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{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
-- |
-- Module : Simplex.Messaging.Agent
-- Copyright : (c)
-- License : AGPL-3
-- Maintainer :
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable
-- This module defines SMP protocol agent with SQLite persistence.
-- See
module Simplex.Messaging.Agent
( -- * queue-based SMP agent
-- * SMP agent functional API
AgentClient (..),
import Control.Concurrent.STM (flushTBQueue, stateTVar)
import Control.Logger.Simple (logInfo, showText)
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.IO.Unlift (MonadUnliftIO)
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Crypto.Random (MonadRandom)
import Data.Bifunctor (bimap, first, second)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import Data.Composition ((.:), (.:.))
import Data.Functor (($>))
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as L
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.Clock.System (systemToUTCTime)
import qualified Database.SQLite.Simple as DB
-- import GHC.Conc (unsafeIOToSTM)
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Client
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Env.SQLite
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.NtfSubSupervisor
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Protocol
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.RetryInterval
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Store
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Store.SQLite
import Simplex.Messaging.Client (ProtocolClient (..), ServerTransmission)
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Crypto as C
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Crypto.Ratchet as CR
import Simplex.Messaging.Encoding
import Simplex.Messaging.Encoding.String (StrEncoding (..))
import Simplex.Messaging.Notifications.Protocol (DeviceToken, NtfRegCode (NtfRegCode), NtfTknStatus (..), NtfTokenId)
import Simplex.Messaging.Notifications.Server.Push.APNS (PNMessageData (..))
import Simplex.Messaging.Notifications.Types
import Simplex.Messaging.Parsers (parse)
import Simplex.Messaging.Protocol (BrokerMsg, ErrorType (AUTH), MsgBody, MsgFlags, NtfServer, SMPMsgMeta)
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Protocol as SMP
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.TMap as TM
import Simplex.Messaging.Util
import Simplex.Messaging.Version
import System.Random (randomR)
import UnliftIO.Async (async, mapConcurrently, race_)
import UnliftIO.Concurrent (forkFinally, forkIO, threadDelay)
import qualified UnliftIO.Exception as E
import UnliftIO.STM
-- | Creates an SMP agent client instance
getSMPAgentClient :: (MonadRandom m, MonadUnliftIO m) => AgentConfig -> InitialAgentServers -> m AgentClient
getSMPAgentClient cfg initServers = newSMPAgentEnv cfg >>= runReaderT runAgent
runAgent = do
c <- getAgentClient initServers
void $ race_ (subscriber c) (runNtfSupervisor c) `forkFinally` const (disconnectAgentClient c)
pure c
disconnectAgentClient :: MonadUnliftIO m => AgentClient -> m ()
disconnectAgentClient c@AgentClient {agentEnv = Env {ntfSupervisor = ns}} = do
closeAgentClient c
liftIO $ closeNtfSupervisor ns
logConnection c False
resumeAgentClient :: MonadIO m => AgentClient -> m ()
resumeAgentClient c = atomically $ writeTVar (active c) True
-- |
type AgentErrorMonad m = (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadError AgentErrorType m)
-- | Create SMP agent connection (NEW command)
createConnection :: AgentErrorMonad m => AgentClient -> SConnectionMode c -> m (ConnId, ConnectionRequestUri c)
createConnection c cMode = withAgentEnv c $ newConn c "" cMode
-- | Join SMP agent connection (JOIN command)
joinConnection :: AgentErrorMonad m => AgentClient -> ConnectionRequestUri c -> ConnInfo -> m ConnId
joinConnection c = withAgentEnv c .: joinConn c ""
-- | Allow connection to continue after CONF notification (LET command)
allowConnection :: AgentErrorMonad m => AgentClient -> ConnId -> ConfirmationId -> ConnInfo -> m ()
allowConnection c = withAgentEnv c .:. allowConnection' c
-- | Accept contact after REQ notification (ACPT command)
acceptContact :: AgentErrorMonad m => AgentClient -> ConfirmationId -> ConnInfo -> m ConnId
acceptContact c = withAgentEnv c .: acceptContact' c ""
-- | Reject contact (RJCT command)
rejectContact :: AgentErrorMonad m => AgentClient -> ConnId -> ConfirmationId -> m ()
rejectContact c = withAgentEnv c .: rejectContact' c
-- | Subscribe to receive connection messages (SUB command)
subscribeConnection :: AgentErrorMonad m => AgentClient -> ConnId -> m ()
subscribeConnection c = withAgentEnv c . subscribeConnection' c
-- | Subscribe to receive connection messages from multiple connections, batching commands when possible
subscribeConnections :: AgentErrorMonad m => AgentClient -> [ConnId] -> m (Map ConnId (Either AgentErrorType ()))
subscribeConnections c = withAgentEnv c . subscribeConnections' c
-- | Get connection message (GET command)
getConnectionMessage :: AgentErrorMonad m => AgentClient -> ConnId -> m (Maybe SMPMsgMeta)
getConnectionMessage c = withAgentEnv c . getConnectionMessage' c
-- | Get connection message for received notification
getNotificationMessage :: AgentErrorMonad m => AgentClient -> C.CbNonce -> ByteString -> m (NotificationInfo, [SMPMsgMeta])
getNotificationMessage c = withAgentEnv c .: getNotificationMessage' c
resubscribeConnection :: AgentErrorMonad m => AgentClient -> ConnId -> m ()
resubscribeConnection c = withAgentEnv c . resubscribeConnection' c
resubscribeConnections :: AgentErrorMonad m => AgentClient -> [ConnId] -> m (Map ConnId (Either AgentErrorType ()))
resubscribeConnections c = withAgentEnv c . resubscribeConnections' c
-- | Send message to the connection (SEND command)
sendMessage :: AgentErrorMonad m => AgentClient -> ConnId -> MsgFlags -> MsgBody -> m AgentMsgId
sendMessage c = withAgentEnv c .:. sendMessage' c
ackMessage :: AgentErrorMonad m => AgentClient -> ConnId -> AgentMsgId -> m ()
ackMessage c = withAgentEnv c .: ackMessage' c
-- | Suspend SMP agent connection (OFF command)
suspendConnection :: AgentErrorMonad m => AgentClient -> ConnId -> m ()
suspendConnection c = withAgentEnv c . suspendConnection' c
-- | Delete SMP agent connection (DEL command)
deleteConnection :: AgentErrorMonad m => AgentClient -> ConnId -> m ()
deleteConnection c = withAgentEnv c . deleteConnection' c
-- | get servers used for connection
getConnectionServers :: AgentErrorMonad m => AgentClient -> ConnId -> m ConnectionStats
getConnectionServers c = withAgentEnv c . getConnectionServers' c
-- | Change servers to be used for creating new queues
setSMPServers :: AgentErrorMonad m => AgentClient -> NonEmpty SMPServer -> m ()
setSMPServers c = withAgentEnv c . setSMPServers' c
setNtfServers :: AgentErrorMonad m => AgentClient -> [NtfServer] -> m ()
setNtfServers c = withAgentEnv c . setNtfServers' c
-- | set SOCKS5 proxy on/off and optionally set TCP timeout
setNetworkConfig :: AgentErrorMonad m => AgentClient -> NetworkConfig -> m ()
setNetworkConfig c cfg' = do
cfg <- atomically $ do
swapTVar (useNetworkConfig c) cfg'
liftIO . when (cfg /= cfg') $ do
closeProtocolServerClients c smpClients
closeProtocolServerClients c ntfClients
getNetworkConfig :: AgentErrorMonad m => AgentClient -> m NetworkConfig
getNetworkConfig = readTVarIO . useNetworkConfig
-- | Register device notifications token
registerNtfToken :: AgentErrorMonad m => AgentClient -> DeviceToken -> NotificationsMode -> m NtfTknStatus
registerNtfToken c = withAgentEnv c .: registerNtfToken' c
-- | Verify device notifications token
verifyNtfToken :: AgentErrorMonad m => AgentClient -> DeviceToken -> C.CbNonce -> ByteString -> m ()
verifyNtfToken c = withAgentEnv c .:. verifyNtfToken' c
checkNtfToken :: AgentErrorMonad m => AgentClient -> DeviceToken -> m NtfTknStatus
checkNtfToken c = withAgentEnv c . checkNtfToken' c
deleteNtfToken :: AgentErrorMonad m => AgentClient -> DeviceToken -> m ()
deleteNtfToken c = withAgentEnv c . deleteNtfToken' c
getNtfToken :: AgentErrorMonad m => AgentClient -> m (DeviceToken, NtfTknStatus, NotificationsMode)
getNtfToken c = withAgentEnv c $ getNtfToken' c
getNtfTokenData :: AgentErrorMonad m => AgentClient -> m NtfToken
getNtfTokenData c = withAgentEnv c $ getNtfTokenData' c
-- | Delete notification subscription for connection
deleteNtfSub :: AgentErrorMonad m => AgentClient -> ConnId -> m ()
deleteNtfSub c = withAgentEnv c . deleteNtfSub' c
-- | Activate operations
activateAgent :: AgentErrorMonad m => AgentClient -> m ()
activateAgent c = withAgentEnv c $ activateAgent' c
-- | Suspend operations with max delay to deliver pending messages
suspendAgent :: AgentErrorMonad m => AgentClient -> Int -> m ()
suspendAgent c = withAgentEnv c . suspendAgent' c
withAgentEnv :: AgentClient -> ReaderT Env m a -> m a
withAgentEnv c = (`runReaderT` agentEnv c)
-- withAgentClient :: AgentErrorMonad m => AgentClient -> ReaderT Env m a -> m a
-- withAgentClient c = withAgentLock c . withAgentEnv c
-- | Creates an SMP agent client instance that receives commands and sends responses via 'TBQueue's.
getAgentClient :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadReader Env m) => InitialAgentServers -> m AgentClient
getAgentClient initServers = ask >>= atomically . newAgentClient initServers
logConnection :: MonadUnliftIO m => AgentClient -> Bool -> m ()
logConnection c connected =
let event = if connected then "connected to" else "disconnected from"
in logInfo $ T.unwords ["client", showText (clientId c), event, "Agent"]
-- | Runs an SMP agent instance that receives commands and sends responses via 'TBQueue's.
runAgentClient :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadReader Env m) => AgentClient -> m ()
runAgentClient c = race_ (subscriber c) (client c)
client :: forall m. (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadReader Env m) => AgentClient -> m ()
client c@AgentClient {rcvQ, subQ} = forever $ do
(corrId, connId, cmd) <- atomically $ readTBQueue rcvQ
withAgentLock c (runExceptT $ processCommand c (connId, cmd))
>>= atomically . writeTBQueue subQ . \case
Left e -> (corrId, connId, ERR e)
Right (connId', resp) -> (corrId, connId', resp)
-- | execute any SMP agent command
processCommand :: forall m. AgentMonad m => AgentClient -> (ConnId, ACommand 'Client) -> m (ConnId, ACommand 'Agent)
processCommand c (connId, cmd) = case cmd of
NEW (ACM cMode) -> second (INV . ACR cMode) <$> newConn c connId cMode
JOIN (ACR _ cReq) connInfo -> (,OK) <$> joinConn c connId cReq connInfo
LET confId ownCInfo -> allowConnection' c connId confId ownCInfo $> (connId, OK)
ACPT invId ownCInfo -> (,OK) <$> acceptContact' c connId invId ownCInfo
RJCT invId -> rejectContact' c connId invId $> (connId, OK)
SUB -> subscribeConnection' c connId $> (connId, OK)
SEND msgFlags msgBody -> (connId,) . MID <$> sendMessage' c connId msgFlags msgBody
ACK msgId -> ackMessage' c connId msgId $> (connId, OK)
OFF -> suspendConnection' c connId $> (connId, OK)
DEL -> deleteConnection' c connId $> (connId, OK)
CHK -> (connId,) . STAT <$> getConnectionServers' c connId
newConn :: AgentMonad m => AgentClient -> ConnId -> SConnectionMode c -> m (ConnId, ConnectionRequestUri c)
newConn c connId cMode = do
srv <- getSMPServer c
clientVRange <- asks $ smpClientVRange . config
(rq, qUri) <- newRcvQueue c srv clientVRange
g <- asks idsDrg
connAgentVersion <- asks $ maxVersion . smpAgentVRange . config
let cData = ConnData {connId, connAgentVersion, duplexHandshake = Nothing} -- connection mode is determined by the accepting agent
connId' <- withStore c $ \db -> createRcvConn db g cData rq cMode
addSubscription c rq connId'
ns <- asks ntfSupervisor
atomically $ sendNtfSubCommand ns (connId', NSCCreate)
aVRange <- asks $ smpAgentVRange . config
let crData = ConnReqUriData simplexChat aVRange [qUri]
case cMode of
SCMContact -> pure (connId', CRContactUri crData)
SCMInvitation -> do
(pk1, pk2, e2eRcvParams) <- liftIO $ CR.generateE2EParams CR.e2eEncryptVersion
withStore' c $ \db -> createRatchetX3dhKeys db connId' pk1 pk2
pure (connId', CRInvitationUri crData $ toVersionRangeT e2eRcvParams CR.e2eEncryptVRange)
joinConn :: AgentMonad m => AgentClient -> ConnId -> ConnectionRequestUri c -> ConnInfo -> m ConnId
joinConn c connId (CRInvitationUri (ConnReqUriData _ agentVRange (qUri :| _)) e2eRcvParamsUri) cInfo = do
aVRange <- asks $ smpAgentVRange . config
clientVRange <- asks $ smpClientVRange . config
case ( qUri `compatibleVersion` clientVRange,
e2eRcvParamsUri `compatibleVersion` CR.e2eEncryptVRange,
agentVRange `compatibleVersion` aVRange
) of
(Just qInfo, Just (Compatible e2eRcvParams@(CR.E2ERatchetParams _ _ rcDHRr)), Just aVersion@(Compatible connAgentVersion)) -> do
(pk1, pk2, e2eSndParams) <- liftIO . CR.generateE2EParams $ version e2eRcvParams
(_, rcDHRs) <- liftIO C.generateKeyPair'
let rc = CR.initSndRatchet rcDHRr rcDHRs $ CR.x3dhSnd pk1 pk2 e2eRcvParams
sq <- newSndQueue qInfo
g <- asks idsDrg
let duplexHS = connAgentVersion /= 1
cData = ConnData {connId, connAgentVersion, duplexHandshake = Just duplexHS}
connId' <- withStore c $ \db -> runExceptT $ do
connId' <- ExceptT $ createSndConn db g cData sq
liftIO $ createRatchet db connId' rc
pure connId'
let cData' = (cData :: ConnData) {connId = connId'}
tryError (confirmQueue aVersion c connId' sq cInfo $ Just e2eSndParams) >>= \case
Right _ -> do
unless duplexHS . void $ enqueueMessage c cData' sq SMP.noMsgFlags HELLO
pure connId'
Left e -> do
-- TODO recovery for failure on network timeout, see rfcs/
withStore' c (`deleteConn` connId')
throwError e
_ -> throwError $ AGENT A_VERSION
joinConn c connId (CRContactUri (ConnReqUriData _ agentVRange (qUri :| _))) cInfo = do
aVRange <- asks $ smpAgentVRange . config
clientVRange <- asks $ smpClientVRange . config
case ( qUri `compatibleVersion` clientVRange,
agentVRange `compatibleVersion` aVRange
) of
(Just qInfo, Just vrsn) -> do
(connId', cReq) <- newConn c connId SCMInvitation
sendInvitation c qInfo vrsn cReq cInfo
pure connId'
_ -> throwError $ AGENT A_VERSION
createReplyQueue :: AgentMonad m => AgentClient -> ConnId -> SndQueue -> m SMPQueueInfo
createReplyQueue c connId SndQueue {smpClientVersion} = do
srv <- getSMPServer c
(rq, qUri) <- newRcvQueue c srv $ versionToRange smpClientVersion
let qInfo = toVersionT qUri smpClientVersion
addSubscription c rq connId
withStore c $ \db -> upgradeSndConnToDuplex db connId rq
ns <- asks ntfSupervisor
atomically $ sendNtfSubCommand ns (connId, NSCCreate)
pure qInfo
-- | Approve confirmation (LET command) in Reader monad
allowConnection' :: AgentMonad m => AgentClient -> ConnId -> ConfirmationId -> ConnInfo -> m ()
allowConnection' c connId confId ownConnInfo =
withStore c (`getConn` connId) >>= \case
SomeConn _ (RcvConnection cData rq) -> do
AcceptedConfirmation {senderConf} <- withStore c $ \db -> runExceptT $ do
conf <- ExceptT $ acceptConfirmation db confId ownConnInfo
liftIO $ createRatchet db connId $ ratchetState (conf :: AcceptedConfirmation)
pure conf
processConfirmation c rq senderConf
mapM_ (connectReplyQueues c cData ownConnInfo) (L.nonEmpty $ smpReplyQueues senderConf)
_ -> throwError $ CMD PROHIBITED
-- | Accept contact (ACPT command) in Reader monad
acceptContact' :: AgentMonad m => AgentClient -> ConnId -> InvitationId -> ConnInfo -> m ConnId
acceptContact' c connId invId ownConnInfo = do
Invitation {contactConnId, connReq} <- withStore c (`getInvitation` invId)
withStore c (`getConn` contactConnId) >>= \case
SomeConn _ ContactConnection {} -> do
withStore' c $ \db -> acceptInvitation db invId ownConnInfo
joinConn c connId connReq ownConnInfo
_ -> throwError $ CMD PROHIBITED
-- | Reject contact (RJCT command) in Reader monad
rejectContact' :: AgentMonad m => AgentClient -> ConnId -> InvitationId -> m ()
rejectContact' c contactConnId invId =
withStore c $ \db -> deleteInvitation db contactConnId invId
processConfirmation :: AgentMonad m => AgentClient -> RcvQueue -> SMPConfirmation -> m ()
processConfirmation c rq@RcvQueue {e2ePrivKey, smpClientVersion = v} SMPConfirmation {senderKey, e2ePubKey, smpClientVersion = v'} = do
let dhSecret = C.dh' e2ePubKey e2ePrivKey
withStore' c $ \db -> setRcvQueueConfirmedE2E db rq dhSecret $ min v v'
secureQueue c rq senderKey
withStore' c $ \db -> setRcvQueueStatus db rq Secured
-- | Subscribe to receive connection messages (SUB command) in Reader monad
subscribeConnection' :: forall m. AgentMonad m => AgentClient -> ConnId -> m ()
subscribeConnection' c connId =
withStore c (`getConn` connId) >>= \case
SomeConn _ (DuplexConnection cData rq sq) -> do
resumeMsgDelivery c cData sq
subscribe rq
SomeConn _ (SndConnection cData sq) -> do
resumeMsgDelivery c cData sq
case status (sq :: SndQueue) of
Confirmed -> pure ()
Active -> throwError $ CONN SIMPLEX
_ -> throwError $ INTERNAL "unexpected queue status"
SomeConn _ (RcvConnection _ rq) -> subscribe rq
SomeConn _ (ContactConnection _ rq) -> subscribe rq
subscribe :: RcvQueue -> m ()
subscribe rq = do
subscribeQueue c rq connId
ns <- asks ntfSupervisor
atomically $ sendNtfSubCommand ns (connId, NSCCreate)
subscribeConnections' :: forall m. AgentMonad m => AgentClient -> [ConnId] -> m (Map ConnId (Either AgentErrorType ()))
subscribeConnections' _ [] = pure M.empty
subscribeConnections' c connIds = do
conns :: Map ConnId (Either StoreError SomeConn) <- M.fromList . zip connIds <$> withStore' c (forM connIds . getConn)
let (errs, cs) = M.mapEither id conns
errs' = (Left . storeError) errs
(sndQs, rcvQs) = M.mapEither rcvOrSndQueue cs
sndRs = (sndSubResult . fst) sndQs
srvRcvQs :: Map SMPServer (Map ConnId (RcvQueue, ConnData)) = M.foldlWithKey' addRcvQueue M.empty rcvQs
mapM_ (mapM_ (uncurry $ resumeMsgDelivery c) . sndQueue) cs
rcvRs <- mapConcurrently subscribe (M.assocs srvRcvQs)
ns <- asks ntfSupervisor
tkn <- readTVarIO (ntfTkn ns)
when (instantNotifications tkn) . void . forkIO $ sendNtfCreate ns rcvRs
let rs = M.unions $ errs' : sndRs : rcvRs
notifyResultError rs
pure rs
rcvOrSndQueue :: SomeConn -> Either (SndQueue, ConnData) (RcvQueue, ConnData)
rcvOrSndQueue = \case
SomeConn _ (DuplexConnection cData rq _) -> Right (rq, cData)
SomeConn _ (SndConnection cData sq) -> Left (sq, cData)
SomeConn _ (RcvConnection cData rq) -> Right (rq, cData)
SomeConn _ (ContactConnection cData rq) -> Right (rq, cData)
sndSubResult :: SndQueue -> Either AgentErrorType ()
sndSubResult sq = case status (sq :: SndQueue) of
Confirmed -> Right ()
Active -> Left $ CONN SIMPLEX
_ -> Left $ INTERNAL "unexpected queue status"
addRcvQueue :: Map SMPServer (Map ConnId (RcvQueue, ConnData)) -> ConnId -> (RcvQueue, ConnData) -> Map SMPServer (Map ConnId (RcvQueue, ConnData))
addRcvQueue m connId rq@(RcvQueue {server}, _) = M.alter (Just . maybe (M.singleton connId rq) (M.insert connId rq)) server m
subscribe :: (SMPServer, Map ConnId (RcvQueue, ConnData)) -> m (Map ConnId (Either AgentErrorType ()))
subscribe (srv, qs) = snd <$> subscribeQueues c srv ( fst qs)
sendNtfCreate :: NtfSupervisor -> [Map ConnId (Either AgentErrorType ())] -> m ()
sendNtfCreate ns rcvRs =
forM_ (concatMap M.assocs rcvRs) $ \case
(connId, Right _) -> atomically $ writeTBQueue (ntfSubQ ns) (connId, NSCCreate)
_ -> pure ()
sndQueue :: SomeConn -> Maybe (ConnData, SndQueue)
sndQueue = \case
SomeConn _ (DuplexConnection cData _ sq) -> Just (cData, sq)
SomeConn _ (SndConnection cData sq) -> Just (cData, sq)
_ -> Nothing
notifyResultError :: Map ConnId (Either AgentErrorType ()) -> m ()
notifyResultError rs = do
let actual = M.size rs
expected = length connIds
when (actual /= expected) . atomically $
writeTBQueue (subQ c) ("", "", ERR . INTERNAL $ "subscribeConnections result size: " <> show actual <> ", expected " <> show expected)
resubscribeConnection' :: AgentMonad m => AgentClient -> ConnId -> m ()
resubscribeConnection' c connId =
(atomically $ hasActiveSubscription c connId)
(subscribeConnection' c connId)
resubscribeConnections' :: forall m. AgentMonad m => AgentClient -> [ConnId] -> m (Map ConnId (Either AgentErrorType ()))
resubscribeConnections' _ [] = pure M.empty
resubscribeConnections' c connIds = do
let r = M.fromList . zip connIds . repeat $ Right ()
connIds' <- filterM (fmap not . atomically . hasActiveSubscription c) connIds
-- union is left-biased, so results returned by subscribeConnections' take precedence
(`M.union` r) <$> subscribeConnections' c connIds'
getConnectionMessage' :: AgentMonad m => AgentClient -> ConnId -> m (Maybe SMPMsgMeta)
getConnectionMessage' c connId = do
whenM (atomically $ hasActiveSubscription c connId) . throwError $ CMD PROHIBITED
withStore c (`getConn` connId) >>= \case
SomeConn _ (DuplexConnection _ rq _) -> getQueueMessage c rq
SomeConn _ (RcvConnection _ rq) -> getQueueMessage c rq
SomeConn _ (ContactConnection _ rq) -> getQueueMessage c rq
SomeConn _ SndConnection {} -> throwError $ CONN SIMPLEX
getNotificationMessage' :: forall m. AgentMonad m => AgentClient -> C.CbNonce -> ByteString -> m (NotificationInfo, [SMPMsgMeta])
getNotificationMessage' c nonce encNtfInfo = do
withStore' c getActiveNtfToken >>= \case
Just NtfToken {ntfDhSecret = Just dhSecret} -> do
ntfData <- agentCbDecrypt dhSecret nonce encNtfInfo
PNMessageData {smpQueue, ntfTs, nmsgNonce, encNMsgMeta} <- liftEither (parse strP (INTERNAL "error parsing PNMessageData") ntfData)
(ntfConnId, rcvNtfDhSecret) <- withStore c (`getNtfRcvQueue` smpQueue)
ntfMsgMeta <- (eitherToMaybe . smpDecode <$> agentCbDecrypt rcvNtfDhSecret nmsgNonce encNMsgMeta) `catchError` \_ -> pure Nothing
maxMsgs <- asks $ ntfMaxMessages . config
(NotificationInfo {ntfConnId, ntfTs, ntfMsgMeta},) <$> getNtfMessages ntfConnId maxMsgs ntfMsgMeta []
_ -> throwError $ CMD PROHIBITED
getNtfMessages ntfConnId maxMs nMeta ms
| length ms < maxMs =
getConnectionMessage' c ntfConnId >>= \case
Just m@SMP.SMPMsgMeta {msgId, msgTs, msgFlags} -> case nMeta of
Just SMP.NMsgMeta {msgId = msgId', msgTs = msgTs'}
| msgId == msgId' || msgTs > msgTs' -> pure $ reverse (m : ms)
| otherwise -> getMsg (m : ms)
| SMP.notification msgFlags -> pure $ reverse (m : ms)
| otherwise -> getMsg (m : ms)
_ -> pure $ reverse ms
| otherwise = pure $ reverse ms
getMsg = getNtfMessages ntfConnId maxMs nMeta
-- | Send message to the connection (SEND command) in Reader monad
sendMessage' :: forall m. AgentMonad m => AgentClient -> ConnId -> MsgFlags -> MsgBody -> m AgentMsgId
sendMessage' c connId msgFlags msg =
withStore c (`getConn` connId) >>= \case
SomeConn _ (DuplexConnection cData _ sq) -> enqueueMsg cData sq
SomeConn _ (SndConnection cData sq) -> enqueueMsg cData sq
_ -> throwError $ CONN SIMPLEX
enqueueMsg :: ConnData -> SndQueue -> m AgentMsgId
enqueueMsg cData sq = enqueueMessage c cData sq msgFlags $ A_MSG msg
enqueueMessage :: forall m. AgentMonad m => AgentClient -> ConnData -> SndQueue -> MsgFlags -> AMessage -> m AgentMsgId
enqueueMessage c cData@ConnData {connId, connAgentVersion} sq msgFlags aMessage = do
resumeMsgDelivery c cData sq
msgId <- storeSentMsg
queuePendingMsgs c connId sq [msgId]
pure $ unId msgId
storeSentMsg :: m InternalId
storeSentMsg = withStore c $ \db -> runExceptT $ do
internalTs <- liftIO getCurrentTime
(internalId, internalSndId, prevMsgHash) <- liftIO $ updateSndIds db connId
let privHeader = APrivHeader (unSndId internalSndId) prevMsgHash
agentMsg = AgentMessage privHeader aMessage
agentMsgStr = smpEncode agentMsg
internalHash = C.sha256Hash agentMsgStr
encAgentMessage <- agentRatchetEncrypt db connId agentMsgStr e2eEncUserMsgLength
let msgBody = smpEncode $ AgentMsgEnvelope {agentVersion = connAgentVersion, encAgentMessage}
msgType = agentMessageType agentMsg
msgData = SndMsgData {internalId, internalSndId, internalTs, msgType, msgFlags, msgBody, internalHash, prevMsgHash}
liftIO $ createSndMsg db connId msgData
pure internalId
resumeMsgDelivery :: forall m. AgentMonad m => AgentClient -> ConnData -> SndQueue -> m ()
resumeMsgDelivery c cData@ConnData {connId} sq@SndQueue {server, sndId} = do
let qKey = (connId, server, sndId)
unlessM (queueDelivering qKey) $
async (runSmpQueueMsgDelivery c cData sq)
>>= \a -> atomically (TM.insert qKey a $ smpQueueMsgDeliveries c)
unlessM connQueued $
withStore' c (`getPendingMsgs` connId)
>>= queuePendingMsgs c connId sq
queueDelivering qKey = atomically $ TM.member qKey (smpQueueMsgDeliveries c)
connQueued = atomically $ isJust <$> TM.lookupInsert connId True (connMsgsQueued c)
queuePendingMsgs :: AgentMonad m => AgentClient -> ConnId -> SndQueue -> [InternalId] -> m ()
queuePendingMsgs c connId sq msgIds = atomically $ do
modifyTVar' (msgDeliveryOp c) $ \s -> s {opsInProgress = opsInProgress s + length msgIds}
-- s <- readTVar (msgDeliveryOp c)
-- unsafeIOToSTM $ putStrLn $ "msgDeliveryOp: " <> show (opsInProgress s)
q <- getPendingMsgQ c connId sq
mapM_ (writeTQueue q) msgIds
getPendingMsgQ :: AgentClient -> ConnId -> SndQueue -> STM (TQueue InternalId)
getPendingMsgQ c connId SndQueue {server, sndId} = do
let qKey = (connId, server, sndId)
maybe (newMsgQueue qKey) pure =<< TM.lookup qKey (smpQueueMsgQueues c)
newMsgQueue qKey = do
mq <- newTQueue
TM.insert qKey mq $ smpQueueMsgQueues c
pure mq
runSmpQueueMsgDelivery :: forall m. AgentMonad m => AgentClient -> ConnData -> SndQueue -> m ()
runSmpQueueMsgDelivery c@AgentClient {subQ} cData@ConnData {connId, duplexHandshake} sq = do
mq <- atomically $ getPendingMsgQ c connId sq
ri <- asks $ messageRetryInterval . config
forever $ do
atomically $ endAgentOperation c AOSndNetwork
msgId <- atomically $ readTQueue mq
atomically $ do
beginAgentOperation c AOSndNetwork
endAgentOperation c AOMsgDelivery
let mId = unId msgId
E.try (withStore c $ \db -> getPendingMsgData db connId msgId) >>= \case
Left (e :: E.SomeException) ->
notify $ MERR mId (INTERNAL $ show e)
Right (rq_, PendingMsgData {msgType, msgBody, msgFlags, internalTs}) ->
withRetryInterval ri $ \loop -> do
resp <- tryError $ case msgType of
AM_CONN_INFO -> sendConfirmation c sq msgBody
_ -> sendAgentMessage c sq msgFlags msgBody
case resp of
Left e -> do
let err = if msgType == AM_CONN_INFO then ERR e else MERR mId e
case e of
SMP SMP.QUOTA -> case msgType of
_ -> retrySending loop
SMP SMP.AUTH -> case msgType of
-- in duplexHandshake mode (v2) HELLO is only sent once, without retrying,
-- because the queue must be secured by the time the confirmation or the first HELLO is received
| duplexHandshake == Just True -> connErr
| otherwise ->
ifM (msgExpired helloTimeout) connErr (retrySending loop)
connErr = case rq_ of
-- party initiating connection
Just _ -> connError msgId NOT_AVAILABLE
-- party joining connection
_ -> connError msgId NOT_ACCEPTED
AM_REPLY_ -> notifyDel msgId $ ERR e
AM_A_MSG_ -> notifyDel msgId $ MERR mId e
-- for other operations BROKER HOST is treated as a permanent error (e.g., when connecting to the server),
-- the message sending would be retried
| temporaryAgentError e || e == BROKER HOST -> do
let timeoutSel = if msgType == AM_HELLO_ then helloTimeout else messageTimeout
ifM (msgExpired timeoutSel) (notifyDel msgId err) (retrySending loop)
| otherwise -> notifyDel msgId err
msgExpired timeoutSel = do
msgTimeout <- asks $ timeoutSel . config
currentTime <- liftIO getCurrentTime
pure $ diffUTCTime currentTime internalTs > msgTimeout
Right () -> do
case msgType of
withStore' c $ \db -> do
setSndQueueStatus db sq Confirmed
when (isJust rq_) $ removeConfirmations db connId
-- TODO possibly notification flag should be ON for one of the parties, to result in contact connected notification
unless (duplexHandshake == Just True) . void $ enqueueMessage c cData sq SMP.noMsgFlags HELLO
AM_HELLO_ -> do
withStore' c $ \db -> setSndQueueStatus db sq Active
case rq_ of
-- party initiating connection (in v1)
Just RcvQueue {status} ->
-- it is unclear why subscribeQueue was needed here,
-- message delivery can only be enabled for queues that were created in the current session or subscribed
-- subscribeQueue c rq connId
-- If initiating party were to send CON to the user without waiting for reply HELLO (to reduce handshake time),
-- it would lead to the non-deterministic internal ID of the first sent message, at to some other race conditions,
-- because it can be sent before HELLO is received
-- With `status == Aclive` condition, CON is sent here only by the accepting party, that previously received HELLO
when (status == Active) $ notify CON
-- Party joining connection sends REPLY after HELLO in v1,
-- it is an error to send REPLY in duplexHandshake mode (v2),
-- and this branch should never be reached as receive is created before the confirmation,
-- so the condition is not necessary here, strictly speaking.
_ -> unless (duplexHandshake == Just True) $ do
qInfo <- createReplyQueue c connId sq
void . enqueueMessage c cData sq SMP.noMsgFlags $ REPLY [qInfo]
AM_A_MSG_ -> notify $ SENT mId
_ -> pure ()
delMsg msgId
delMsg :: InternalId -> m ()
delMsg msgId = withStore' c $ \db -> deleteMsg db connId msgId
notify :: ACommand 'Agent -> m ()
notify cmd = atomically $ writeTBQueue subQ ("", connId, cmd)
notifyDel :: InternalId -> ACommand 'Agent -> m ()
notifyDel msgId cmd = notify cmd >> delMsg msgId
connError msgId = notifyDel msgId . ERR . CONN
retrySending loop = do
-- end... is in a separate atomically because if begin... blocks, SUSPENDED won't be sent
atomically $ endAgentOperation c AOSndNetwork
atomically $ beginAgentOperation c AOSndNetwork
ackMessage' :: forall m. AgentMonad m => AgentClient -> ConnId -> AgentMsgId -> m ()
ackMessage' c connId msgId = do
withStore c (`getConn` connId) >>= \case
SomeConn _ (DuplexConnection _ rq _) -> ack rq
SomeConn _ (RcvConnection _ rq) -> ack rq
SomeConn _ (SndConnection _ _) -> throwError $ CONN SIMPLEX
SomeConn _ (ContactConnection _ _) -> throwError $ CMD PROHIBITED
ack :: RcvQueue -> m ()
ack rq = do
let mId = InternalId msgId
srvMsgId <- withStore c $ \db -> setMsgUserAck db connId mId
sendAck c rq srvMsgId `catchError` \case
SMP SMP.NO_MSG -> pure ()
e -> throwError e
withStore' c $ \db -> deleteMsg db connId mId
-- | Suspend SMP agent connection (OFF command) in Reader monad
suspendConnection' :: AgentMonad m => AgentClient -> ConnId -> m ()
suspendConnection' c connId =
withStore c (`getConn` connId) >>= \case
SomeConn _ (DuplexConnection _ rq _) -> suspendQueue c rq
SomeConn _ (RcvConnection _ rq) -> suspendQueue c rq
SomeConn _ (ContactConnection _ rq) -> suspendQueue c rq
SomeConn _ (SndConnection _ _) -> throwError $ CONN SIMPLEX
-- | Delete SMP agent connection (DEL command) in Reader monad
deleteConnection' :: forall m. AgentMonad m => AgentClient -> ConnId -> m ()
deleteConnection' c connId =
withStore c (`getConn` connId) >>= \case
SomeConn _ (DuplexConnection _ rq _) -> delete rq
SomeConn _ (RcvConnection _ rq) -> delete rq
SomeConn _ (ContactConnection _ rq) -> delete rq
SomeConn _ (SndConnection _ _) -> withStore' c (`deleteConn` connId)
delete :: RcvQueue -> m ()
delete rq = do
deleteQueue c rq
atomically $ removeSubscription c connId
withStore' c (`deleteConn` connId)
ns <- asks ntfSupervisor
atomically $ writeTBQueue (ntfSubQ ns) (connId, NSCDelete)
getConnectionServers' :: AgentMonad m => AgentClient -> ConnId -> m ConnectionStats
getConnectionServers' c connId = connServers <$> withStore c (`getConn` connId)
connServers :: SomeConn -> ConnectionStats
connServers = \case
SomeConn _ (RcvConnection _ RcvQueue {server}) -> ConnectionStats {rcvServers = [server], sndServers = []}
SomeConn _ (SndConnection _ SndQueue {server}) -> ConnectionStats {rcvServers = [], sndServers = [server]}
SomeConn _ (DuplexConnection _ RcvQueue {server = s1} SndQueue {server = s2}) -> ConnectionStats {rcvServers = [s1], sndServers = [s2]}
SomeConn _ (ContactConnection _ RcvQueue {server}) -> ConnectionStats {rcvServers = [server], sndServers = []}
-- | Change servers to be used for creating new queues, in Reader monad
setSMPServers' :: AgentMonad m => AgentClient -> NonEmpty SMPServer -> m ()
setSMPServers' c = atomically . writeTVar (smpServers c)
registerNtfToken' :: forall m. AgentMonad m => AgentClient -> DeviceToken -> NotificationsMode -> m NtfTknStatus
registerNtfToken' c suppliedDeviceToken suppliedNtfMode =
withStore' c getSavedNtfToken >>= \case
Just tkn@NtfToken {deviceToken = savedDeviceToken, ntfTokenId, ntfTknStatus, ntfTknAction, ntfMode = savedNtfMode} -> do
status <- case (ntfTokenId, ntfTknAction) of
(Nothing, Just NTARegister) -> do
when (savedDeviceToken /= suppliedDeviceToken) $ withStore' c $ \db -> updateDeviceToken db tkn suppliedDeviceToken
registerToken tkn $> NTRegistered
-- TODO minimal time before repeat registration
(Just tknId, Nothing)
| savedDeviceToken == suppliedDeviceToken ->
when (ntfTknStatus == NTRegistered) (registerToken tkn) $> NTRegistered
| otherwise -> replaceToken tknId $> NTRegistered
(Just tknId, Just (NTAVerify code))
| savedDeviceToken == suppliedDeviceToken ->
t tkn (NTActive, Just NTACheck) $ agentNtfVerifyToken c tknId tkn code
| otherwise -> replaceToken tknId $> NTRegistered
(Just tknId, Just NTACheck)
| savedDeviceToken == suppliedDeviceToken -> do
ns <- asks ntfSupervisor
atomically $ nsUpdateToken ns tkn {ntfMode = suppliedNtfMode}
when (ntfTknStatus == NTActive) $ do
cron <- asks $ ntfCron . config
agentNtfEnableCron c tknId tkn cron
when (suppliedNtfMode == NMInstant) $ initializeNtfSubs c
when (suppliedNtfMode == NMPeriodic && savedNtfMode == NMInstant) $ smpDeleteNtfSubs c
pure ntfTknStatus -- TODO
-- agentNtfCheckToken c tknId tkn >>= \case
| otherwise -> replaceToken tknId $> NTRegistered
(Just tknId, Just NTADelete) -> do
agentNtfDeleteToken c tknId tkn
withStore' c (`removeNtfToken` tkn)
ns <- asks ntfSupervisor
atomically $ nsRemoveNtfToken ns
pure NTExpired
_ -> pure ntfTknStatus
withStore' c $ \db -> updateNtfMode db tkn suppliedNtfMode
pure status
replaceToken :: NtfTokenId -> m ()
replaceToken tknId = do
agentNtfReplaceToken c tknId tkn suppliedDeviceToken
withStore' c $ \db -> updateDeviceToken db tkn suppliedDeviceToken
ns <- asks ntfSupervisor
atomically $ nsUpdateToken ns tkn {deviceToken = suppliedDeviceToken, ntfTknStatus = NTRegistered, ntfMode = suppliedNtfMode}
_ ->
getNtfServer c >>= \case
Just ntfServer ->
asks (cmdSignAlg . config) >>= \case
C.SignAlg a -> do
tknKeys <- liftIO $ C.generateSignatureKeyPair a
dhKeys <- liftIO C.generateKeyPair'
let tkn = newNtfToken suppliedDeviceToken ntfServer tknKeys dhKeys suppliedNtfMode
withStore' c (`createNtfToken` tkn)
registerToken tkn
pure NTRegistered
_ -> throwError $ CMD PROHIBITED
t tkn = withToken c tkn Nothing
registerToken :: NtfToken -> m ()
registerToken tkn@NtfToken {ntfPubKey, ntfDhKeys = (pubDhKey, privDhKey)} = do
(tknId, srvPubDhKey) <- agentNtfRegisterToken c tkn ntfPubKey pubDhKey
let dhSecret = C.dh' srvPubDhKey privDhKey
withStore' c $ \db -> updateNtfTokenRegistration db tkn tknId dhSecret
ns <- asks ntfSupervisor
atomically $ nsUpdateToken ns tkn {deviceToken = suppliedDeviceToken, ntfTknStatus = NTRegistered, ntfMode = suppliedNtfMode}
verifyNtfToken' :: AgentMonad m => AgentClient -> DeviceToken -> C.CbNonce -> ByteString -> m ()
verifyNtfToken' c deviceToken nonce code =
withStore' c getSavedNtfToken >>= \case
Just tkn@NtfToken {deviceToken = savedDeviceToken, ntfTokenId = Just tknId, ntfDhSecret = Just dhSecret, ntfMode} -> do
when (deviceToken /= savedDeviceToken) . throwError $ CMD PROHIBITED
code' <- liftEither . bimap cryptoError NtfRegCode $ C.cbDecrypt dhSecret nonce code
toStatus <-
withToken c tkn (Just (NTConfirmed, NTAVerify code')) (NTActive, Just NTACheck) $
agentNtfVerifyToken c tknId tkn code'
when (toStatus == NTActive) $ do
cron <- asks $ ntfCron . config
agentNtfEnableCron c tknId tkn cron
when (ntfMode == NMInstant) $ initializeNtfSubs c
_ -> throwError $ CMD PROHIBITED
checkNtfToken' :: AgentMonad m => AgentClient -> DeviceToken -> m NtfTknStatus
checkNtfToken' c deviceToken =
withStore' c getSavedNtfToken >>= \case
Just tkn@NtfToken {deviceToken = savedDeviceToken, ntfTokenId = Just tknId} -> do
when (deviceToken /= savedDeviceToken) . throwError $ CMD PROHIBITED
agentNtfCheckToken c tknId tkn
_ -> throwError $ CMD PROHIBITED
deleteNtfToken' :: AgentMonad m => AgentClient -> DeviceToken -> m ()
deleteNtfToken' c deviceToken =
withStore' c getSavedNtfToken >>= \case
Just tkn@NtfToken {deviceToken = savedDeviceToken} -> do
when (deviceToken /= savedDeviceToken) . throwError $ CMD PROHIBITED
deleteToken_ c tkn
smpDeleteNtfSubs c
_ -> throwError $ CMD PROHIBITED
getNtfToken' :: AgentMonad m => AgentClient -> m (DeviceToken, NtfTknStatus, NotificationsMode)
getNtfToken' c =
withStore' c getSavedNtfToken >>= \case
Just NtfToken {deviceToken, ntfTknStatus, ntfMode} -> pure (deviceToken, ntfTknStatus, ntfMode)
_ -> throwError $ CMD PROHIBITED
getNtfTokenData' :: AgentMonad m => AgentClient -> m NtfToken
getNtfTokenData' c =
withStore' c getSavedNtfToken >>= \case
Just tkn -> pure tkn
_ -> throwError $ CMD PROHIBITED
-- | Delete notification subscription for connection, in Reader monad
deleteNtfSub' :: AgentMonad m => AgentClient -> ConnId -> m ()
deleteNtfSub' _c connId = do
ns <- asks ntfSupervisor
atomically $ writeTBQueue (ntfSubQ ns) (connId, NSCDelete)
deleteToken_ :: AgentMonad m => AgentClient -> NtfToken -> m ()
deleteToken_ c tkn@NtfToken {ntfTokenId, ntfTknStatus} = do
ns <- asks ntfSupervisor
forM_ ntfTokenId $ \tknId -> do
let ntfTknAction = Just NTADelete
withStore' c $ \db -> updateNtfToken db tkn ntfTknStatus ntfTknAction
atomically $ nsUpdateToken ns tkn {ntfTknStatus, ntfTknAction}
agentNtfDeleteToken c tknId tkn `catchError` \case
NTF AUTH -> pure ()
e -> throwError e
withStore' c $ \db -> removeNtfToken db tkn
atomically $ nsRemoveNtfToken ns
withToken :: AgentMonad m => AgentClient -> NtfToken -> Maybe (NtfTknStatus, NtfTknAction) -> (NtfTknStatus, Maybe NtfTknAction) -> m a -> m NtfTknStatus
withToken c tkn@NtfToken {deviceToken, ntfMode} from_ (toStatus, toAction_) f = do
ns <- asks ntfSupervisor
forM_ from_ $ \(status, action) -> do
withStore' c $ \db -> updateNtfToken db tkn status (Just action)
atomically $ nsUpdateToken ns tkn {ntfTknStatus = status, ntfTknAction = Just action}
tryError f >>= \case
Right _ -> do
withStore' c $ \db -> updateNtfToken db tkn toStatus toAction_
let updatedToken = tkn {ntfTknStatus = toStatus, ntfTknAction = toAction_}
atomically $ nsUpdateToken ns updatedToken
pure toStatus
Left e@(NTF AUTH) -> do
withStore' c $ \db -> removeNtfToken db tkn
atomically $ nsRemoveNtfToken ns
void $ registerNtfToken' c deviceToken ntfMode
throwError e
Left e -> throwError e
initializeNtfSubs :: AgentMonad m => AgentClient -> m ()
initializeNtfSubs c = do
ns <- asks ntfSupervisor
connIds <- atomically $ getSubscriptions c
forM_ connIds $ \connId -> atomically $ sendNtfSubCommand ns (connId, NSCCreate)
smpDeleteNtfSubs :: AgentMonad m => AgentClient -> m ()
smpDeleteNtfSubs c = do
ns <- asks ntfSupervisor
void . atomically . flushTBQueue $ ntfSubQ ns
connIds <- atomically $ getSubscriptions c
forM_ connIds $ \connId -> atomically $ writeTBQueue (ntfSubQ ns) (connId, NSCSmpDelete)
-- There should probably be another function to cancel all subscriptions that would flush the queue first,
-- so that supervisor stops processing pending commands?
-- It is an optimization, but I am thinking how it would behave if a user were to flip on/off quickly several times.
setNtfServers' :: AgentMonad m => AgentClient -> [NtfServer] -> m ()
setNtfServers' c = atomically . writeTVar (ntfServers c)
activateAgent' :: AgentMonad m => AgentClient -> m ()
activateAgent' c = do
atomically $ writeTVar (agentState c) ASActive
mapM_ activate $ reverse agentOperations
activate opSel = atomically $ modifyTVar' (opSel c) $ \s -> s {opSuspended = False}
suspendAgent' :: AgentMonad m => AgentClient -> Int -> m ()
suspendAgent' c 0 = do
atomically $ writeTVar (agentState c) ASSuspended
mapM_ suspend agentOperations
suspend opSel = atomically $ modifyTVar' (opSel c) $ \s -> s {opSuspended = True}
suspendAgent' c@AgentClient {agentState = as} maxDelay = do
state <-
atomically $ do
writeTVar as ASSuspending
suspendOperation c AONtfNetwork $ pure ()
suspendOperation c AORcvNetwork $
suspendOperation c AOMsgDelivery $
suspendSendingAndDatabase c
readTVar as
when (state == ASSuspending) . void . forkIO $ do
threadDelay maxDelay
-- liftIO $ putStrLn "suspendAgent after timeout"
atomically . whenSuspending c $ do
-- unsafeIOToSTM $ putStrLn $ "in timeout: suspendSendingAndDatabase"
suspendSendingAndDatabase c
getSMPServer :: AgentMonad m => AgentClient -> m SMPServer
getSMPServer c = do
smpServers <- readTVarIO $ smpServers c
case smpServers of
srv :| [] -> pure srv
servers -> do
gen <- asks randomServer
atomically . stateTVar gen $
first (servers L.!!) . randomR (0, L.length servers - 1)
subscriber :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadReader Env m) => AgentClient -> m ()
subscriber c@AgentClient {msgQ} = forever $ do
t <- atomically $ readTBQueue msgQ
agentOperationBracket c AORcvNetwork $
withAgentLock c (runExceptT $ processSMPTransmission c t) >>= \case
Left e -> liftIO $ print e
Right _ -> return ()
processSMPTransmission :: forall m. AgentMonad m => AgentClient -> ServerTransmission BrokerMsg -> m ()
processSMPTransmission c@AgentClient {smpClients, subQ} (srv, v, sessId, rId, cmd) =
withStore c (\db -> getRcvConn db srv rId) >>= \case
SomeConn _ conn@(DuplexConnection cData rq _) -> processSMP conn cData rq
SomeConn _ conn@(RcvConnection cData rq) -> processSMP conn cData rq
SomeConn _ conn@(ContactConnection cData rq) -> processSMP conn cData rq
_ -> atomically $ writeTBQueue subQ ("", "", ERR $ CONN NOT_FOUND)
processSMP :: Connection c -> ConnData -> RcvQueue -> m ()
processSMP conn cData@ConnData {connId, duplexHandshake} rq@RcvQueue {e2ePrivKey, e2eDhSecret, status} =
case cmd of
SMP.MSG msg@SMP.RcvMessage {msgId = srvMsgId} -> handleNotifyAck $ do
SMP.ClientRcvMsgBody {msgTs = srvTs, msgFlags, msgBody} <- decryptSMPMessage v rq msg
clientMsg@SMP.ClientMsgEnvelope {cmHeader = SMP.PubHeader phVer e2ePubKey_} <-
parseMessage msgBody
clientVRange <- asks $ smpClientVRange . config
unless (phVer `isCompatible` clientVRange) . throwError $ AGENT A_VERSION
case (e2eDhSecret, e2ePubKey_) of
(Nothing, Just e2ePubKey) -> do
let e2eDh = C.dh' e2ePubKey e2ePrivKey
decryptClientMessage e2eDh clientMsg >>= \case
(SMP.PHConfirmation senderKey, AgentConfirmation {e2eEncryption, encConnInfo, agentVersion}) ->
smpConfirmation senderKey e2ePubKey e2eEncryption encConnInfo phVer agentVersion >> ack
(SMP.PHEmpty, AgentInvitation {connReq, connInfo}) ->
smpInvitation connReq connInfo >> ack
_ -> prohibited >> ack
(Just e2eDh, Nothing) -> do
decryptClientMessage e2eDh clientMsg >>= \case
(SMP.PHEmpty, AgentMsgEnvelope _ encAgentMsg) ->
tryError agentClientMsg >>= \case
Right (Just (msgId, msgMeta, aMessage)) -> case aMessage of
HELLO -> helloMsg >> ack >> withStore' c (\db -> deleteMsg db connId msgId)
REPLY cReq -> replyMsg cReq >> ack >> withStore' c (\db -> deleteMsg db connId msgId)
-- note that there is no ACK sent for A_MSG, it is sent with agent's user ACK command
A_MSG body -> do
logServer "<--" c srv rId "MSG <MSG>"
notify $ MSG msgMeta msgFlags body
Right _ -> prohibited >> ack
Left e@(AGENT A_DUPLICATE) -> do
withStore' c (\db -> getLastMsg db connId srvMsgId) >>= \case
Just RcvMsg {internalId, msgMeta, msgBody = agentMsgBody, userAck}
| userAck -> do
withStore' c $ \db -> deleteMsg db connId internalId
| otherwise -> do
liftEither (parse smpP (AGENT A_MESSAGE) agentMsgBody) >>= \case
AgentMessage _ (A_MSG body) -> do
logServer "<--" c srv rId "MSG <MSG>"
notify $ MSG msgMeta msgFlags body
_ -> pure ()
_ -> throwError e
Left e -> throwError e
agentClientMsg :: m (Maybe (InternalId, MsgMeta, AMessage))
agentClientMsg = withStore c $ \db -> runExceptT $ do
agentMsgBody <- agentRatchetDecrypt db connId encAgentMsg
liftEither (parse smpP (SEAgentError $ AGENT A_MESSAGE) agentMsgBody) >>= \case
agentMsg@(AgentMessage APrivHeader {sndMsgId, prevMsgHash} aMessage) -> do
let msgType = agentMessageType agentMsg
internalHash = C.sha256Hash agentMsgBody
internalTs <- liftIO getCurrentTime
(internalId, internalRcvId, prevExtSndId, prevRcvMsgHash) <- liftIO $ updateRcvIds db connId
let integrity = checkMsgIntegrity prevExtSndId sndMsgId prevRcvMsgHash prevMsgHash
recipient = (unId internalId, internalTs)
broker = (srvMsgId, systemToUTCTime srvTs)
msgMeta = MsgMeta {integrity, recipient, broker, sndMsgId}
rcvMsg = RcvMsgData {msgMeta, msgType, msgFlags, msgBody = agentMsgBody, internalRcvId, internalHash, externalPrevSndHash = prevMsgHash}
liftIO $ createRcvMsg db connId rcvMsg
pure $ Just (internalId, msgMeta, aMessage)
_ -> pure Nothing
_ -> prohibited >> ack
_ -> prohibited >> ack
ack :: m ()
ack =
sendAck c rq srvMsgId `catchError` \case
SMP SMP.NO_MSG -> pure ()
e -> throwError e
handleNotifyAck :: m () -> m ()
handleNotifyAck m = m `catchError` \e -> notify (ERR e) >> ack
atomically (TM.lookup srv smpClients $>>= tryReadTMVar >>= processEND)
>>= logServer "<--" c srv rId
processEND = \case
Just (Right clnt)
| sessId == sessionId clnt -> do
removeSubscription c connId
writeTBQueue subQ ("", connId, END)
pure "END"
| otherwise -> ignored
_ -> ignored
ignored = pure "END from disconnected client - ignored"
_ -> do
logServer "<--" c srv rId $ "unexpected: " <> bshow cmd
notify :: ACommand 'Agent -> m ()
notify msg = atomically $ writeTBQueue subQ ("", connId, msg)
prohibited :: m ()
prohibited = notify . ERR $ AGENT A_PROHIBITED
decryptClientMessage :: C.DhSecretX25519 -> SMP.ClientMsgEnvelope -> m (SMP.PrivHeader, AgentMsgEnvelope)
decryptClientMessage e2eDh SMP.ClientMsgEnvelope {cmNonce, cmEncBody} = do
clientMsg <- agentCbDecrypt e2eDh cmNonce cmEncBody
SMP.ClientMessage privHeader clientBody <- parseMessage clientMsg
agentEnvelope <- parseMessage clientBody
-- Version check is removed here, because when connecting via v1 contact address the agent still sends v2 message,
-- to allow duplexHandshake mode, in case the receiving agent was updated to v2 after the address was created.
-- aVRange <- asks $ smpAgentVRange . config
-- if agentVersion agentEnvelope `isCompatible` aVRange
-- then pure (privHeader, agentEnvelope)
-- else throwError $ AGENT A_VERSION
pure (privHeader, agentEnvelope)
parseMessage :: Encoding a => ByteString -> m a
parseMessage = liftEither . parse smpP (AGENT A_MESSAGE)
smpConfirmation :: C.APublicVerifyKey -> C.PublicKeyX25519 -> Maybe (CR.E2ERatchetParams 'C.X448) -> ByteString -> Version -> Version -> m ()
smpConfirmation senderKey e2ePubKey e2eEncryption encConnInfo smpClientVersion agentVersion = do
logServer "<--" c srv rId "MSG <CONF>"
AgentConfig {smpAgentVRange, smpClientVRange} <- asks config
(agentVersion `isCompatible` smpAgentVRange && smpClientVersion `isCompatible` smpClientVRange)
(throwError $ AGENT A_VERSION)
case status of
New -> case (conn, e2eEncryption) of
-- party initiating connection
(RcvConnection {}, Just e2eSndParams) -> do
(pk1, rcDHRs) <- withStore c $ (`getRatchetX3dhKeys` connId)
let rc = CR.initRcvRatchet rcDHRs $ CR.x3dhRcv pk1 rcDHRs e2eSndParams
(agentMsgBody_, rc', skipped) <- liftError cryptoError $ CR.rcDecrypt rc M.empty encConnInfo
case (agentMsgBody_, skipped) of
(Right agentMsgBody, CR.SMDNoChange) ->
parseMessage agentMsgBody >>= \case
AgentConnInfo connInfo ->
processConf connInfo SMPConfirmation {senderKey, e2ePubKey, connInfo, smpReplyQueues = [], smpClientVersion} False
AgentConnInfoReply smpQueues connInfo ->
processConf connInfo SMPConfirmation {senderKey, e2ePubKey, connInfo, smpReplyQueues = L.toList smpQueues, smpClientVersion} True
_ -> prohibited
processConf connInfo senderConf duplexHS = do
let newConfirmation = NewConfirmation {connId, senderConf, ratchetState = rc'}
g <- asks idsDrg
confId <- withStore c $ \db -> do
setHandshakeVersion db connId agentVersion duplexHS
createConfirmation db g newConfirmation
let srvs = map queueServer $ smpReplyQueues senderConf
notify $ CONF confId srvs connInfo
queueServer (SMPQueueInfo _ SMPQueueAddress {smpServer}) = smpServer
_ -> prohibited
-- party accepting connection
(DuplexConnection _ _ sq, Nothing) -> do
withStore c (\db -> runExceptT $ agentRatchetDecrypt db connId encConnInfo) >>= parseMessage >>= \case
AgentConnInfo connInfo -> do
notify $ INFO connInfo
processConfirmation c rq $ SMPConfirmation {senderKey, e2ePubKey, connInfo, smpReplyQueues = [], smpClientVersion}
when (duplexHandshake == Just True) $ enqueueDuplexHello sq
_ -> prohibited
_ -> prohibited
_ -> prohibited
helloMsg :: m ()
helloMsg = do
logServer "<--" c srv rId "MSG <HELLO>"
case status of
Active -> prohibited
_ -> do
withStore' c $ \db -> setRcvQueueStatus db rq Active
case conn of
DuplexConnection _ _ sq@SndQueue {status = sndStatus}
-- `sndStatus == Active` when HELLO was previously sent, and this is the reply HELLO
-- this branch is executed by the accepting party in duplexHandshake mode (v2)
-- and by the initiating party in v1
-- Also see comment where HELLO is sent.
| sndStatus == Active -> atomically $ writeTBQueue subQ ("", connId, CON)
| duplexHandshake == Just True -> enqueueDuplexHello sq
| otherwise -> pure ()
_ -> pure ()
enqueueDuplexHello :: SndQueue -> m ()
enqueueDuplexHello sq = void $ enqueueMessage c cData sq SMP.MsgFlags {notification = True} HELLO
replyMsg :: L.NonEmpty SMPQueueInfo -> m ()
replyMsg smpQueues = do
logServer "<--" c srv rId "MSG <REPLY>"
case duplexHandshake of
Just True -> prohibited
_ -> case conn of
RcvConnection {} -> do
AcceptedConfirmation {ownConnInfo} <- withStore c (`getAcceptedConfirmation` connId)
connectReplyQueues c cData ownConnInfo smpQueues `catchError` (notify . ERR)
_ -> prohibited
smpInvitation :: ConnectionRequestUri 'CMInvitation -> ConnInfo -> m ()
smpInvitation connReq@(CRInvitationUri crData _) cInfo = do
logServer "<--" c srv rId "MSG <KEY>"
case conn of
ContactConnection {} -> do
g <- asks idsDrg
let newInv = NewInvitation {contactConnId = connId, connReq, recipientConnInfo = cInfo}
invId <- withStore c $ \db -> createInvitation db g newInv
let srvs = queueServer $ crSmpQueues crData
notify $ REQ invId srvs cInfo
_ -> prohibited
queueServer (SMPQueueUri _ SMPQueueAddress {smpServer}) = smpServer
checkMsgIntegrity :: PrevExternalSndId -> ExternalSndId -> PrevRcvMsgHash -> ByteString -> MsgIntegrity
checkMsgIntegrity prevExtSndId extSndId internalPrevMsgHash receivedPrevMsgHash
| extSndId == prevExtSndId + 1 && internalPrevMsgHash == receivedPrevMsgHash = MsgOk
| extSndId < prevExtSndId = MsgError $ MsgBadId extSndId
| extSndId == prevExtSndId = MsgError MsgDuplicate -- ? deduplicate
| extSndId > prevExtSndId + 1 = MsgError $ MsgSkipped (prevExtSndId + 1) (extSndId - 1)
| internalPrevMsgHash /= receivedPrevMsgHash = MsgError MsgBadHash
| otherwise = MsgError MsgDuplicate -- this case is not possible
connectReplyQueues :: AgentMonad m => AgentClient -> ConnData -> ConnInfo -> L.NonEmpty SMPQueueInfo -> m ()
connectReplyQueues c cData@ConnData {connId} ownConnInfo (qInfo :| _) = do
clientVRange <- asks $ smpClientVRange . config
case qInfo `proveCompatible` clientVRange of
Nothing -> throwError $ AGENT A_VERSION
Just qInfo' -> do
sq <- newSndQueue qInfo'
withStore c $ \db -> upgradeRcvConnToDuplex db connId sq
enqueueConfirmation c cData sq ownConnInfo Nothing
confirmQueue :: forall m. AgentMonad m => Compatible Version -> AgentClient -> ConnId -> SndQueue -> ConnInfo -> Maybe (CR.E2ERatchetParams 'C.X448) -> m ()
confirmQueue (Compatible agentVersion) c connId sq connInfo e2eEncryption = do
aMessage <- mkAgentMessage agentVersion
msg <- mkConfirmation aMessage
sendConfirmation c sq msg
withStore' c $ \db -> setSndQueueStatus db sq Confirmed
mkConfirmation :: AgentMessage -> m MsgBody
mkConfirmation aMessage = withStore c $ \db -> runExceptT $ do
void . liftIO $ updateSndIds db connId
encConnInfo <- agentRatchetEncrypt db connId (smpEncode aMessage) e2eEncConnInfoLength
pure . smpEncode $ AgentConfirmation {agentVersion, e2eEncryption, encConnInfo}
mkAgentMessage :: Version -> m AgentMessage
mkAgentMessage 1 = pure $ AgentConnInfo connInfo
mkAgentMessage _ = do
qInfo <- createReplyQueue c connId sq
pure $ AgentConnInfoReply (qInfo :| []) connInfo
enqueueConfirmation :: forall m. AgentMonad m => AgentClient -> ConnData -> SndQueue -> ConnInfo -> Maybe (CR.E2ERatchetParams 'C.X448) -> m ()
enqueueConfirmation c cData@ConnData {connId, connAgentVersion} sq connInfo e2eEncryption = do
resumeMsgDelivery c cData sq
msgId <- storeConfirmation
queuePendingMsgs c connId sq [msgId]
storeConfirmation :: m InternalId
storeConfirmation = withStore c $ \db -> runExceptT $ do
internalTs <- liftIO getCurrentTime
(internalId, internalSndId, prevMsgHash) <- liftIO $ updateSndIds db connId
let agentMsg = AgentConnInfo connInfo
agentMsgStr = smpEncode agentMsg
internalHash = C.sha256Hash agentMsgStr
encConnInfo <- agentRatchetEncrypt db connId agentMsgStr e2eEncConnInfoLength
let msgBody = smpEncode $ AgentConfirmation {agentVersion = connAgentVersion, e2eEncryption, encConnInfo}
msgType = agentMessageType agentMsg
msgData = SndMsgData {internalId, internalSndId, internalTs, msgType, msgBody, msgFlags = SMP.MsgFlags {notification = True}, internalHash, prevMsgHash}
liftIO $ createSndMsg db connId msgData
pure internalId
-- encoded AgentMessage -> encoded EncAgentMessage
agentRatchetEncrypt :: DB.Connection -> ConnId -> ByteString -> Int -> ExceptT StoreError IO ByteString
agentRatchetEncrypt db connId msg paddedLen = do
rc <- ExceptT $ getRatchet db connId
(encMsg, rc') <- liftE (SEAgentError . cryptoError) $ CR.rcEncrypt rc paddedLen msg
liftIO $ updateRatchet db connId rc' CR.SMDNoChange
pure encMsg
-- encoded EncAgentMessage -> encoded AgentMessage
agentRatchetDecrypt :: DB.Connection -> ConnId -> ByteString -> ExceptT StoreError IO ByteString
agentRatchetDecrypt db connId encAgentMsg = do
rc <- ExceptT $ getRatchet db connId
skipped <- liftIO $ getSkippedMsgKeys db connId
(agentMsgBody_, rc', skippedDiff) <- liftE (SEAgentError . cryptoError) $ CR.rcDecrypt rc skipped encAgentMsg
liftIO $ updateRatchet db connId rc' skippedDiff
liftEither $ first (SEAgentError . cryptoError) agentMsgBody_
newSndQueue :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadReader Env m) => Compatible SMPQueueInfo -> m SndQueue
newSndQueue qInfo =
asks (cmdSignAlg . config) >>= \case
C.SignAlg a -> newSndQueue_ a qInfo
newSndQueue_ ::
(C.SignatureAlgorithm a, C.AlgorithmI a, MonadUnliftIO m) =>
C.SAlgorithm a ->
Compatible SMPQueueInfo ->
m SndQueue
newSndQueue_ a (Compatible (SMPQueueInfo smpClientVersion SMPQueueAddress {smpServer, senderId, dhPublicKey = rcvE2ePubDhKey})) = do
-- this function assumes clientVersion is compatible - it was tested before
(sndPublicKey, sndPrivateKey) <- liftIO $ C.generateSignatureKeyPair a
(e2ePubKey, e2ePrivKey) <- liftIO C.generateKeyPair'
{ server = smpServer,
sndId = senderId,
sndPublicKey = Just sndPublicKey,
e2eDhSecret = C.dh' rcvE2ePubDhKey e2ePrivKey,
e2ePubKey = Just e2ePubKey,
status = New,