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{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-redundant-constraints #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unticked-promoted-constructors #-}
-- |
-- Module : Simplex.Messaging.Crypto
-- Copyright : (c)
-- License : AGPL-3
-- Maintainer :
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable
-- This module provides cryptography implementation for SMP protocols based on
-- < cryptonite package>.
module Simplex.Messaging.Crypto
( -- * Cryptographic keys
Algorithm (..),
SAlgorithm (..),
Alg (..),
SignAlg (..),
DhAlg (..),
PrivateKey (..),
PublicKey (..),
APrivateKey (..),
APublicKey (..),
APrivateSignKey (..),
APublicVerifyKey (..),
APrivateDhKey (..),
APublicDhKey (..),
CryptoPublicKey (..),
CryptoPrivateKey (..),
DhSecret (..),
ADhSecret (..),
KeyHash (..),
-- * key encoding/decoding
-- * sign/verify
Signature (..),
ASignature (..),
CryptoSignature (..),
SignatureSize (..),
AlgorithmI (..),
-- * DH derivation
-- * AES256 AEAD-GCM scheme
Key (..),
IV (..),
AuthTag (..),
-- * NaCl crypto_box
CbNonce (unCbNonce),
-- * pseudo-random bytes
-- * SHA256 hash
-- * Message padding / un-padding
-- * Cryptography error type
CryptoError (..),
-- * Limited size ByteStrings
pattern MaxLenBS,
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Exception (Exception)
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Crypto.Cipher.AES (AES256)
import qualified Crypto.Cipher.Types as AES
import qualified Crypto.Cipher.XSalsa as XSalsa
import qualified Crypto.Error as CE
import Crypto.Hash (Digest, SHA256 (..), hash)
import qualified Crypto.MAC.Poly1305 as Poly1305
import qualified Crypto.PubKey.Curve25519 as X25519
import qualified Crypto.PubKey.Curve448 as X448
import qualified Crypto.PubKey.Ed25519 as Ed25519
import qualified Crypto.PubKey.Ed448 as Ed448
import Crypto.Random (ChaChaDRG, getRandomBytes, randomBytesGenerate)
import Data.ASN1.BinaryEncoding
import Data.ASN1.Encoding
import Data.ASN1.Types
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (..), ToJSON (..))
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 as A
import Data.Bifunctor (bimap, first)
import qualified Data.ByteArray as BA
import Data.ByteString.Base64 (decode, encode)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64.URL as U
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.ByteString.Internal (c2w, w2c)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (fromStrict, toStrict)
import Data.Constraint (Dict (..))
import Data.Kind (Constraint, Type)
import Data.String
import Data.Type.Equality
import Data.Typeable (Proxy (Proxy), Typeable)
import Data.X509
import Database.SQLite.Simple.FromField (FromField (..))
import Database.SQLite.Simple.ToField (ToField (..))
import GHC.TypeLits (ErrorMessage (..), KnownNat, Nat, TypeError, natVal, type (+))
import Network.Transport.Internal (decodeWord16, encodeWord16)
import Simplex.Messaging.Encoding
import Simplex.Messaging.Encoding.String
import Simplex.Messaging.Parsers (blobFieldDecoder, parseAll, parseString)
import Simplex.Messaging.Util ((<$?>))
-- | Cryptographic algorithms.
data Algorithm = Ed25519 | Ed448 | X25519 | X448
-- | Singleton types for 'Algorithm'.
data SAlgorithm :: Algorithm -> Type where
SEd25519 :: SAlgorithm Ed25519
SEd448 :: SAlgorithm Ed448
SX25519 :: SAlgorithm X25519
SX448 :: SAlgorithm X448
deriving instance Eq (SAlgorithm a)
deriving instance Show (SAlgorithm a)
data Alg = forall a. AlgorithmI a => Alg (SAlgorithm a)
data SignAlg
= forall a.
(AlgorithmI a, SignatureAlgorithm a) =>
SignAlg (SAlgorithm a)
data DhAlg
= forall a.
(AlgorithmI a, DhAlgorithm a) =>
DhAlg (SAlgorithm a)
class AlgorithmI (a :: Algorithm) where sAlgorithm :: SAlgorithm a
instance AlgorithmI Ed25519 where sAlgorithm = SEd25519
instance AlgorithmI Ed448 where sAlgorithm = SEd448
instance AlgorithmI X25519 where sAlgorithm = SX25519
instance AlgorithmI X448 where sAlgorithm = SX448
checkAlgorithm :: forall t a a'. (AlgorithmI a, AlgorithmI a') => t a' -> Either String (t a)
checkAlgorithm x = case testEquality (sAlgorithm @a) (sAlgorithm @a') of
Just Refl -> Right x
Nothing -> Left "bad algorithm"
instance TestEquality SAlgorithm where
testEquality SEd25519 SEd25519 = Just Refl
testEquality SEd448 SEd448 = Just Refl
testEquality SX25519 SX25519 = Just Refl
testEquality SX448 SX448 = Just Refl
testEquality _ _ = Nothing
-- | GADT for public keys.
data PublicKey (a :: Algorithm) where
PublicKeyEd25519 :: Ed25519.PublicKey -> PublicKey Ed25519
PublicKeyEd448 :: Ed448.PublicKey -> PublicKey Ed448
PublicKeyX25519 :: X25519.PublicKey -> PublicKey X25519
PublicKeyX448 :: X448.PublicKey -> PublicKey X448
deriving instance Eq (PublicKey a)
deriving instance Show (PublicKey a)
data APublicKey
= forall a.
AlgorithmI a =>
APublicKey (SAlgorithm a) (PublicKey a)
instance Eq APublicKey where
APublicKey a k == APublicKey a' k' = case testEquality a a' of
Just Refl -> k == k'
Nothing -> False
deriving instance Show APublicKey
type PublicKeyX25519 = PublicKey X25519
type PublicKeyX448 = PublicKey X448
-- | GADT for private keys.
data PrivateKey (a :: Algorithm) where
PrivateKeyEd25519 :: Ed25519.SecretKey -> Ed25519.PublicKey -> PrivateKey Ed25519
PrivateKeyEd448 :: Ed448.SecretKey -> Ed448.PublicKey -> PrivateKey Ed448
PrivateKeyX25519 :: X25519.SecretKey -> X25519.PublicKey -> PrivateKey X25519
PrivateKeyX448 :: X448.SecretKey -> X448.PublicKey -> PrivateKey X448
deriving instance Eq (PrivateKey a)
deriving instance Show (PrivateKey a)
instance StrEncoding (PrivateKey X25519) where
strEncode = strEncode . encodePrivKey
{-# INLINE strEncode #-}
strDecode = decodePrivKey
{-# INLINE strDecode #-}
data APrivateKey
= forall a.
AlgorithmI a =>
APrivateKey (SAlgorithm a) (PrivateKey a)
instance Eq APrivateKey where
APrivateKey a k == APrivateKey a' k' = case testEquality a a' of
Just Refl -> k == k'
Nothing -> False
deriving instance Show APrivateKey
type PrivateKeyX25519 = PrivateKey X25519
type PrivateKeyX448 = PrivateKey X448
type family SignatureAlgorithm (a :: Algorithm) :: Constraint where
SignatureAlgorithm Ed25519 = ()
SignatureAlgorithm Ed448 = ()
SignatureAlgorithm a =
(Int ~ Bool, TypeError (Text "Algorithm " :<>: ShowType a :<>: Text " cannot be used to sign/verify"))
signatureAlgorithm :: SAlgorithm a -> Maybe (Dict (SignatureAlgorithm a))
signatureAlgorithm = \case
SEd25519 -> Just Dict
SEd448 -> Just Dict
_ -> Nothing
data APrivateSignKey
= forall a.
(AlgorithmI a, SignatureAlgorithm a) =>
APrivateSignKey (SAlgorithm a) (PrivateKey a)
instance Eq APrivateSignKey where
APrivateSignKey a k == APrivateSignKey a' k' = case testEquality a a' of
Just Refl -> k == k'
Nothing -> False
deriving instance Show APrivateSignKey
instance Encoding APrivateSignKey where
smpEncode = smpEncode . encodePrivKey
{-# INLINE smpEncode #-}
smpDecode = decodePrivKey
{-# INLINE smpDecode #-}
instance StrEncoding APrivateSignKey where
strEncode = strEncode . encodePrivKey
{-# INLINE strEncode #-}
strDecode = decodePrivKey
{-# INLINE strDecode #-}
data APublicVerifyKey
= forall a.
(AlgorithmI a, SignatureAlgorithm a) =>
APublicVerifyKey (SAlgorithm a) (PublicKey a)
instance Eq APublicVerifyKey where
APublicVerifyKey a k == APublicVerifyKey a' k' = case testEquality a a' of
Just Refl -> k == k'
Nothing -> False
deriving instance Show APublicVerifyKey
data APrivateDhKey
= forall a.
(AlgorithmI a, DhAlgorithm a) =>
APrivateDhKey (SAlgorithm a) (PrivateKey a)
instance Eq APrivateDhKey where
APrivateDhKey a k == APrivateDhKey a' k' = case testEquality a a' of
Just Refl -> k == k'
Nothing -> False
deriving instance Show APrivateDhKey
data APublicDhKey
= forall a.
(AlgorithmI a, DhAlgorithm a) =>
APublicDhKey (SAlgorithm a) (PublicKey a)
instance Eq APublicDhKey where
APublicDhKey a k == APublicDhKey a' k' = case testEquality a a' of
Just Refl -> k == k'
Nothing -> False
deriving instance Show APublicDhKey
data DhSecret (a :: Algorithm) where
DhSecretX25519 :: X25519.DhSecret -> DhSecret X25519
DhSecretX448 :: X448.DhSecret -> DhSecret X448
deriving instance Eq (DhSecret a)
deriving instance Show (DhSecret a)
data ADhSecret
= forall a.
(AlgorithmI a, DhAlgorithm a) =>
ADhSecret (SAlgorithm a) (DhSecret a)
type DhSecretX25519 = DhSecret X25519
type family DhAlgorithm (a :: Algorithm) :: Constraint where
DhAlgorithm X25519 = ()
DhAlgorithm X448 = ()
DhAlgorithm a =
(Int ~ Bool, TypeError (Text "Algorithm " :<>: ShowType a :<>: Text " cannot be used for DH exchange"))
dhAlgorithm :: SAlgorithm a -> Maybe (Dict (DhAlgorithm a))
dhAlgorithm = \case
SX25519 -> Just Dict
SX448 -> Just Dict
_ -> Nothing
dhBytes' :: DhSecret a -> ByteString
dhBytes' = \case
DhSecretX25519 s -> BA.convert s
DhSecretX448 s -> BA.convert s
instance AlgorithmI a => StrEncoding (DhSecret a) where
strEncode = strEncode . dhBytes'
strDecode = (\(ADhSecret _ s) -> checkAlgorithm s) <=< strDecode
instance StrEncoding ADhSecret where
strEncode (ADhSecret _ s) = strEncode $ dhBytes' s
strDecode = cryptoPassed . secret
secret bs
| B.length bs == x25519_size = ADhSecret SX25519 . DhSecretX25519 <$> X25519.dhSecret bs
| B.length bs == x448_size = ADhSecret SX448 . DhSecretX448 <$> X448.dhSecret bs
| otherwise = CE.CryptoFailed CE.CryptoError_SharedSecretSizeInvalid
cryptoPassed = \case
CE.CryptoPassed s -> Right s
CE.CryptoFailed e -> Left $ show e
instance AlgorithmI a => IsString (DhSecret a) where
fromString = parseString strDecode
-- | Class for public key types
class CryptoPublicKey k where
toPubKey :: (forall a. AlgorithmI a => PublicKey a -> b) -> k -> b
pubKey :: APublicKey -> Either String k
instance CryptoPublicKey APublicKey where
toPubKey f (APublicKey _ k) = f k
pubKey = Right
instance CryptoPublicKey APublicVerifyKey where
toPubKey f (APublicVerifyKey _ k) = f k
pubKey (APublicKey a k) = case signatureAlgorithm a of
Just Dict -> Right $ APublicVerifyKey a k
_ -> Left "key does not support signature algorithms"
instance CryptoPublicKey APublicDhKey where
toPubKey f (APublicDhKey _ k) = f k
pubKey (APublicKey a k) = case dhAlgorithm a of
Just Dict -> Right $ APublicDhKey a k
_ -> Left "key does not support DH algorithms"
instance AlgorithmI a => CryptoPublicKey (PublicKey a) where
toPubKey = id
pubKey (APublicKey _ k) = checkAlgorithm k
instance Encoding APublicVerifyKey where
smpEncode = smpEncode . encodePubKey
{-# INLINE smpEncode #-}
smpDecode = decodePubKey
{-# INLINE smpDecode #-}
instance Encoding APublicDhKey where
smpEncode = smpEncode . encodePubKey
{-# INLINE smpEncode #-}
smpDecode = decodePubKey
{-# INLINE smpDecode #-}
instance AlgorithmI a => Encoding (PublicKey a) where
smpEncode = smpEncode . encodePubKey
{-# INLINE smpEncode #-}
smpDecode = decodePubKey
{-# INLINE smpDecode #-}
instance StrEncoding APublicVerifyKey where
strEncode = strEncode . encodePubKey
{-# INLINE strEncode #-}
strDecode = decodePubKey
{-# INLINE strDecode #-}
instance StrEncoding APublicDhKey where
strEncode = strEncode . encodePubKey
{-# INLINE strEncode #-}
strDecode = decodePubKey
{-# INLINE strDecode #-}
instance AlgorithmI a => StrEncoding (PublicKey a) where
strEncode = strEncode . encodePubKey
{-# INLINE strEncode #-}
strDecode = decodePubKey
{-# INLINE strDecode #-}
instance AlgorithmI a => ToJSON (PublicKey a) where
toJSON = strToJSON
toEncoding = strToJEncoding
instance AlgorithmI a => FromJSON (PublicKey a) where
parseJSON = strParseJSON "PublicKey"
encodePubKey :: CryptoPublicKey k => k -> ByteString
encodePubKey = toPubKey $ encodeASNObj . publicToX509
{-# INLINE encodePubKey #-}
pubKeyBytes :: PublicKey a -> ByteString
pubKeyBytes = \case
PublicKeyEd25519 k -> BA.convert k
PublicKeyEd448 k -> BA.convert k
PublicKeyX25519 k -> BA.convert k
PublicKeyX448 k -> BA.convert k
class CryptoPrivateKey pk where
type PublicKeyType pk
toPrivKey :: (forall a. AlgorithmI a => PrivateKey a -> b) -> pk -> b
privKey :: APrivateKey -> Either String pk
instance CryptoPrivateKey APrivateKey where
type PublicKeyType APrivateKey = APublicKey
toPrivKey f (APrivateKey _ k) = f k
privKey = Right
instance CryptoPrivateKey APrivateSignKey where
type PublicKeyType APrivateSignKey = APublicVerifyKey
toPrivKey f (APrivateSignKey _ k) = f k
privKey (APrivateKey a k) = case signatureAlgorithm a of
Just Dict -> Right $ APrivateSignKey a k
_ -> Left "key does not support signature algorithms"
instance CryptoPrivateKey APrivateDhKey where
type PublicKeyType APrivateDhKey = APublicDhKey
toPrivKey f (APrivateDhKey _ k) = f k
privKey (APrivateKey a k) = case dhAlgorithm a of
Just Dict -> Right $ APrivateDhKey a k
_ -> Left "key does not support DH algorithm"
instance AlgorithmI a => CryptoPrivateKey (PrivateKey a) where
type PublicKeyType (PrivateKey a) = PublicKey a
toPrivKey = id
privKey (APrivateKey _ k) = checkAlgorithm k
publicKey :: PrivateKey a -> PublicKey a
publicKey = \case
PrivateKeyEd25519 _ k -> PublicKeyEd25519 k
PrivateKeyEd448 _ k -> PublicKeyEd448 k
PrivateKeyX25519 _ k -> PublicKeyX25519 k
PrivateKeyX448 _ k -> PublicKeyX448 k
encodePrivKey :: CryptoPrivateKey pk => pk -> ByteString
encodePrivKey = toPrivKey $ encodeASNObj . privateToX509
instance AlgorithmI a => IsString (PrivateKey a) where
fromString = parseString $ decode >=> decodePrivKey
instance AlgorithmI a => IsString (PublicKey a) where
fromString = parseString $ decode >=> decodePubKey
instance AlgorithmI a => ToJSON (PrivateKey a) where
toJSON = strToJSON . strEncode . encodePrivKey
toEncoding = strToJEncoding . strEncode . encodePrivKey
instance AlgorithmI a => FromJSON (PrivateKey a) where
parseJSON v = (decodePrivKey <=< U.decode) <$?> strParseJSON "PrivateKey" v
type KeyPairType pk = (PublicKeyType pk, pk)
type KeyPair a = KeyPairType (PrivateKey a)
type AKeyPair = KeyPairType APrivateKey
type ASignatureKeyPair = KeyPairType APrivateSignKey
type ADhKeyPair = KeyPairType APrivateDhKey
generateKeyPair :: AlgorithmI a => SAlgorithm a -> IO AKeyPair
generateKeyPair a = bimap (APublicKey a) (APrivateKey a) <$> generateKeyPair'
generateSignatureKeyPair :: (AlgorithmI a, SignatureAlgorithm a) => SAlgorithm a -> IO ASignatureKeyPair
generateSignatureKeyPair a = bimap (APublicVerifyKey a) (APrivateSignKey a) <$> generateKeyPair'
generateDhKeyPair :: (AlgorithmI a, DhAlgorithm a) => SAlgorithm a -> IO ADhKeyPair
generateDhKeyPair a = bimap (APublicDhKey a) (APrivateDhKey a) <$> generateKeyPair'
generateKeyPair' :: forall a. AlgorithmI a => IO (KeyPair a)
generateKeyPair' = case sAlgorithm @a of
SEd25519 ->
Ed25519.generateSecretKey >>= \pk ->
let k = Ed25519.toPublic pk
in pure (PublicKeyEd25519 k, PrivateKeyEd25519 pk k)
SEd448 ->
Ed448.generateSecretKey >>= \pk ->
let k = Ed448.toPublic pk
in pure (PublicKeyEd448 k, PrivateKeyEd448 pk k)
SX25519 ->
X25519.generateSecretKey >>= \pk ->
let k = X25519.toPublic pk
in pure (PublicKeyX25519 k, PrivateKeyX25519 pk k)
SX448 ->
X448.generateSecretKey >>= \pk ->
let k = X448.toPublic pk
in pure (PublicKeyX448 k, PrivateKeyX448 pk k)
instance ToField APrivateSignKey where toField = toField . encodePrivKey
instance ToField APublicVerifyKey where toField = toField . encodePubKey
instance ToField APrivateDhKey where toField = toField . encodePrivKey
instance ToField APublicDhKey where toField = toField . encodePubKey
instance AlgorithmI a => ToField (PrivateKey a) where toField = toField . encodePrivKey
instance AlgorithmI a => ToField (PublicKey a) where toField = toField . encodePubKey
instance ToField (DhSecret a) where toField = toField . dhBytes'
instance FromField APrivateSignKey where fromField = blobFieldDecoder decodePrivKey
instance FromField APublicVerifyKey where fromField = blobFieldDecoder decodePubKey
instance FromField APrivateDhKey where fromField = blobFieldDecoder decodePrivKey
instance FromField APublicDhKey where fromField = blobFieldDecoder decodePubKey
instance (Typeable a, AlgorithmI a) => FromField (PrivateKey a) where fromField = blobFieldDecoder decodePrivKey
instance (Typeable a, AlgorithmI a) => FromField (PublicKey a) where fromField = blobFieldDecoder decodePubKey
instance (Typeable a, AlgorithmI a) => FromField (DhSecret a) where fromField = blobFieldDecoder strDecode
instance IsString (Maybe ASignature) where
fromString = parseString $ decode >=> decodeSignature
data Signature (a :: Algorithm) where
SignatureEd25519 :: Ed25519.Signature -> Signature Ed25519
SignatureEd448 :: Ed448.Signature -> Signature Ed448
deriving instance Eq (Signature a)
deriving instance Show (Signature a)
data ASignature
= forall a.
(AlgorithmI a, SignatureAlgorithm a) =>
ASignature (SAlgorithm a) (Signature a)
instance Eq ASignature where
ASignature a s == ASignature a' s' = case testEquality a a' of
Just Refl -> s == s'
_ -> False
deriving instance Show ASignature
class CryptoSignature s where
serializeSignature :: s -> ByteString
serializeSignature = encode . signatureBytes
signatureBytes :: s -> ByteString
decodeSignature :: ByteString -> Either String s
instance CryptoSignature ASignature where
signatureBytes (ASignature _ sig) = signatureBytes sig
decodeSignature s
| B.length s == Ed25519.signatureSize =
ASignature SEd25519 . SignatureEd25519 <$> ed Ed25519.signature s
| B.length s == Ed448.signatureSize =
ASignature SEd448 . SignatureEd448 <$> ed Ed448.signature s
| otherwise = Left "bad signature size"
ed alg = first show . CE.eitherCryptoError . alg
instance CryptoSignature (Maybe ASignature) where
signatureBytes = maybe "" signatureBytes
decodeSignature s
| B.null s = Right Nothing
| otherwise = Just <$> decodeSignature s
instance AlgorithmI a => CryptoSignature (Signature a) where
signatureBytes = \case
SignatureEd25519 s -> BA.convert s
SignatureEd448 s -> BA.convert s
decodeSignature s = do
ASignature _ sig <- decodeSignature s
checkAlgorithm sig
class SignatureSize s where signatureSize :: s -> Int
instance SignatureSize (Signature a) where
signatureSize = \case
SignatureEd25519 _ -> Ed25519.signatureSize
SignatureEd448 _ -> Ed448.signatureSize
instance SignatureSize APrivateSignKey where
signatureSize (APrivateSignKey _ k) = signatureSize k
instance SignatureSize APublicVerifyKey where
signatureSize (APublicVerifyKey _ k) = signatureSize k
instance SignatureAlgorithm a => SignatureSize (PrivateKey a) where
signatureSize = \case
PrivateKeyEd25519 _ _ -> Ed25519.signatureSize
PrivateKeyEd448 _ _ -> Ed448.signatureSize
instance SignatureAlgorithm a => SignatureSize (PublicKey a) where
signatureSize = \case
PublicKeyEd25519 _ -> Ed25519.signatureSize
PublicKeyEd448 _ -> Ed448.signatureSize
-- | Various cryptographic or related errors.
data CryptoError
= -- | AES initialization error
AESCipherError CE.CryptoError
| -- | IV generation error
| -- | AES decryption error
| -- CryptoBox decryption error
| -- | message is larger that allowed padded length minus 2 (to prepend message length)
-- (or required un-padded length is larger than the message length)
| -- | failure parsing message header
CryptoHeaderError String
| -- | no sending chain key in ratchet state
| -- | header decryption error (could indicate that another key should be tried)
| -- | too many skipped messages
| -- | earlier message number (or, possibly, skipped message that failed to decrypt?)
| -- | duplicate message number
deriving (Eq, Show, Exception)
aesKeySize :: Int
aesKeySize = 256 `div` 8
authTagSize :: Int
authTagSize = 128 `div` 8
x25519_size :: Int
x25519_size = 32
x448_size :: Int
x448_size = 448 `quot` 8
validSignatureSize :: Int -> Bool
validSignatureSize n =
n == Ed25519.signatureSize || n == Ed448.signatureSize
-- | AES key newtype.
newtype Key = Key {unKey :: ByteString}
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance ToField Key where toField = toField . unKey
instance FromField Key where fromField f = Key <$> fromField f
instance ToJSON Key where
toJSON = strToJSON . unKey
toEncoding = strToJEncoding . unKey
instance FromJSON Key where
parseJSON = fmap Key . strParseJSON "Key"
-- | IV bytes newtype.
newtype IV = IV {unIV :: ByteString}
instance Encoding IV where
smpEncode = unIV
smpP = IV <$> A.take (ivSize @AES256)
newtype AuthTag = AuthTag {unAuthTag :: AES.AuthTag}
instance Encoding AuthTag where
smpEncode = B.pack . map w2c . BA.unpack . AES.unAuthTag . unAuthTag
smpP = AuthTag . AES.AuthTag . BA.pack . map c2w . B.unpack <$> A.take authTagSize
-- | Certificate fingerpint newtype.
-- Previously was used for server's public key hash in ad-hoc transport scheme, kept as is for compatibility.
newtype KeyHash = KeyHash {unKeyHash :: ByteString} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Encoding KeyHash where
smpEncode = smpEncode . unKeyHash
smpP = KeyHash <$> smpP
instance StrEncoding KeyHash where
strEncode = strEncode . unKeyHash
strP = KeyHash <$> strP
instance IsString KeyHash where
fromString = parseString $ parseAll strP
instance ToField KeyHash where toField = toField . strEncode
instance FromField KeyHash where fromField = blobFieldDecoder $ parseAll strP
-- | SHA256 digest.
sha256Hash :: ByteString -> ByteString
sha256Hash = BA.convert . (hash :: ByteString -> Digest SHA256)
-- | AEAD-GCM encryption with empty associated data.
-- Used as part of hybrid E2E encryption scheme and for SMP transport blocks encryption.
encryptAES :: Key -> IV -> Int -> ByteString -> ExceptT CryptoError IO (AuthTag, ByteString)
encryptAES key iv paddedLen = encryptAEAD key iv paddedLen ""
-- | AEAD-GCM encryption.
-- Used as part of hybrid E2E encryption scheme and for SMP transport blocks encryption.
encryptAEAD :: Key -> IV -> Int -> ByteString -> ByteString -> ExceptT CryptoError IO (AuthTag, ByteString)
encryptAEAD aesKey ivBytes paddedLen ad msg = do
aead <- initAEAD @AES256 aesKey ivBytes
msg' <- liftEither $ pad msg paddedLen
pure . first AuthTag $ AES.aeadSimpleEncrypt aead ad msg' authTagSize
-- | AEAD-GCM decryption with empty associated data.
-- Used as part of hybrid E2E encryption scheme and for SMP transport blocks decryption.
decryptAES :: Key -> IV -> ByteString -> AuthTag -> ExceptT CryptoError IO ByteString
decryptAES key iv = decryptAEAD key iv ""
-- | AEAD-GCM decryption.
-- Used as part of hybrid E2E encryption scheme and for SMP transport blocks decryption.
decryptAEAD :: Key -> IV -> ByteString -> ByteString -> AuthTag -> ExceptT CryptoError IO ByteString
decryptAEAD aesKey ivBytes ad msg (AuthTag authTag) = do
aead <- initAEAD @AES256 aesKey ivBytes
liftEither . unPad =<< maybeError AESDecryptError (AES.aeadSimpleDecrypt aead ad msg authTag)
pad :: ByteString -> Int -> Either CryptoError ByteString
pad msg paddedLen
| padLen >= 0 = Right $ encodeWord16 (fromIntegral len) <> msg <> B.replicate padLen '#'
| otherwise = Left CryptoLargeMsgError
len = B.length msg
padLen = paddedLen - len - 2
unPad :: ByteString -> Either CryptoError ByteString
unPad padded
| B.length rest >= len = Right $ B.take len rest
| otherwise = Left CryptoLargeMsgError
(lenWrd, rest) = B.splitAt 2 padded
len = fromIntegral $ decodeWord16 lenWrd
newtype MaxLenBS (i :: Nat) = MLBS {unMaxLenBS :: ByteString}
pattern MaxLenBS :: ByteString -> MaxLenBS i
pattern MaxLenBS s <- MLBS s
{-# COMPLETE MaxLenBS #-}
instance KnownNat i => Encoding (MaxLenBS i) where
smpEncode (MLBS s) = smpEncode s
smpP = first show . maxLenBS <$?> smpP
instance KnownNat i => StrEncoding (MaxLenBS i) where
strEncode (MLBS s) = strEncode s
strP = first show . maxLenBS <$?> strP
maxLenBS :: forall i. KnownNat i => ByteString -> Either CryptoError (MaxLenBS i)
maxLenBS s
| B.length s > maxLength @i = Left CryptoLargeMsgError
| otherwise = Right $ MLBS s
unsafeMaxLenBS :: forall i. KnownNat i => ByteString -> MaxLenBS i
unsafeMaxLenBS = MLBS
padMaxLenBS :: forall i. KnownNat i => MaxLenBS i -> MaxLenBS (i + 2)
padMaxLenBS (MLBS msg) = MLBS $ encodeWord16 (fromIntegral len) <> msg <> B.replicate padLen '#'
len = B.length msg
padLen = maxLength @i - len
appendMaxLenBS :: (KnownNat i, KnownNat j) => MaxLenBS i -> MaxLenBS j -> MaxLenBS (i + j)
appendMaxLenBS (MLBS s1) (MLBS s2) = MLBS $ s1 <> s2
maxLength :: forall i. KnownNat i => Int
maxLength = fromIntegral (natVal $ Proxy @i)
initAEAD :: forall c. AES.BlockCipher c => Key -> IV -> ExceptT CryptoError IO (AES.AEAD c)
initAEAD (Key aesKey) (IV ivBytes) = do
iv <- makeIV @c ivBytes
cryptoFailable $ do
cipher <- AES.cipherInit aesKey
AES.aeadInit AES.AEAD_GCM cipher iv
-- | Random AES256 key.
randomAesKey :: IO Key
randomAesKey = Key <$> getRandomBytes aesKeySize
-- | Random IV bytes for AES256 encryption.
randomIV :: IO IV
randomIV = IV <$> getRandomBytes (ivSize @AES256)
ivSize :: forall c. AES.BlockCipher c => Int
ivSize = AES.blockSize (undefined :: c)
makeIV :: AES.BlockCipher c => ByteString -> ExceptT CryptoError IO (AES.IV c)
makeIV bs = maybeError CryptoIVError $ AES.makeIV bs
maybeError :: CryptoError -> Maybe a -> ExceptT CryptoError IO a
maybeError e = maybe (throwE e) return
cryptoFailable :: CE.CryptoFailable a -> ExceptT CryptoError IO a
cryptoFailable = liftEither . first AESCipherError . CE.eitherCryptoError
-- | Message signing.
-- Used by SMP clients to sign SMP commands and by SMP agents to sign messages.
sign' :: SignatureAlgorithm a => PrivateKey a -> ByteString -> ExceptT CryptoError IO (Signature a)
sign' (PrivateKeyEd25519 pk k) msg = pure . SignatureEd25519 $ Ed25519.sign pk k msg
sign' (PrivateKeyEd448 pk k) msg = pure . SignatureEd448 $ Ed448.sign pk k msg
sign :: APrivateSignKey -> ByteString -> ExceptT CryptoError IO ASignature
sign (APrivateSignKey a k) = fmap (ASignature a) . sign' k
-- | Signature verification.
-- Used by SMP servers to authorize SMP commands and by SMP agents to verify messages.
verify' :: SignatureAlgorithm a => PublicKey a -> Signature a -> ByteString -> Bool
verify' (PublicKeyEd25519 k) (SignatureEd25519 sig) msg = Ed25519.verify k msg sig
verify' (PublicKeyEd448 k) (SignatureEd448 sig) msg = Ed448.verify k msg sig
verify :: APublicVerifyKey -> ASignature -> ByteString -> Bool
verify (APublicVerifyKey a k) (ASignature a' sig) msg = case testEquality a a' of
Just Refl -> verify' k sig msg
_ -> False
dh' :: DhAlgorithm a => PublicKey a -> PrivateKey a -> DhSecret a
dh' (PublicKeyX25519 k) (PrivateKeyX25519 pk _) = DhSecretX25519 $ X25519.dh k pk
dh' (PublicKeyX448 k) (PrivateKeyX448 pk _) = DhSecretX448 $ X448.dh k pk
-- | NaCl @crypto_box@ encrypt with a shared DH secret and 192-bit nonce.
cbEncrypt :: DhSecret X25519 -> CbNonce -> ByteString -> Int -> Either CryptoError ByteString
cbEncrypt secret (CbNonce nonce) msg paddedLen = cryptoBox secret nonce <$> pad msg paddedLen
-- | NaCl @crypto_box@ encrypt with a shared DH secret and 192-bit nonce.
cbEncryptMaxLenBS :: KnownNat i => DhSecret X25519 -> CbNonce -> MaxLenBS i -> ByteString
cbEncryptMaxLenBS secret (CbNonce nonce) = cryptoBox secret nonce . unMaxLenBS . padMaxLenBS
cryptoBox :: DhSecret 'X25519 -> ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString
cryptoBox secret nonce s = BA.convert tag <> c
(rs, c) = xSalsa20 secret nonce s
tag = Poly1305.auth rs c
-- | NaCl @crypto_box@ decrypt with a shared DH secret and 192-bit nonce.
cbDecrypt :: DhSecret X25519 -> CbNonce -> ByteString -> Either CryptoError ByteString
cbDecrypt secret (CbNonce nonce) packet
| B.length packet < 16 = Left CBDecryptError
| BA.constEq tag' tag = unPad msg
| otherwise = Left CBDecryptError
(tag', c) = B.splitAt 16 packet
(rs, msg) = xSalsa20 secret nonce c
tag = Poly1305.auth rs c
newtype CbNonce = CbNonce {unCbNonce :: ByteString}
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance StrEncoding CbNonce where
strEncode (CbNonce s) = strEncode s
strP = cbNonce <$> strP
instance ToJSON CbNonce where
toJSON = strToJSON
toEncoding = strToJEncoding
cbNonce :: ByteString -> CbNonce
cbNonce s
| len == 24 = CbNonce s
| len > 24 = CbNonce . fst $ B.splitAt 24 s
| otherwise = CbNonce $ s <> B.replicate (24 - len) (toEnum 0)
len = B.length s
randomCbNonce :: IO CbNonce
randomCbNonce = CbNonce <$> getRandomBytes 24
pseudoRandomCbNonce :: TVar ChaChaDRG -> STM CbNonce
pseudoRandomCbNonce gVar = CbNonce <$> pseudoRandomBytes 24 gVar
pseudoRandomBytes :: Int -> TVar ChaChaDRG -> STM ByteString
pseudoRandomBytes n gVar = do
g <- readTVar gVar
let (bytes, g') = randomBytesGenerate n g
writeTVar gVar g'
return bytes
instance Encoding CbNonce where
smpEncode = unCbNonce
smpP = CbNonce <$> A.take 24
xSalsa20 :: DhSecret X25519 -> ByteString -> ByteString -> (ByteString, ByteString)
xSalsa20 (DhSecretX25519 shared) nonce msg = (rs, msg')
zero = B.replicate 16 $ toEnum 0
(iv0, iv1) = B.splitAt 8 nonce
state0 = XSalsa.initialize 20 shared (zero `B.append` iv0)
state1 = XSalsa.derive state0 iv1
(rs, state2) = XSalsa.generate state1 32
(msg', _) = XSalsa.combine state2 msg
publicToX509 :: PublicKey a -> PubKey
publicToX509 = \case
PublicKeyEd25519 k -> PubKeyEd25519 k
PublicKeyEd448 k -> PubKeyEd448 k
PublicKeyX25519 k -> PubKeyX25519 k
PublicKeyX448 k -> PubKeyX448 k
privateToX509 :: PrivateKey a -> PrivKey
privateToX509 = \case
PrivateKeyEd25519 k _ -> PrivKeyEd25519 k
PrivateKeyEd448 k _ -> PrivKeyEd448 k
PrivateKeyX25519 k _ -> PrivKeyX25519 k
PrivateKeyX448 k _ -> PrivKeyX448 k
encodeASNObj :: ASN1Object a => a -> ByteString
encodeASNObj k = toStrict . encodeASN1 DER $ toASN1 k []
-- Decoding of binary X509 'CryptoPublicKey'.
decodePubKey :: CryptoPublicKey k => ByteString -> Either String k
decodePubKey = decodeKey >=> x509ToPublic >=> pubKey
-- Decoding of binary PKCS8 'PrivateKey'.
decodePrivKey :: CryptoPrivateKey k => ByteString -> Either String k
decodePrivKey = decodeKey >=> x509ToPrivate >=> privKey
x509ToPublic :: (PubKey, [ASN1]) -> Either String APublicKey
x509ToPublic = \case
(PubKeyEd25519 k, []) -> Right . APublicKey SEd25519 $ PublicKeyEd25519 k
(PubKeyEd448 k, []) -> Right . APublicKey SEd448 $ PublicKeyEd448 k
(PubKeyX25519 k, []) -> Right . APublicKey SX25519 $ PublicKeyX25519 k
(PubKeyX448 k, []) -> Right . APublicKey SX448 $ PublicKeyX448 k
r -> keyError r
x509ToPrivate :: (PrivKey, [ASN1]) -> Either String APrivateKey
x509ToPrivate = \case
(PrivKeyEd25519 k, []) -> Right . APrivateKey SEd25519 . PrivateKeyEd25519 k $ Ed25519.toPublic k
(PrivKeyEd448 k, []) -> Right . APrivateKey SEd448 . PrivateKeyEd448 k $ Ed448.toPublic k
(PrivKeyX25519 k, []) -> Right . APrivateKey SX25519 . PrivateKeyX25519 k $ X25519.toPublic k
(PrivKeyX448 k, []) -> Right . APrivateKey SX448 . PrivateKeyX448 k $ X448.toPublic k
r -> keyError r
decodeKey :: ASN1Object a => ByteString -> Either String (a, [ASN1])
decodeKey = fromASN1 <=< first show . decodeASN1 DER . fromStrict
keyError :: (a, [ASN1]) -> Either String b
keyError = \case
(_, []) -> Left "unknown key algorithm"
_ -> Left "more than one key"