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{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Simplex.Messaging.Client.Agent where
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
import Control.Concurrent.Async (Async, uninterruptibleCancel)
import Control.Logger.Simple
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.IO.Unlift
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Text.Encoding
import Numeric.Natural
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.RetryInterval
import Simplex.Messaging.Client
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Crypto as C
import Simplex.Messaging.Encoding.String
import Simplex.Messaging.Protocol (BrokerMsg, ProtocolServer (..), QueueId, SMPServer)
import Simplex.Messaging.TMap (TMap)
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.TMap as TM
import Simplex.Messaging.Transport
import Simplex.Messaging.Util (catchAll_, tryE, unlessM, ($>>=))
import System.Timeout (timeout)
import UnliftIO (async, forConcurrently_)
import UnliftIO.Exception (Exception)
import qualified UnliftIO.Exception as E
import UnliftIO.STM
type SMPClientVar = TMVar (Either ProtocolClientError SMPClient)
data SMPClientAgentEvent
= CAConnected SMPServer
| CADisconnected SMPServer (Set SMPSub)
| CAReconnected SMPServer
| CAResubscribed SMPServer SMPSub
| CASubError SMPServer SMPSub ProtocolClientError
data SMPSubParty = SPRecipient | SPNotifier
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
type SMPSub = (SMPSubParty, QueueId)
-- type SMPServerSub = (SMPServer, SMPSub)
data SMPClientAgentConfig = SMPClientAgentConfig
{ smpCfg :: ProtocolClientConfig,
reconnectInterval :: RetryInterval,
msgQSize :: Natural,
agentQSize :: Natural
defaultSMPClientAgentConfig :: SMPClientAgentConfig
defaultSMPClientAgentConfig =
{ smpCfg = defaultClientConfig {defaultTransport = ("5223", transport @TLS)},
reconnectInterval =
{ initialInterval = second,
increaseAfter = 10 * second,
maxInterval = 10 * second
msgQSize = 64,
agentQSize = 64
second = 1000000
data SMPClientAgent = SMPClientAgent
{ agentCfg :: SMPClientAgentConfig,
msgQ :: TBQueue (ServerTransmission BrokerMsg),
agentQ :: TBQueue SMPClientAgentEvent,
smpClients :: TMap SMPServer SMPClientVar,
srvSubs :: TMap SMPServer (TMap SMPSub C.APrivateSignKey),
pendingSrvSubs :: TMap SMPServer (TMap SMPSub C.APrivateSignKey),
reconnections :: TVar [Async ()],
asyncClients :: TVar [Async ()]
newtype InternalException e = InternalException {unInternalException :: e}
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Exception e => Exception (InternalException e)
instance (MonadUnliftIO m, Exception e) => MonadUnliftIO (ExceptT e m) where
withRunInIO :: ((forall a. ExceptT e m a -> IO a) -> IO b) -> ExceptT e m b
withRunInIO exceptToIO =
withExceptT unInternalException . ExceptT . E.try $
withRunInIO $ \run ->
exceptToIO $ run . (either (E.throwIO . InternalException) return <=< runExceptT)
newSMPClientAgent :: SMPClientAgentConfig -> STM SMPClientAgent
newSMPClientAgent agentCfg@SMPClientAgentConfig {msgQSize, agentQSize} = do
msgQ <- newTBQueue msgQSize
agentQ <- newTBQueue agentQSize
smpClients <- TM.empty
srvSubs <- TM.empty
pendingSrvSubs <- TM.empty
reconnections <- newTVar []
asyncClients <- newTVar []
pure SMPClientAgent {agentCfg, msgQ, agentQ, smpClients, srvSubs, pendingSrvSubs, reconnections, asyncClients}
getSMPServerClient' :: SMPClientAgent -> SMPServer -> ExceptT ProtocolClientError IO SMPClient
getSMPServerClient' ca@SMPClientAgent {agentCfg, smpClients, msgQ} srv =
atomically getClientVar >>= either newSMPClient waitForSMPClient
getClientVar :: STM (Either SMPClientVar SMPClientVar)
getClientVar = maybe (Left <$> newClientVar) (pure . Right) =<< TM.lookup srv smpClients
newClientVar :: STM SMPClientVar
newClientVar = do
smpVar <- newEmptyTMVar
TM.insert srv smpVar smpClients
pure smpVar
waitForSMPClient :: SMPClientVar -> ExceptT ProtocolClientError IO SMPClient
waitForSMPClient smpVar = do
let ProtocolClientConfig {networkConfig = NetworkConfig {tcpConnectTimeout}} = smpCfg agentCfg
smpClient_ <- liftIO $ tcpConnectTimeout `timeout` atomically (readTMVar smpVar)
liftEither $ case smpClient_ of
Just (Right smpClient) -> Right smpClient
Just (Left e) -> Left e
Nothing -> Left PCEResponseTimeout
newSMPClient :: SMPClientVar -> ExceptT ProtocolClientError IO SMPClient
newSMPClient smpVar = tryConnectClient pure tryConnectAsync
tryConnectClient :: (SMPClient -> ExceptT ProtocolClientError IO a) -> ExceptT ProtocolClientError IO () -> ExceptT ProtocolClientError IO a
tryConnectClient successAction retryAction =
tryE connectClient >>= \r -> case r of
Right smp -> do
logInfo . decodeUtf8 $ "Agent connected to " <> showServer srv
atomically $ putTMVar smpVar r
successAction smp
Left e -> do
if e == PCENetworkError || e == PCEResponseTimeout
then retryAction
else atomically $ do
putTMVar smpVar (Left e)
TM.delete srv smpClients
throwE e
tryConnectAsync :: ExceptT ProtocolClientError IO ()
tryConnectAsync = do
a <- async connectAsync
atomically $ modifyTVar' (asyncClients ca) (a :)
connectAsync :: ExceptT ProtocolClientError IO ()
connectAsync =
withRetryInterval (reconnectInterval agentCfg) $ \loop ->
void $ tryConnectClient (const reconnectClient) loop
connectClient :: ExceptT ProtocolClientError IO SMPClient
connectClient = ExceptT $ getProtocolClient srv (smpCfg agentCfg) (Just msgQ) clientDisconnected
clientDisconnected :: SMPClient -> IO ()
clientDisconnected _ = do
removeClientAndSubs >>= (`forM_` serverDown)
logInfo . decodeUtf8 $ "Agent disconnected from " <> showServer srv
removeClientAndSubs :: IO (Maybe (Map SMPSub C.APrivateSignKey))
removeClientAndSubs = atomically $ do
TM.delete srv smpClients
TM.lookupDelete srv (srvSubs ca) >>= mapM updateSubs
updateSubs sVar = do
ss <- readTVar sVar
addPendingSubs sVar ss
pure ss
addPendingSubs sVar ss = do
let ps = pendingSrvSubs ca
TM.lookup srv ps >>= \case
Just v -> TM.union ss v
_ -> TM.insert srv sVar ps
serverDown :: Map SMPSub C.APrivateSignKey -> IO ()
serverDown ss = unless (M.null ss) . void . runExceptT $ do
notify . CADisconnected srv $ M.keysSet ss
reconnectServer :: ExceptT ProtocolClientError IO ()
reconnectServer = do
a <- async tryReconnectClient
atomically $ modifyTVar' (reconnections ca) (a :)
tryReconnectClient :: ExceptT ProtocolClientError IO ()
tryReconnectClient = do
withRetryInterval (reconnectInterval agentCfg) $ \loop ->
reconnectClient `catchE` const loop
reconnectClient :: ExceptT ProtocolClientError IO ()
reconnectClient = do
withSMP ca srv $ \smp -> do
notify $ CAReconnected srv
cs <- atomically $ mapM readTVar =<< TM.lookup srv (pendingSrvSubs ca)
forConcurrently_ (maybe [] M.assocs cs) $ \sub@(s, _) ->
unlessM (atomically $ hasSub (srvSubs ca) srv s) $
subscribe_ smp sub `catchE` handleError s
subscribe_ :: SMPClient -> (SMPSub, C.APrivateSignKey) -> ExceptT ProtocolClientError IO ()
subscribe_ smp sub@(s, _) = do
smpSubscribe smp sub
atomically $ addSubscription ca srv sub
notify $ CAResubscribed srv s
handleError :: SMPSub -> ProtocolClientError -> ExceptT ProtocolClientError IO ()
handleError s = \case
e@PCEResponseTimeout -> throwE e
e@PCENetworkError -> throwE e
e -> do
notify $ CASubError srv s e
atomically $ removePendingSubscription ca srv s
notify :: SMPClientAgentEvent -> ExceptT ProtocolClientError IO ()
notify evt = atomically $ writeTBQueue (agentQ ca) evt
closeSMPClientAgent :: MonadUnliftIO m => SMPClientAgent -> m ()
closeSMPClientAgent c = liftIO $ do
closeSMPServerClients c
cancelActions $ reconnections c
cancelActions $ asyncClients c
closeSMPServerClients :: SMPClientAgent -> IO ()
closeSMPServerClients c = readTVarIO (smpClients c) >>= mapM_ (forkIO . closeClient)
closeClient smpVar =
atomically (readTMVar smpVar) >>= \case
Right smp -> closeProtocolClient smp `catchAll_` pure ()
_ -> pure ()
cancelActions :: Foldable f => TVar (f (Async ())) -> IO ()
cancelActions as = readTVarIO as >>= mapM_ uninterruptibleCancel
withSMP :: SMPClientAgent -> SMPServer -> (SMPClient -> ExceptT ProtocolClientError IO a) -> ExceptT ProtocolClientError IO a
withSMP ca srv action = (getSMPServerClient' ca srv >>= action) `catchE` logSMPError
logSMPError :: ProtocolClientError -> ExceptT ProtocolClientError IO a
logSMPError e = do
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "SMP error (" <> show srv <> "): " <> show e
throwE e
subscribeQueue :: SMPClientAgent -> SMPServer -> (SMPSub, C.APrivateSignKey) -> ExceptT ProtocolClientError IO ()
subscribeQueue ca srv sub = do
atomically $ addPendingSubscription ca srv sub
withSMP ca srv $ \smp -> subscribe_ smp `catchE` handleError
subscribe_ smp = do
smpSubscribe smp sub
atomically $ addSubscription ca srv sub
handleError e = do
atomically . when (e /= PCENetworkError && e /= PCEResponseTimeout) $
removePendingSubscription ca srv $ fst sub
throwE e
showServer :: SMPServer -> ByteString
showServer ProtocolServer {host, port} =
strEncode host <> (B.pack $ if null port then "" else ':' : port)
smpSubscribe :: SMPClient -> (SMPSub, C.APrivateSignKey) -> ExceptT ProtocolClientError IO ()
smpSubscribe smp ((party, queueId), privKey) = subscribe_ smp privKey queueId
subscribe_ = case party of
SPRecipient -> subscribeSMPQueue
SPNotifier -> subscribeSMPQueueNotifications
addSubscription :: SMPClientAgent -> SMPServer -> (SMPSub, C.APrivateSignKey) -> STM ()
addSubscription ca srv sub = do
addSub_ (srvSubs ca) srv sub
removePendingSubscription ca srv $ fst sub
addPendingSubscription :: SMPClientAgent -> SMPServer -> (SMPSub, C.APrivateSignKey) -> STM ()
addPendingSubscription = addSub_ . pendingSrvSubs
addSub_ :: TMap SMPServer (TMap SMPSub C.APrivateSignKey) -> SMPServer -> (SMPSub, C.APrivateSignKey) -> STM ()
addSub_ subs srv (s, key) =
TM.lookup srv subs >>= \case
Just m -> TM.insert s key m
_ -> TM.singleton s key >>= \v -> TM.insert srv v subs
removeSubscription :: SMPClientAgent -> SMPServer -> SMPSub -> STM ()
removeSubscription = removeSub_ . srvSubs
removePendingSubscription :: SMPClientAgent -> SMPServer -> SMPSub -> STM ()
removePendingSubscription = removeSub_ . pendingSrvSubs
removeSub_ :: TMap SMPServer (TMap SMPSub C.APrivateSignKey) -> SMPServer -> SMPSub -> STM ()
removeSub_ subs srv s = TM.lookup srv subs >>= mapM_ (TM.delete s)
getSubKey :: TMap SMPServer (TMap SMPSub C.APrivateSignKey) -> SMPServer -> SMPSub -> STM (Maybe C.APrivateSignKey)
getSubKey subs srv s = TM.lookup srv subs $>>= TM.lookup s
hasSub :: TMap SMPServer (TMap SMPSub C.APrivateSignKey) -> SMPServer -> SMPSub -> STM Bool
hasSub subs srv s = maybe (pure False) (TM.member s) =<< TM.lookup srv subs