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{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
module AgentTests.FunctionalAPITests
( functionalAPITests,
pattern Msg,
import Control.Concurrent (killThread, threadDelay)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT, runExceptT)
import Control.Monad.IO.Unlift
import Data.Int (Int64)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Time.Clock.System (SystemTime (..), getSystemTime)
import SMPAgentClient
import SMPClient (cfg, testPort, testPort2, testStoreLogFile2, withSmpServer, withSmpServerConfigOn, withSmpServerStoreLogOn, withSmpServerStoreMsgLogOn)
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Env.SQLite (AgentConfig (..))
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Protocol
import Simplex.Messaging.Client (ProtocolClientConfig (..))
import Simplex.Messaging.Protocol (ErrorType (..), MsgBody)
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Protocol as SMP
import Simplex.Messaging.Server.Env.STM (ServerConfig (..))
import Simplex.Messaging.Server.Expiration
import Simplex.Messaging.Transport (ATransport (..))
import Simplex.Messaging.Version
import Test.Hspec
import UnliftIO
(##>) :: MonadIO m => m (ATransmission 'Agent) -> ATransmission 'Agent -> m ()
a ##> t = a >>= \t' -> liftIO (t' `shouldBe` t)
(=##>) :: MonadIO m => m (ATransmission 'Agent) -> (ATransmission 'Agent -> Bool) -> m ()
a =##> p = a >>= \t -> liftIO (t `shouldSatisfy` p)
get :: MonadIO m => AgentClient -> m (ATransmission 'Agent)
get c = do
t@(_, _, cmd) <- atomically (readTBQueue $ subQ c)
case cmd of
CONNECT {} -> get c
DISCONNECT {} -> get c
_ -> pure t
pattern Msg :: MsgBody -> ACommand 'Agent
pattern Msg msgBody <- MSG MsgMeta {integrity = MsgOk} _ msgBody
smpCfgV1 :: ProtocolClientConfig
smpCfgV1 = (smpCfg agentCfg) {smpServerVRange = mkVersionRange 1 1}
agentCfgV1 :: AgentConfig
agentCfgV1 = agentCfg {smpAgentVRange = mkVersionRange 1 1, smpClientVRange = mkVersionRange 1 1, smpCfg = smpCfgV1}
functionalAPITests :: ATransport -> Spec
functionalAPITests t = do
describe "Establishing duplex connection" $
it "should connect via one server using SMP agent clients" $
withSmpServer t testAgentClient
describe "Duplex connection between agent versions 1 and 2" $ do
it "should connect agent v1 to v1" $
withSmpServer t testAgentClientV1toV1
it "should connect agent v1 to v2" $
withSmpServer t testAgentClientV1toV2
it "should connect agent v2 to v1" $
withSmpServer t testAgentClientV2toV1
describe "Establish duplex connection via contact address" $
it "should connect via one server using SMP agent clients" $
withSmpServer t testAgentClientContact
describe "Duplex connection via contact address between agent versions 1 and 2" $ do
it "should connect agent v1 to v1" $
withSmpServer t testAgentClientContactV1toV1
it "should connect agent v1 to v2" $
withSmpServer t testAgentClientContactV1toV2
it "should connect agent v2 to v1" $
withSmpServer t testAgentClientContactV2toV1
describe "Establishing connection asynchronously" $ do
it "should connect with initiating client going offline" $
withSmpServer t testAsyncInitiatingOffline
it "should connect with joining client going offline before its queue activation" $
withSmpServer t testAsyncJoiningOfflineBeforeActivation
it "should connect with both clients going offline" $
withSmpServer t testAsyncBothOffline
it "should connect on the second attempt if server was offline" $
testAsyncServerOffline t
it "should notify after HELLO timeout" $
withSmpServer t testAsyncHelloTimeout
describe "Duplicate message delivery" $
it "should deliver messages to the user once, even if repeat delivery is made by the server (no ACK)" $
testDuplicateMessage t
describe "Inactive client disconnection" $ do
it "should disconnect clients if it was inactive longer than TTL" $
testInactiveClientDisconnected t
it "should NOT disconnect active clients" $
testActiveClientNotDisconnected t
describe "Suspending agent" $ do
it "should update client when agent is suspended" $
withSmpServer t testSuspendingAgent
it "should complete sending messages when agent is suspended" $
testSuspendingAgentCompleteSending t
it "should suspend agent on timeout, even if pending messages not sent" $
testSuspendingAgentTimeout t
describe "Batching SMP commands" $ do
it "should subscribe to multiple subscriptions with batching" $
testBatchedSubscriptions t
testAgentClient :: IO ()
testAgentClient = do
alice <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfg initAgentServers
bob <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfg {dbFile = testDB2} initAgentServers
runAgentClientTest alice bob 3
testAgentClientV1toV1 :: IO ()
testAgentClientV1toV1 = do
alice <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfgV1 initAgentServers
bob <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfgV1 {dbFile = testDB2} initAgentServers
runAgentClientTest alice bob 4
testAgentClientV1toV2 :: IO ()
testAgentClientV1toV2 = do
alice <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfgV1 initAgentServers
bob <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfg {dbFile = testDB2} initAgentServers
runAgentClientTest alice bob 4
testAgentClientV2toV1 :: IO ()
testAgentClientV2toV1 = do
alice <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfg initAgentServers
bob <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfgV1 {dbFile = testDB2} initAgentServers
runAgentClientTest alice bob 4
testAgentClientContact :: IO ()
testAgentClientContact = do
alice <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfg initAgentServers
bob <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfg {dbFile = testDB2} initAgentServers
runAgentClientContactTest alice bob 3
testAgentClientContactV1toV1 :: IO ()
testAgentClientContactV1toV1 = do
alice <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfgV1 initAgentServers
bob <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfgV1 {dbFile = testDB2} initAgentServers
runAgentClientContactTest alice bob 4
testAgentClientContactV1toV2 :: IO ()
testAgentClientContactV1toV2 = do
alice <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfg initAgentServers
bob <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfgV1 {dbFile = testDB2} initAgentServers
runAgentClientContactTest alice bob 4
testAgentClientContactV2toV1 :: IO ()
testAgentClientContactV2toV1 = do
alice <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfgV1 initAgentServers
bob <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfg {dbFile = testDB2} initAgentServers
runAgentClientContactTest alice bob 4
runAgentClientTest :: AgentClient -> AgentClient -> AgentMsgId -> IO ()
runAgentClientTest alice bob baseId = do
Right () <- runExceptT $ do
(bobId, qInfo) <- createConnection alice SCMInvitation
aliceId <- joinConnection bob qInfo "bob's connInfo"
("", _, CONF confId _ "bob's connInfo") <- get alice
allowConnection alice bobId confId "alice's connInfo"
get alice ##> ("", bobId, CON)
get bob ##> ("", aliceId, INFO "alice's connInfo")
get bob ##> ("", aliceId, CON)
-- message IDs 1 to 3 (or 1 to 4 in v1) get assigned to control messages, so first MSG is assigned ID 4
1 <- msgId <$> sendMessage alice bobId SMP.noMsgFlags "hello"
get alice ##> ("", bobId, SENT $ baseId + 1)
2 <- msgId <$> sendMessage alice bobId SMP.noMsgFlags "how are you?"
get alice ##> ("", bobId, SENT $ baseId + 2)
get bob =##> \case ("", c, Msg "hello") -> c == aliceId; _ -> False
ackMessage bob aliceId $ baseId + 1
get bob =##> \case ("", c, Msg "how are you?") -> c == aliceId; _ -> False
ackMessage bob aliceId $ baseId + 2
3 <- msgId <$> sendMessage bob aliceId SMP.noMsgFlags "hello too"
get bob ##> ("", aliceId, SENT $ baseId + 3)
4 <- msgId <$> sendMessage bob aliceId SMP.noMsgFlags "message 1"
get bob ##> ("", aliceId, SENT $ baseId + 4)
get alice =##> \case ("", c, Msg "hello too") -> c == bobId; _ -> False
ackMessage alice bobId $ baseId + 3
get alice =##> \case ("", c, Msg "message 1") -> c == bobId; _ -> False
ackMessage alice bobId $ baseId + 4
suspendConnection alice bobId
5 <- msgId <$> sendMessage bob aliceId SMP.noMsgFlags "message 2"
get bob ##> ("", aliceId, MERR (baseId + 5) (SMP AUTH))
deleteConnection alice bobId
liftIO $ noMessages alice "nothing else should be delivered to alice"
pure ()
msgId = subtract baseId
runAgentClientContactTest :: AgentClient -> AgentClient -> AgentMsgId -> IO ()
runAgentClientContactTest alice bob baseId = do
Right () <- runExceptT $ do
(_, qInfo) <- createConnection alice SCMContact
aliceId <- joinConnection bob qInfo "bob's connInfo"
("", _, REQ invId _ "bob's connInfo") <- get alice
bobId <- acceptContact alice invId "alice's connInfo"
("", _, CONF confId _ "alice's connInfo") <- get bob
allowConnection bob aliceId confId "bob's connInfo"
get alice ##> ("", bobId, INFO "bob's connInfo")
get alice ##> ("", bobId, CON)
get bob ##> ("", aliceId, CON)
-- message IDs 1 to 3 (or 1 to 4 in v1) get assigned to control messages, so first MSG is assigned ID 4
1 <- msgId <$> sendMessage alice bobId SMP.noMsgFlags "hello"
get alice ##> ("", bobId, SENT $ baseId + 1)
2 <- msgId <$> sendMessage alice bobId SMP.noMsgFlags "how are you?"
get alice ##> ("", bobId, SENT $ baseId + 2)
get bob =##> \case ("", c, Msg "hello") -> c == aliceId; _ -> False
ackMessage bob aliceId $ baseId + 1
get bob =##> \case ("", c, Msg "how are you?") -> c == aliceId; _ -> False
ackMessage bob aliceId $ baseId + 2
3 <- msgId <$> sendMessage bob aliceId SMP.noMsgFlags "hello too"
get bob ##> ("", aliceId, SENT $ baseId + 3)
4 <- msgId <$> sendMessage bob aliceId SMP.noMsgFlags "message 1"
get bob ##> ("", aliceId, SENT $ baseId + 4)
get alice =##> \case ("", c, Msg "hello too") -> c == bobId; _ -> False
ackMessage alice bobId $ baseId + 3
get alice =##> \case ("", c, Msg "message 1") -> c == bobId; _ -> False
ackMessage alice bobId $ baseId + 4
suspendConnection alice bobId
5 <- msgId <$> sendMessage bob aliceId SMP.noMsgFlags "message 2"
get bob ##> ("", aliceId, MERR (baseId + 5) (SMP AUTH))
deleteConnection alice bobId
liftIO $ noMessages alice "nothing else should be delivered to alice"
pure ()
msgId = subtract baseId
noMessages :: AgentClient -> String -> Expectation
noMessages c err = tryGet `shouldReturn` ()
tryGet =
10000 `timeout` get c >>= \case
Just _ -> error err
_ -> return ()
testAsyncInitiatingOffline :: IO ()
testAsyncInitiatingOffline = do
alice <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfg initAgentServers
bob <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfg {dbFile = testDB2} initAgentServers
Right () <- runExceptT $ do
(bobId, cReq) <- createConnection alice SCMInvitation
disconnectAgentClient alice
aliceId <- joinConnection bob cReq "bob's connInfo"
alice' <- liftIO $ getSMPAgentClient agentCfg initAgentServers
subscribeConnection alice' bobId
("", _, CONF confId _ "bob's connInfo") <- get alice'
allowConnection alice' bobId confId "alice's connInfo"
get alice' ##> ("", bobId, CON)
get bob ##> ("", aliceId, INFO "alice's connInfo")
get bob ##> ("", aliceId, CON)
exchangeGreetings alice' bobId bob aliceId
pure ()
testAsyncJoiningOfflineBeforeActivation :: IO ()
testAsyncJoiningOfflineBeforeActivation = do
alice <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfg initAgentServers
bob <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfg {dbFile = testDB2} initAgentServers
Right () <- runExceptT $ do
(bobId, qInfo) <- createConnection alice SCMInvitation
aliceId <- joinConnection bob qInfo "bob's connInfo"
disconnectAgentClient bob
("", _, CONF confId _ "bob's connInfo") <- get alice
allowConnection alice bobId confId "alice's connInfo"
bob' <- liftIO $ getSMPAgentClient agentCfg {dbFile = testDB2} initAgentServers
subscribeConnection bob' aliceId
get alice ##> ("", bobId, CON)
get bob' ##> ("", aliceId, INFO "alice's connInfo")
get bob' ##> ("", aliceId, CON)
exchangeGreetings alice bobId bob' aliceId
pure ()
testAsyncBothOffline :: IO ()
testAsyncBothOffline = do
alice <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfg initAgentServers
bob <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfg {dbFile = testDB2} initAgentServers
Right () <- runExceptT $ do
(bobId, cReq) <- createConnection alice SCMInvitation
disconnectAgentClient alice
aliceId <- joinConnection bob cReq "bob's connInfo"
disconnectAgentClient bob
alice' <- liftIO $ getSMPAgentClient agentCfg initAgentServers
subscribeConnection alice' bobId
("", _, CONF confId _ "bob's connInfo") <- get alice'
allowConnection alice' bobId confId "alice's connInfo"
bob' <- liftIO $ getSMPAgentClient agentCfg {dbFile = testDB2} initAgentServers
subscribeConnection bob' aliceId
get alice' ##> ("", bobId, CON)
get bob' ##> ("", aliceId, INFO "alice's connInfo")
get bob' ##> ("", aliceId, CON)
exchangeGreetings alice' bobId bob' aliceId
pure ()
testAsyncServerOffline :: ATransport -> IO ()
testAsyncServerOffline t = do
alice <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfg initAgentServers
bob <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfg {dbFile = testDB2} initAgentServers
-- create connection and shutdown the server
Right (bobId, cReq) <- withSmpServerStoreLogOn t testPort $ \_ ->
runExceptT $ createConnection alice SCMInvitation
-- connection fails
Left (BROKER NETWORK) <- runExceptT $ joinConnection bob cReq "bob's connInfo"
("", "", DOWN srv conns) <- get alice
srv `shouldBe` testSMPServer
conns `shouldBe` [bobId]
-- connection succeeds after server start
Right () <- withSmpServerStoreLogOn t testPort $ \_ -> runExceptT $ do
("", "", UP srv1 conns1) <- get alice
liftIO $ do
srv1 `shouldBe` testSMPServer
conns1 `shouldBe` [bobId]
aliceId <- joinConnection bob cReq "bob's connInfo"
("", _, CONF confId _ "bob's connInfo") <- get alice
allowConnection alice bobId confId "alice's connInfo"
get alice ##> ("", bobId, CON)
get bob ##> ("", aliceId, INFO "alice's connInfo")
get bob ##> ("", aliceId, CON)
exchangeGreetings alice bobId bob aliceId
pure ()
testAsyncHelloTimeout :: IO ()
testAsyncHelloTimeout = do
-- this test would only work if any of the agent is v1, there is no HELLO timeout in v2
alice <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfgV1 initAgentServers
bob <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfg {dbFile = testDB2, helloTimeout = 1} initAgentServers
Right () <- runExceptT $ do
(_, cReq) <- createConnection alice SCMInvitation
disconnectAgentClient alice
aliceId <- joinConnection bob cReq "bob's connInfo"
get bob ##> ("", aliceId, ERR $ CONN NOT_ACCEPTED)
pure ()
testDuplicateMessage :: ATransport -> IO ()
testDuplicateMessage t = do
alice <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfg initAgentServers
bob <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfg {dbFile = testDB2} initAgentServers
(aliceId, bobId, bob1) <- withSmpServerStoreMsgLogOn t testPort $ \_ -> do
Right (aliceId, bobId) <- runExceptT $ makeConnection alice bob
Right () <- runExceptT $ do
4 <- sendMessage alice bobId SMP.noMsgFlags "hello"
get alice ##> ("", bobId, SENT 4)
get bob =##> \case ("", c, Msg "hello") -> c == aliceId; _ -> False
disconnectAgentClient bob
-- if the agent user did not send ACK, the message will be delivered again
bob1 <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfg {dbFile = testDB2} initAgentServers
Right () <- runExceptT $ do
subscribeConnection bob1 aliceId
get bob1 =##> \case ("", c, Msg "hello") -> c == aliceId; _ -> False
ackMessage bob1 aliceId 4
5 <- sendMessage alice bobId SMP.noMsgFlags "hello 2"
get alice ##> ("", bobId, SENT 5)
get bob1 =##> \case ("", c, Msg "hello 2") -> c == aliceId; _ -> False
pure (aliceId, bobId, bob1)
get alice =##> \case ("", "", DOWN _ [c]) -> c == bobId; _ -> False
get bob1 =##> \case ("", "", DOWN _ [c]) -> c == aliceId; _ -> False
-- commenting two lines below and uncommenting further two lines would also pass,
-- it is the scenario tested above, when the message was not acknowledged by the user
threadDelay 200000
Left (BROKER TIMEOUT) <- runExceptT $ ackMessage bob1 aliceId 5
disconnectAgentClient alice
disconnectAgentClient bob1
alice2 <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfg initAgentServers
bob2 <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfg {dbFile = testDB2} initAgentServers
withSmpServerStoreMsgLogOn t testPort $ \_ -> do
Right () <- runExceptT $ do
subscribeConnection bob2 aliceId
subscribeConnection alice2 bobId
-- get bob2 =##> \case ("", c, Msg "hello 2") -> c == aliceId; _ -> False
-- ackMessage bob2 aliceId 5
-- message 2 is not delivered again, even though it was delivered to the agent
6 <- sendMessage alice2 bobId SMP.noMsgFlags "hello 3"
get alice2 ##> ("", bobId, SENT 6)
get bob2 =##> \case ("", c, Msg "hello 3") -> c == aliceId; _ -> False
pure ()
makeConnection :: AgentClient -> AgentClient -> ExceptT AgentErrorType IO (ConnId, ConnId)
makeConnection alice bob = do
(bobId, qInfo) <- createConnection alice SCMInvitation
aliceId <- joinConnection bob qInfo "bob's connInfo"
("", _, CONF confId _ "bob's connInfo") <- get alice
allowConnection alice bobId confId "alice's connInfo"
get alice ##> ("", bobId, CON)
get bob ##> ("", aliceId, INFO "alice's connInfo")
get bob ##> ("", aliceId, CON)
pure (aliceId, bobId)
testInactiveClientDisconnected :: ATransport -> IO ()
testInactiveClientDisconnected t = do
let cfg' = cfg {inactiveClientExpiration = Just ExpirationConfig {ttl = 1, checkInterval = 1}}
withSmpServerConfigOn t cfg' testPort $ \_ -> do
alice <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfg initAgentServers
Right () <- runExceptT $ do
(connId, _cReq) <- createConnection alice SCMInvitation
get alice ##> ("", "", DOWN testSMPServer [connId])
pure ()
testActiveClientNotDisconnected :: ATransport -> IO ()
testActiveClientNotDisconnected t = do
let cfg' = cfg {inactiveClientExpiration = Just ExpirationConfig {ttl = 1, checkInterval = 1}}
withSmpServerConfigOn t cfg' testPort $ \_ -> do
alice <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfg initAgentServers
ts <- getSystemTime
Right () <- runExceptT $ do
(connId, _cReq) <- createConnection alice SCMInvitation
keepSubscribing alice connId ts
pure ()
keepSubscribing :: AgentClient -> ConnId -> SystemTime -> ExceptT AgentErrorType IO ()
keepSubscribing alice connId ts = do
ts' <- liftIO $ getSystemTime
if milliseconds ts' - milliseconds ts < 2200
then do
-- keep sending SUB for 2.2 seconds
liftIO $ threadDelay 200000
subscribeConnection alice connId
keepSubscribing alice connId ts
else do
-- check that nothing is sent from agent
Nothing <- 800000 `timeout` get alice
liftIO $ threadDelay 1200000
-- and after 2 sec of inactivity DOWN is sent
get alice ##> ("", "", DOWN testSMPServer [connId])
milliseconds ts = systemSeconds ts * 1000 + fromIntegral (systemNanoseconds ts `div` 1000000)
testSuspendingAgent :: IO ()
testSuspendingAgent = do
a <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfg initAgentServers
b <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfg {dbFile = testDB2} initAgentServers
Right () <- runExceptT $ do
(aId, bId) <- makeConnection a b
4 <- sendMessage a bId SMP.noMsgFlags "hello"
get a ##> ("", bId, SENT 4)
get b =##> \case ("", c, Msg "hello") -> c == aId; _ -> False
ackMessage b aId 4
suspendAgent b 1000000
get b ##> ("", "", SUSPENDED)
5 <- sendMessage a bId SMP.noMsgFlags "hello 2"
get a ##> ("", bId, SENT 5)
Nothing <- 100000 `timeout` get b
activateAgent b
get b =##> \case ("", c, Msg "hello 2") -> c == aId; _ -> False
pure ()
testSuspendingAgentCompleteSending :: ATransport -> IO ()
testSuspendingAgentCompleteSending t = do
a <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfg initAgentServers
b <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfg {dbFile = testDB2} initAgentServers
Right (aId, bId) <- withSmpServerStoreLogOn t testPort $ \_ -> runExceptT $ do
(aId, bId) <- makeConnection a b
4 <- sendMessage a bId SMP.noMsgFlags "hello"
get a ##> ("", bId, SENT 4)
get b =##> \case ("", c, Msg "hello") -> c == aId; _ -> False
ackMessage b aId 4
pure (aId, bId)
Right () <- runExceptT $ do
("", "", DOWN {}) <- get a
("", "", DOWN {}) <- get b
5 <- sendMessage b aId SMP.noMsgFlags "hello too"
6 <- sendMessage b aId SMP.noMsgFlags "how are you?"
liftIO $ threadDelay 100000
suspendAgent b 5000000
Right () <- withSmpServerStoreLogOn t testPort $ \_ -> runExceptT $ do
get b =##> \case ("", c, SENT 5) -> c == aId; ("", "", UP {}) -> True; _ -> False
get b =##> \case ("", c, SENT 5) -> c == aId; ("", "", UP {}) -> True; _ -> False
get b =##> \case ("", c, SENT 6) -> c == aId; ("", "", UP {}) -> True; _ -> False
("", "", SUSPENDED) <- get b
("", "", UP {}) <- get a
get a =##> \case ("", c, Msg "hello too") -> c == bId; _ -> False
ackMessage a bId 5
get a =##> \case ("", c, Msg "how are you?") -> c == bId; _ -> False
ackMessage a bId 6
pure ()
testSuspendingAgentTimeout :: ATransport -> IO ()
testSuspendingAgentTimeout t = do
a <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfg initAgentServers
b <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfg {dbFile = testDB2} initAgentServers
Right (aId, _) <- withSmpServer t . runExceptT $ do
(aId, bId) <- makeConnection a b
4 <- sendMessage a bId SMP.noMsgFlags "hello"
get a ##> ("", bId, SENT 4)
get b =##> \case ("", c, Msg "hello") -> c == aId; _ -> False
ackMessage b aId 4
pure (aId, bId)
Right () <- runExceptT $ do
("", "", DOWN {}) <- get a
("", "", DOWN {}) <- get b
5 <- sendMessage b aId SMP.noMsgFlags "hello too"
6 <- sendMessage b aId SMP.noMsgFlags "how are you?"
suspendAgent b 100000
("", "", SUSPENDED) <- get b
pure ()
pure ()
testBatchedSubscriptions :: ATransport -> IO ()
testBatchedSubscriptions t = do
a <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfg initAgentServers2
b <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfg {dbFile = testDB2} initAgentServers2
Right conns <- runServers $ do
conns <- forM [1 .. 200 :: Int] . const $ makeConnection a b
forM_ conns $ \(aId, bId) -> exchangeGreetings a bId b aId
forM_ (take 10 conns) $ \(aId, bId) -> do
deleteConnection a bId
deleteConnection b aId
liftIO $ threadDelay 1000000
pure conns
("", "", DOWN {}) <- get a
("", "", DOWN {}) <- get a
("", "", DOWN {}) <- get b
("", "", DOWN {}) <- get b
Right () <- runServers $ do
("", "", UP {}) <- get a
("", "", UP {}) <- get a
("", "", UP {}) <- get b
("", "", UP {}) <- get b
liftIO $ threadDelay 1000000
subscribe a $ map snd conns
subscribe b $ map fst conns
forM_ (drop 10 conns) $ \(aId, bId) -> exchangeGreetingsMsgId 6 a bId b aId
pure ()
subscribe :: AgentClient -> [ConnId] -> ExceptT AgentErrorType IO ()
subscribe c cs = do
r <- subscribeConnections c cs
liftIO $ do
let dc = S.fromList $ take 10 cs
all (== Right ()) (M.withoutKeys r dc) `shouldBe` True
all (== Left (CONN NOT_FOUND)) (M.restrictKeys r dc) `shouldBe` True
M.keys r `shouldMatchList` cs
runServers :: ExceptT AgentErrorType IO a -> IO (Either AgentErrorType a)
runServers a = do
withSmpServerStoreLogOn t testPort $ \t1 -> do
res <- withSmpServerConfigOn t cfg {storeLogFile = Just testStoreLogFile2} testPort2 $ \t2 -> do
res <- runExceptT a
killThread t2
pure res
killThread t1
pure res
exchangeGreetings :: AgentClient -> ConnId -> AgentClient -> ConnId -> ExceptT AgentErrorType IO ()
exchangeGreetings = exchangeGreetingsMsgId 4
exchangeGreetingsMsgId :: Int64 -> AgentClient -> ConnId -> AgentClient -> ConnId -> ExceptT AgentErrorType IO ()
exchangeGreetingsMsgId msgId alice bobId bob aliceId = do
msgId1 <- sendMessage alice bobId SMP.noMsgFlags "hello"
liftIO $ msgId1 `shouldBe` msgId
get alice ##> ("", bobId, SENT msgId)
get bob =##> \case ("", c, Msg "hello") -> c == aliceId; _ -> False
ackMessage bob aliceId msgId
msgId2 <- sendMessage bob aliceId SMP.noMsgFlags "hello too"
let msgId' = msgId + 1
liftIO $ msgId2 `shouldBe` msgId'
get bob ##> ("", aliceId, SENT msgId')
get alice =##> \case ("", c, Msg "hello too") -> c == bobId; _ -> False
ackMessage alice bobId msgId'