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{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
-- |
-- Module : Simplex.Messaging.Transport
-- Copyright : (c)
-- License : AGPL-3
-- Maintainer :
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable
-- This module defines basic TCP server and client and SMP protocol encrypted transport over TCP.
-- See
module Simplex.Messaging.Transport
( -- * SMP transport parameters
-- * Transport connection class
Transport (..),
TProxy (..),
ATransport (..),
TransportPeer (..),
-- * TLS Transport
TLS (..),
-- * SMP transport
THandle (..),
TransportError (..),
HandshakeError (..),
-- * Trim trailing CR
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (throwE)
import Data.Aeson (ToJSON)
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 (Parser)
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import Data.Bitraversable (bimapM)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.Default (def)
import Data.Functor (($>))
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import GHC.IO.Handle.Internals (ioe_EOF)
import Generic.Random (genericArbitraryU)
import Network.Socket
import qualified Network.TLS as T
import qualified Network.TLS.Extra as TE
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Crypto as C
import Simplex.Messaging.Encoding
import Simplex.Messaging.Parsers (dropPrefix, parse, parseRead1, sumTypeJSON)
import Simplex.Messaging.Util (bshow, catchAll, catchAll_)
import Simplex.Messaging.Version
import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary (..))
import UnliftIO.Exception (Exception)
import qualified UnliftIO.Exception as E
import UnliftIO.STM
-- * Transport parameters
smpBlockSize :: Int
smpBlockSize = 16384
supportedSMPServerVRange :: VersionRange
supportedSMPServerVRange = mkVersionRange 1 4
simplexMQVersion :: String
simplexMQVersion = "3.2.0"
-- * Transport connection class
class Transport c where
transport :: ATransport
transport = ATransport (TProxy @c)
transportName :: TProxy c -> String
transportPeer :: c -> TransportPeer
-- | Upgrade server TLS context to connection (used in the server)
getServerConnection :: T.Context -> IO c
-- | Upgrade client TLS context to connection (used in the client)
getClientConnection :: T.Context -> IO c
-- | tls-unique channel binding per RFC5929
tlsUnique :: c -> SessionId
-- | Close connection
closeConnection :: c -> IO ()
-- | Read fixed number of bytes from connection
cGet :: c -> Int -> IO ByteString
-- | Write bytes to connection
cPut :: c -> ByteString -> IO ()
-- | Receive ByteString from connection, allowing LF or CRLF termination.
getLn :: c -> IO ByteString
-- | Send ByteString to connection terminating it with CRLF.
putLn :: c -> ByteString -> IO ()
putLn c = cPut c . (<> "\r\n")
data TransportPeer = TClient | TServer
deriving (Eq, Show)
data TProxy c = TProxy
data ATransport = forall c. Transport c => ATransport (TProxy c)
-- * TLS Transport
data TLS = TLS
{ tlsContext :: T.Context,
tlsPeer :: TransportPeer,
tlsUniq :: ByteString,
buffer :: TVar ByteString,
getLock :: TMVar ()
connectTLS :: T.TLSParams p => p -> Socket -> IO T.Context
connectTLS params sock =
E.bracketOnError (T.contextNew sock params) closeTLS $ \ctx -> do
T.handshake ctx
`catchAll` \e -> putStrLn ("exception: " <> show e) >> E.throwIO e
pure ctx
getTLS :: TransportPeer -> T.Context -> IO TLS
getTLS tlsPeer cxt = withTlsUnique tlsPeer cxt newTLS
newTLS tlsUniq = do
buffer <- newTVarIO ""
getLock <- newTMVarIO ()
pure TLS {tlsContext = cxt, tlsPeer, tlsUniq, buffer, getLock}
withTlsUnique :: TransportPeer -> T.Context -> (ByteString -> IO c) -> IO c
withTlsUnique peer cxt f =
cxtFinished peer cxt
>>= maybe (closeTLS cxt >> ioe_EOF) f
cxtFinished TServer = T.getPeerFinished
cxtFinished TClient = T.getFinished
closeTLS :: T.Context -> IO ()
closeTLS ctx =
T.bye ctx -- sometimes socket was closed before 'TLS.bye' so we catch the 'Broken pipe' error here
`E.finally` T.contextClose ctx
`catchAll_` pure ()
supportedParameters :: T.Supported
supportedParameters =
{ T.supportedVersions = [T.TLS13, T.TLS12],
T.supportedCiphers =
[ TE.cipher_TLS13_CHACHA20POLY1305_SHA256, -- for TLS13
TE.cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_CHACHA20POLY1305_SHA256 -- for TLS12
T.supportedHashSignatures = [(T.HashIntrinsic, T.SignatureEd448), (T.HashIntrinsic, T.SignatureEd25519)],
T.supportedSecureRenegotiation = False,
T.supportedGroups = [T.X448, T.X25519]
instance Transport TLS where
transportName _ = "TLS"
transportPeer = tlsPeer
getServerConnection = getTLS TServer
getClientConnection = getTLS TClient
tlsUnique = tlsUniq
closeConnection tls = closeTLS $ tlsContext tls
cGet :: TLS -> Int -> IO ByteString
cGet TLS {tlsContext, buffer, getLock} n =
(atomically $ takeTMVar getLock)
(atomically $ putTMVar getLock ())
$ do
b <- readChunks =<< readTVarIO buffer
let (s, b') = B.splitAt n b
atomically $ writeTVar buffer b'
pure s
readChunks :: ByteString -> IO ByteString
readChunks b
| B.length b >= n = pure b
| otherwise =
T.recvData tlsContext >>= \case
"" -> ioe_EOF
s -> readChunks $ b <> s
cPut :: TLS -> ByteString -> IO ()
cPut tls = T.sendData (tlsContext tls) . BL.fromStrict
getLn :: TLS -> IO ByteString
getLn TLS {tlsContext, buffer, getLock} = do
(atomically $ takeTMVar getLock)
(atomically $ putTMVar getLock ())
$ do
b <- readChunks =<< readTVarIO buffer
let (s, b') = B.break (== '\n') b
atomically $ writeTVar buffer (B.drop 1 b') -- drop '\n' we made a break at
pure $ trimCR s
readChunks :: ByteString -> IO ByteString
readChunks b
| B.elem '\n' b = pure b
| otherwise = readChunks . (b <>) =<< T.recvData tlsContext `E.catch` handleEOF
handleEOF = \case
T.Error_EOF -> E.throwIO TEBadBlock
e -> E.throwIO e
-- | Trim trailing CR from ByteString.
trimCR :: ByteString -> ByteString
trimCR "" = ""
trimCR s = if B.last s == '\r' then B.init s else s
-- * SMP transport
-- | The handle for SMP encrypted transport connection over Transport .
data THandle c = THandle
{ connection :: c,
sessionId :: SessionId,
blockSize :: Int,
-- | agreed server protocol version
thVersion :: Version,
-- | send multiple transmissions in a single block
-- based on protocol and protocol version
batch :: Bool
-- | TLS-unique channel binding
type SessionId = ByteString
data ServerHandshake = ServerHandshake
{ smpVersionRange :: VersionRange,
sessionId :: SessionId
data ClientHandshake = ClientHandshake
{ -- | agreed SMP server protocol version
smpVersion :: Version,
-- | server identity - CA certificate fingerprint
keyHash :: C.KeyHash
instance Encoding ClientHandshake where
smpEncode ClientHandshake {smpVersion, keyHash} = smpEncode (smpVersion, keyHash)
smpP = do
(smpVersion, keyHash) <- smpP
pure ClientHandshake {smpVersion, keyHash}
instance Encoding ServerHandshake where
smpEncode ServerHandshake {smpVersionRange, sessionId} =
smpEncode (smpVersionRange, sessionId)
smpP = do
(smpVersionRange, sessionId) <- smpP
pure ServerHandshake {smpVersionRange, sessionId}
-- | Error of SMP encrypted transport over TCP.
data TransportError
= -- | error parsing transport block
| -- | message does not fit in transport block
| -- | incorrect session ID
| -- | transport handshake error
TEHandshake {handshakeErr :: HandshakeError}
deriving (Eq, Generic, Read, Show, Exception)
instance ToJSON TransportError where
toJSON = J.genericToJSON . sumTypeJSON $ dropPrefix "TE"
toEncoding = J.genericToEncoding . sumTypeJSON $ dropPrefix "TE"
-- | Transport handshake error.
data HandshakeError
= -- | parsing error
| -- | incompatible peer version
| -- | incorrect server identity
deriving (Eq, Generic, Read, Show, Exception)
instance ToJSON HandshakeError where
toJSON = J.genericToJSON $ sumTypeJSON id
toEncoding = J.genericToEncoding $ sumTypeJSON id
instance Arbitrary TransportError where arbitrary = genericArbitraryU
instance Arbitrary HandshakeError where arbitrary = genericArbitraryU
-- | SMP encrypted transport error parser.
transportErrorP :: Parser TransportError
transportErrorP =
"BLOCK" $> TEBadBlock
<|> "LARGE_MSG" $> TELargeMsg
<|> "SESSION" $> TEBadSession
<|> TEHandshake <$> parseRead1
-- | Serialize SMP encrypted transport error.
serializeTransportError :: TransportError -> ByteString
serializeTransportError = \case
TEBadBlock -> "BLOCK"
TELargeMsg -> "LARGE_MSG"
TEBadSession -> "SESSION"
TEHandshake e -> bshow e
-- | Pad and send block to SMP transport.
tPutBlock :: Transport c => THandle c -> ByteString -> IO (Either TransportError ())
tPutBlock THandle {connection = c, blockSize} block =
bimapM (const $ pure TELargeMsg) (cPut c) $
C.pad block blockSize
-- | Receive block from SMP transport.
tGetBlock :: Transport c => THandle c -> IO (Either TransportError ByteString)
tGetBlock THandle {connection = c, blockSize} =
cGet c blockSize >>= \case
"" -> ioe_EOF
msg -> pure . first (const TELargeMsg) $ C.unPad msg
-- | Server SMP transport handshake.
-- See
smpServerHandshake :: forall c. Transport c => c -> C.KeyHash -> VersionRange -> ExceptT TransportError IO (THandle c)
smpServerHandshake c kh smpVRange = do
let th@THandle {sessionId} = smpTHandle c
sendHandshake th $ ServerHandshake {sessionId, smpVersionRange = smpVRange}
getHandshake th >>= \case
ClientHandshake {smpVersion, keyHash}
| keyHash /= kh ->
throwE $ TEHandshake IDENTITY
| smpVersion `isCompatible` smpVRange -> do
pure $ smpThHandle th smpVersion
| otherwise -> throwE $ TEHandshake VERSION
-- | Client SMP transport handshake.
-- See
smpClientHandshake :: forall c. Transport c => c -> C.KeyHash -> VersionRange -> ExceptT TransportError IO (THandle c)
smpClientHandshake c keyHash smpVRange = do
let th@THandle {sessionId} = smpTHandle c
ServerHandshake {sessionId = sessId, smpVersionRange} <- getHandshake th
if sessionId /= sessId
then throwE TEBadSession
else case smpVersionRange `compatibleVersion` smpVRange of
Just (Compatible smpVersion) -> do
sendHandshake th $ ClientHandshake {smpVersion, keyHash}
pure $ smpThHandle th smpVersion
Nothing -> throwE $ TEHandshake VERSION
smpThHandle :: forall c. THandle c -> Version -> THandle c
smpThHandle th v = (th :: THandle c) {thVersion = v, batch = v >= 4}
sendHandshake :: (Transport c, Encoding smp) => THandle c -> smp -> ExceptT TransportError IO ()
sendHandshake th = ExceptT . tPutBlock th . smpEncode
getHandshake :: (Transport c, Encoding smp) => THandle c -> ExceptT TransportError IO smp
getHandshake th = ExceptT $ (parse smpP (TEHandshake PARSE) =<<) <$> tGetBlock th
smpTHandle :: Transport c => c -> THandle c
smpTHandle c = THandle {connection = c, sessionId = tlsUnique c, blockSize = smpBlockSize, thVersion = 0, batch = False}