)
import Simplex.Messaging.Version
import System.Timeout (timeout)
-- | 'SMPClient' is a handle used to send commands to a specific SMP server.
-- Use 'getSMPClient' to connect to an SMP server and create a client handle.
data ProtocolClient msg = ProtocolClient
{ action :: Async (),
connected :: TVar Bool,
sessionId :: SessionId,
thVersion :: Version,
protocolServer :: ProtoServer msg,
transportHost :: TransportHost,
tcpTimeout :: Int,
clientCorrId :: TVar Natural,
sentCommands :: TMap CorrId (Request msg),
sndQ :: TBQueue (NonEmpty (SentRawTransmission)),
rcvQ :: TBQueue (NonEmpty (SignedTransmission msg)),
msgQ :: Maybe (TBQueue (ServerTransmission msg))
type SMPClient = ProtocolClient SMP.BrokerMsg
-- | Type for client command data
type ClientCommand msg = (Maybe C.APrivateSignKey, QueueId, ProtoCommand msg)
-- | Type synonym for transmission from some SPM server queue.
type ServerTransmission msg = (ProtoServer msg, Version, SessionId, QueueId, msg)
data HostMode
= -- | prefer (or require) onion hosts when connecting via SOCKS proxy
| -- | prefer (or require) onion hosts
| -- | prefer (or require) public hosts
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance FromJSON HostMode where
parseJSON = J.genericParseJSON . enumJSON $ dropPrefix "HM"
instance ToJSON HostMode where
toJSON = J.genericToJSON . enumJSON $ dropPrefix "HM"
toEncoding = J.genericToEncoding . enumJSON $ dropPrefix "HM"
-- | network configuration for the client
data NetworkConfig = NetworkConfig
{ -- | use SOCKS5 proxy
socksProxy :: Maybe SocksProxy,
-- | determines critera which host is chosen from the list
hostMode :: HostMode,
-- | if above criteria is not met, if the below setting is True return error, otherwise use the first host
requiredHostMode :: Bool,
-- | timeout for the initial client TCP/TLS connection (microseconds)
tcpConnectTimeout :: Int,
-- | timeout of protocol commands (microseconds)
tcpTimeout :: Int,
-- | TCP keep-alive options, Nothing to skip enabling keep-alive
tcpKeepAlive :: Maybe KeepAliveOpts,
-- | period for SMP ping commands (microseconds)
smpPingInterval :: Int
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, FromJSON)
instance ToJSON NetworkConfig where
toJSON = J.genericToJSON J.defaultOptions {J.omitNothingFields = True}
toEncoding = J.genericToEncoding J.defaultOptions {J.omitNothingFields = True}
defaultNetworkConfig :: NetworkConfig
defaultNetworkConfig =
{ socksProxy = Nothing,
hostMode = HMOnionViaSocks,
requiredHostMode = False,
tcpConnectTimeout = 7_500_000,
tcpTimeout = 5_000_000,
tcpKeepAlive = Just defaultKeepAliveOpts,
smpPingInterval = 600_000_000 -- 10min
-- | protocol client configuration.
data ProtocolClientConfig = ProtocolClientConfig
{ -- | size of TBQueue to use for server commands and responses
qSize :: Natural,
-- | default server port if port is not specified in ProtocolServer
defaultTransport :: (ServiceName, ATransport),
-- | network configuration
networkConfig :: NetworkConfig,
-- | SMP client-server protocol version range
smpServerVRange :: VersionRange
-- | Default protocol client configuration.
defaultClientConfig :: ProtocolClientConfig
defaultClientConfig =
{ qSize = 64,
defaultTransport = ("443", transport @TLS),
networkConfig = defaultNetworkConfig,
smpServerVRange = supportedSMPServerVRange
data Request msg = Request
{ queueId :: QueueId,
responseVar :: TMVar (Response msg)
type Response msg = Either ProtocolClientError msg
chooseTransportHost :: NetworkConfig -> NonEmpty TransportHost -> Either ProtocolClientError TransportHost
chooseTransportHost NetworkConfig {socksProxy, hostMode, requiredHostMode} hosts =
firstOrError $ case hostMode of
HMOnionViaSocks -> maybe publicHost (const onionHost) socksProxy
HMOnion -> onionHost
HMPublic -> publicHost
| requiredHostMode = maybe (Left PCEIncompatibleHost) Right
| otherwise = Right . fromMaybe (L.head hosts)
isOnionHost = \case THOnionHost _ -> True; _ -> False
onionHost = find isOnionHost hosts
publicHost = find (not . isOnionHost) hosts
-- | Connects to 'ProtocolServer' using passed client configuration
-- and queue for messages and notifications.
-- A single queue can be used for multiple 'SMPClient' instances,
-- as 'SMPServerTransmission' includes server information.
getProtocolClient :: forall msg. Protocol msg => ProtoServer msg -> ProtocolClientConfig -> Maybe (TBQueue (ServerTransmission msg)) -> (ProtocolClient msg -> IO ()) -> IO (Either ProtocolClientError (ProtocolClient msg))
getProtocolClient protocolServer cfg@ProtocolClientConfig {qSize, networkConfig, smpServerVRange} msgQ disconnected = do
case chooseTransportHost networkConfig (host protocolServer) of
Right useHost ->
(atomically (mkProtocolClient useHost) >>= runClient useTransport useHost)
`catch` \(e :: IOException) -> pure . Left $ PCEIOError e
Left e -> pure $ Left e
NetworkConfig {tcpConnectTimeout, tcpTimeout, tcpKeepAlive, socksProxy, smpPingInterval} = networkConfig
mkProtocolClient :: TransportHost -> STM (ProtocolClient msg)
mkProtocolClient transportHost = do
connected <- newTVar False
clientCorrId <- newTVar 0
sentCommands <- TM.empty
sndQ <- newTBQueue qSize
rcvQ <- newTBQueue qSize
{ action = undefined,
sessionId = undefined,
thVersion = undefined,
runClient :: (ServiceName, ATransport) -> TransportHost -> ProtocolClient msg -> IO (Either ProtocolClientError (ProtocolClient msg))
runClient (port', ATransport t) useHost c = do
thVar <- newEmptyTMVarIO
action <-
async $
runTransportClient socksProxy useHost port' (Just $ keyHash protocolServer) tcpKeepAlive (client t c thVar)
`finally` atomically (putTMVar thVar $ Left PCENetworkError)
th_ <- tcpConnectTimeout `timeout` atomically (takeTMVar thVar)
pure $ case th_ of
Just (Right THandle {sessionId, thVersion}) -> Right c {action, sessionId, thVersion}
Just (Left e) -> Left e
Nothing -> Left PCENetworkError
useTransport :: (ServiceName, ATransport)
useTransport = case port protocolServer of
"" -> defaultTransport cfg
"80" -> ("80", transport @WS)
p -> (p, transport @TLS)
client :: forall c. Transport c => TProxy c -> ProtocolClient msg -> TMVar (Either ProtocolClientError (THandle c)) -> c -> IO ()
client _ c thVar h =
runExceptT (protocolClientHandshake @msg h (keyHash protocolServer) smpServerVRange) >>= \case
Left e -> atomically . putTMVar thVar . Left $ PCETransportError e
Right th@THandle {sessionId, thVersion} -> do
atomically $ do
writeTVar (connected c) True
putTMVar thVar $ Right th
let c' = c {sessionId, thVersion} :: ProtocolClient msg
-- TODO remove ping if 0 is passed (or Nothing?)
raceAny_ [send c' th, process c', receive c' th, ping c']
`finally` disconnected c'
send :: Transport c => ProtocolClient msg -> THandle c -> IO ()
send ProtocolClient {sndQ} h = forever $ atomically (readTBQueue sndQ) >>= tPut h
receive :: Transport c => ProtocolClient msg -> THandle c -> IO ()
receive ProtocolClient {rcvQ} h = forever $ tGet h >>= atomically . writeTBQueue rcvQ
ping :: ProtocolClient msg -> IO ()
ping c = forever $ do
threadDelay smpPingInterval
runExceptT $ sendProtocolCommand c Nothing "" protocolPing
process :: ProtocolClient msg -> IO ()
process c = forever $ atomically (readTBQueue $ rcvQ c) >>= mapM_ (processMsg c)
processMsg :: ProtocolClient msg -> SignedTransmission msg -> IO ()
processMsg c@ProtocolClient {sentCommands} (_, _, (corrId, qId, respOrErr)) =
if B.null $ bs corrId
then sendMsg respOrErr
else do
atomically (TM.lookup corrId sentCommands) >>= \case
Nothing -> sendMsg respOrErr
Just Request {queueId, responseVar} -> atomically $ do
TM.delete corrId sentCommands
putTMVar responseVar $
if queueId == qId
then case respOrErr of
Left e -> Left $ PCEResponseError e
Right r -> case protocolError r of
Just e -> Left $ PCEProtocolError e
_ -> Right r
else Left . PCEUnexpectedResponse $ bshow respOrErr
sendMsg :: Either ErrorType msg -> IO ()
sendMsg = \case
Right msg -> atomically $ mapM_ (`writeTBQueue` serverTransmission c qId msg) msgQ
-- TODO send everything else to errQ and log in agent
_ -> return ()
-- | Disconnects client from the server and terminates client threads.
closeProtocolClient :: ProtocolClient msg -> IO ()
closeProtocolClient = uninterruptibleCancel . action
-- | SMP client error type.
data ProtocolClientError
= -- | Correctly parsed SMP server ERR response.
-- This error is forwarded to the agent client as `ERR SMP err`.
PCEProtocolError ErrorType
| -- | Invalid server response that failed to parse.
-- Forwarded to the agent client as `ERR BROKER RESPONSE`.
PCEResponseError ErrorType
| -- | Different response from what is expected to a certain SMP command,
-- e.g. server should respond `IDS` or `ERR` to `NEW` command,
-- other responses would result in this error.
-- Forwarded to the agent client as `ERR BROKER UNEXPECTED`.
PCEUnexpectedResponse ByteString
| -- | Used for TCP connection and command response timeouts.
-- Forwarded to the agent client as `ERR BROKER TIMEOUT`.
| -- | Failure to establish TCP connection.
-- Forwarded to the agent client as `ERR BROKER NETWORK`.
| -- | No host compatible with network configuration
| -- | TCP transport handshake or some other transport error.
-- Forwarded to the agent client as `ERR BROKER TRANSPORT e`.
PCETransportError TransportError
| -- | Error when cryptographically "signing" the command.
PCESignatureError C.CryptoError
| -- | IO Error
PCEIOError IOException
deriving (Eq, Show, Exception)
-- | Create a new SMP queue.
createSMPQueue ::
SMPClient ->
RcvPrivateSignKey ->
RcvPublicVerifyKey ->
RcvPublicDhKey ->
ExceptT ProtocolClientError IO QueueIdsKeys
createSMPQueue c rpKey rKey dhKey =
sendSMPCommand c (Just rpKey) "" (NEW rKey dhKey) >>= \case
IDS qik -> pure qik
r -> throwE . PCEUnexpectedResponse $ bshow r
-- | Subscribe to the SMP queue.
subscribeSMPQueue :: SMPClient -> RcvPrivateSignKey -> RecipientId -> ExceptT ProtocolClientError IO ()
subscribeSMPQueue c rpKey rId =
sendSMPCommand c (Just rpKey) rId SUB >>= \case
OK -> return ()
cmd@MSG {} -> liftIO $ writeSMPMessage c rId cmd
r -> throwE . PCEUnexpectedResponse $ bshow r
-- | Subscribe to multiple SMP queues batching commands if supported.
subscribeSMPQueues :: SMPClient -> NonEmpty (RcvPrivateSignKey, RecipientId) -> IO (NonEmpty (Either ProtocolClientError ()))
subscribeSMPQueues c qs = sendProtocolCommands c cs >>= mapM response . qs
cs = (\(rpKey, rId) -> (Just rpKey, rId, Cmd SRecipient SUB)) qs
response ((_, rId), r) = case r of
Right OK -> pure $ Right ()
Right cmd@MSG {} -> writeSMPMessage c rId cmd $> Right ()
Right r' -> pure . Left . PCEUnexpectedResponse $ bshow r'
Left e -> pure $ Left e
writeSMPMessage :: SMPClient -> RecipientId -> BrokerMsg -> IO ()
writeSMPMessage c rId msg = atomically $ mapM_ (`writeTBQueue` serverTransmission c rId msg) (msgQ c)
serverTransmission :: ProtocolClient msg -> RecipientId -> msg -> ServerTransmission msg
serverTransmission ProtocolClient {protocolServer, thVersion, sessionId} entityId message =
(protocolServer, thVersion, sessionId, entityId, message)
-- | Get message from SMP queue. The server returns ERR PROHIBITED if a client uses SUB and GET via the same transport connection for the same queue
-- https://github.covm/simplex-chat/simplexmq/blob/master/protocol/
getSMPMessage :: SMPClient -> RcvPrivateSignKey -> RecipientId -> ExceptT ProtocolClientError IO (Maybe RcvMessage)
getSMPMessage c rpKey rId =
sendSMPCommand c (Just rpKey) rId GET >>= \case
OK -> pure Nothing
cmd@(MSG msg) -> liftIO (writeSMPMessage c rId cmd) $> Just msg
r -> throwE . PCEUnexpectedResponse $ bshow r
-- | Subscribe to the SMP queue notifications.
subscribeSMPQueueNotifications :: SMPClient -> NtfPrivateSignKey -> NotifierId -> ExceptT ProtocolClientError IO ()
subscribeSMPQueueNotifications = okSMPCommand NSUB
-- | Secure the SMP queue by adding a sender public key.
secureSMPQueue :: SMPClient -> RcvPrivateSignKey -> RecipientId -> SndPublicVerifyKey -> ExceptT ProtocolClientError IO ()
secureSMPQueue c rpKey rId senderKey = okSMPCommand (KEY senderKey) c rpKey rId
-- | Enable notifications for the queue for push notifications server.
enableSMPQueueNotifications :: SMPClient -> RcvPrivateSignKey -> RecipientId -> NtfPublicVerifyKey -> RcvNtfPublicDhKey -> ExceptT ProtocolClientError IO (NotifierId, RcvNtfPublicDhKey)
enableSMPQueueNotifications c rpKey rId notifierKey rcvNtfPublicDhKey =
sendSMPCommand c (Just rpKey) rId (NKEY notifierKey rcvNtfPublicDhKey) >>= \case
NID nId rcvNtfSrvPublicDhKey -> pure (nId, rcvNtfSrvPublicDhKey)
r -> throwE . PCEUnexpectedResponse $ bshow r
-- | Enable notifications for the multiple queues for push notifications server.
enableSMPQueuesNtfs :: SMPClient -> NonEmpty (RcvPrivateSignKey, RecipientId, NtfPublicVerifyKey, RcvNtfPublicDhKey) -> IO (NonEmpty (Either ProtocolClientError (NotifierId, RcvNtfPublicDhKey)))
enableSMPQueuesNtfs c qs = response <$> sendProtocolCommands c cs
cs = (\(rpKey, rId, notifierKey, rcvNtfPublicDhKey) -> (Just rpKey, rId, Cmd SRecipient $ NKEY notifierKey rcvNtfPublicDhKey)) qs
response = \case
Right (NID nId rcvNtfSrvPublicDhKey) -> Right (nId, rcvNtfSrvPublicDhKey)
Right r -> Left . PCEUnexpectedResponse $ bshow r
Left e -> Left e
-- | Disable notifications for the queue for push notifications server.
disableSMPQueueNotifications :: SMPClient -> RcvPrivateSignKey -> RecipientId -> ExceptT ProtocolClientError IO ()
disableSMPQueueNotifications = okSMPCommand NDEL
-- | Disable notifications for multiple queues for push notifications server.
disableSMPQueuesNtfs :: SMPClient -> NonEmpty (RcvPrivateSignKey, RecipientId) -> IO (NonEmpty (Either ProtocolClientError ()))
disableSMPQueuesNtfs c qs = response <$> sendProtocolCommands c cs
cs = (\(rpKey, rId) -> (Just rpKey, rId, Cmd SRecipient NDEL)) qs
response = \case
Right OK -> Right ()
Right r -> Left . PCEUnexpectedResponse $ bshow r
Left e -> Left e
-- | Send SMP message.
sendSMPMessage :: SMPClient -> Maybe SndPrivateSignKey -> SenderId -> MsgFlags -> MsgBody -> ExceptT ProtocolClientError IO ()
sendSMPMessage c spKey sId flags msg =
sendSMPCommand c spKey sId (SEND flags msg) >>= \case
OK -> pure ()
r -> throwE . PCEUnexpectedResponse $ bshow r
-- | Acknowledge message delivery (server deletes the message).
ackSMPMessage :: SMPClient -> RcvPrivateSignKey -> QueueId -> MsgId -> ExceptT ProtocolClientError IO ()
ackSMPMessage c rpKey rId msgId =
sendSMPCommand c (Just rpKey) rId (ACK msgId) >>= \case
OK -> return ()
cmd@MSG {} -> liftIO $ writeSMPMessage c rId cmd
r -> throwE . PCEUnexpectedResponse $ bshow r
-- | Irreversibly suspend SMP queue.
-- The existing messages from the queue will still be delivered.
suspendSMPQueue :: SMPClient -> RcvPrivateSignKey -> QueueId -> ExceptT ProtocolClientError IO ()
suspendSMPQueue = okSMPCommand OFF
-- | Irreversibly delete SMP queue and all messages in it.
deleteSMPQueue :: SMPClient -> RcvPrivateSignKey -> QueueId -> ExceptT ProtocolClientError IO ()
deleteSMPQueue = okSMPCommand DEL
okSMPCommand :: PartyI p => Command p -> SMPClient -> C.APrivateSignKey -> QueueId -> ExceptT ProtocolClientError IO ()
okSMPCommand cmd c pKey qId =
sendSMPCommand c (Just pKey) qId cmd >>= \case
OK -> return ()
r -> throwE . PCEUnexpectedResponse $ bshow r
-- | Send SMP command
sendSMPCommand :: PartyI p => SMPClient -> Maybe C.APrivateSignKey -> QueueId -> Command p -> ExceptT ProtocolClientError IO BrokerMsg
sendSMPCommand c pKey qId cmd = sendProtocolCommand c pKey qId (Cmd sParty cmd)
-- | Send multiple commands with batching and collect responses
sendProtocolCommands :: forall msg. ProtocolEncoding (ProtoCommand msg) => ProtocolClient msg -> NonEmpty (ClientCommand msg) -> IO (NonEmpty (Either ProtocolClientError msg))
sendProtocolCommands c@ProtocolClient {sndQ, tcpTimeout} cs = do
ts <- mapM (runExceptT . mkTransmission c) cs
mapM_ (atomically . writeTBQueue sndQ . fst) . L.nonEmpty . rights $ L.toList ts
forConcurrently ts $ \case
Right (_, r) -> withTimeout . atomically $ takeTMVar r
Left e -> pure $ Left e
withTimeout a = fromMaybe (Left PCEResponseTimeout) <$> timeout tcpTimeout a
-- | Send Protocol command
sendProtocolCommand :: forall msg. ProtocolEncoding (ProtoCommand msg) => ProtocolClient msg -> Maybe C.APrivateSignKey -> QueueId -> ProtoCommand msg -> ExceptT ProtocolClientError IO msg
sendProtocolCommand c@ProtocolClient {sndQ, tcpTimeout} pKey qId cmd = do
(t, r) <- mkTransmission c (pKey, qId, cmd)
ExceptT $ sendRecv t r
-- two separate "atomically" needed to avoid blocking
sendRecv :: SentRawTransmission -> TMVar (Response msg) -> IO (Response msg)
sendRecv t r = atomically (writeTBQueue sndQ [t]) >> withTimeout (atomically $ takeTMVar r)
withTimeout a = fromMaybe (Left PCEResponseTimeout) <$> timeout tcpTimeout a
mkTransmission :: forall msg. ProtocolEncoding (ProtoCommand msg) => ProtocolClient msg -> ClientCommand msg -> ExceptT ProtocolClientError IO (SentRawTransmission, TMVar (Response msg))
mkTransmission ProtocolClient {clientCorrId, sessionId, thVersion, sentCommands} (pKey, qId, cmd) = do
corrId <- liftIO $ atomically getNextCorrId
t <- signTransmission $ encodeTransmission thVersion sessionId (corrId, qId, cmd)
r <- liftIO . atomically $ mkRequest corrId
pure (t, r)
getNextCorrId :: STM CorrId
getNextCorrId = do
i <- stateTVar clientCorrId $ \i -> (i, i + 1)
pure . CorrId $ bshow i
signTransmission :: ByteString -> ExceptT ProtocolClientError IO SentRawTransmission
signTransmission t = case pKey of
Nothing -> pure (Nothing, t)
Just pk -> do
sig <- liftError PCESignatureError $ C.sign pk t
return (Just sig, t)
mkRequest :: CorrId -> STM (TMVar (Response msg))
mkRequest corrId = do
r <- newEmptyTMVar
TM.insert corrId (Request qId r) sentCommands
pure r