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{-# LANGUAGE ConstrainedClassMethods #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
module Simplex.Messaging.Version
( Version,
VersionRange (minVersion, maxVersion),
pattern VersionRange,
VersionI (..),
VersionRangeI (..),
pattern Compatible,
import Control.Applicative (optional)
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (..), ToJSON (..))
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 as A
import Data.Word (Word16)
import Simplex.Messaging.Encoding
import Simplex.Messaging.Encoding.String
import Simplex.Messaging.Util ((<$?>))
pattern VersionRange :: Word16 -> Word16 -> VersionRange
pattern VersionRange v1 v2 <- VRange v1 v2
{-# COMPLETE VersionRange #-}
type Version = Word16
data VersionRange = VRange
{ minVersion :: Version,
maxVersion :: Version
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | construct valid version range, to be used in constants
mkVersionRange :: Version -> Version -> VersionRange
mkVersionRange v1 v2
| v1 <= v2 = VRange v1 v2
| otherwise = error "invalid version range"
safeVersionRange :: Version -> Version -> Maybe VersionRange
safeVersionRange v1 v2
| v1 <= v2 = Just $ VRange v1 v2
| otherwise = Nothing
versionToRange :: Version -> VersionRange
versionToRange v = VRange v v
instance Encoding VersionRange where
smpEncode (VRange v1 v2) = smpEncode (v1, v2)
smpP =
maybe (fail "invalid version range") pure
=<< safeVersionRange <$> smpP <*> smpP
instance StrEncoding VersionRange where
strEncode (VRange v1 v2)
| v1 == v2 = strEncode v1
| otherwise = strEncode v1 <> "-" <> strEncode v2
strP = do
v1 <- strP
v2 <- maybe (pure v1) (const strP) =<< optional (A.char '-')
maybe (fail "invalid version range") pure $ safeVersionRange v1 v2
instance ToJSON VersionRange where
toJSON (VRange v1 v2) = toJSON (v1, v2)
toEncoding (VRange v1 v2) = toEncoding (v1, v2)
instance FromJSON VersionRange where
parseJSON v =
(\(v1, v2) -> maybe (Left "bad VersionRange") Right $ safeVersionRange v1 v2)
<$?> parseJSON v
class VersionI a where
type VersionRangeT a
version :: a -> Version
toVersionRangeT :: a -> VersionRange -> VersionRangeT a
class VersionRangeI a where
type VersionT a
versionRange :: a -> VersionRange
toVersionT :: a -> Version -> VersionT a
instance VersionI Version where
type VersionRangeT Version = VersionRange
version = id
toVersionRangeT _ vr = vr
instance VersionRangeI VersionRange where
type VersionT VersionRange = Version
versionRange = id
toVersionT _ v = v
newtype Compatible a = Compatible_ a
pattern Compatible :: a -> Compatible a
pattern Compatible a <- Compatible_ a
{-# COMPLETE Compatible #-}
isCompatible :: VersionI a => a -> VersionRange -> Bool
isCompatible x (VRange v1 v2) = let v = version x in v1 <= v && v <= v2
isCompatibleRange :: VersionRangeI a => a -> VersionRange -> Bool
isCompatibleRange x (VRange min2 max2) = min1 <= max2 && min2 <= max1
VRange min1 max1 = versionRange x
proveCompatible :: VersionI a => a -> VersionRange -> Maybe (Compatible a)
proveCompatible x vr = x `mkCompatibleIf` (x `isCompatible` vr)
compatibleVersion :: VersionRangeI a => a -> VersionRange -> Maybe (Compatible (VersionT a))
compatibleVersion x vr =
toVersionT x (min max1 max2) `mkCompatibleIf` isCompatibleRange x vr
max1 = maxVersion $ versionRange x
max2 = maxVersion vr
mkCompatibleIf :: a -> Bool -> Maybe (Compatible a)
x `mkCompatibleIf` cond = if cond then Just $ Compatible_ x else Nothing