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{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import Control.Logger.Simple
import Data.Functor (($>))
import Data.Ini (lookupValue)
import Simplex.Messaging.Client.Agent (defaultSMPClientAgentConfig)
import Simplex.Messaging.Notifications.Server (runNtfServer)
import Simplex.Messaging.Notifications.Server.Env (NtfServerConfig (..))
import Simplex.Messaging.Notifications.Server.Push.APNS (defaultAPNSPushClientConfig)
import Simplex.Messaging.Server.CLI (ServerCLIConfig (..), protocolServerCLI)
import System.FilePath (combine)
cfgPath :: FilePath
cfgPath = "/etc/opt/simplex-notifications"
logPath :: FilePath
logPath = "/var/opt/simplex-notifications"
logCfg :: LogConfig
logCfg = LogConfig {lc_file = Nothing, lc_stderr = True}
main :: IO ()
main = do
setLogLevel LogDebug -- change to LogError in production
withGlobalLogging logCfg $ protocolServerCLI ntfServerCLIConfig runNtfServer
ntfServerCLIConfig :: ServerCLIConfig NtfServerConfig
ntfServerCLIConfig =
let caCrtFile = combine cfgPath "ca.crt"
serverKeyFile = combine cfgPath "server.key"
serverCrtFile = combine cfgPath "server.crt"
in ServerCLIConfig
{ cfgDir = cfgPath,
logDir = logPath,
iniFile = combine cfgPath "ntf-server.ini",
storeLogFile = combine logPath "ntf-server-store.log",
caKeyFile = combine cfgPath "ca.key",
fingerprintFile = combine cfgPath "fingerprint",
defaultServerPort = "443",
executableName = "ntf-server",
serverVersion = "SMP notifications server v1.2.0",
mkIniFile = \enableStoreLog defaultServerPort ->
\# The server uses STM memory for persistence,\n\
\# that will be lost on restart (e.g., as with redis).\n\
\# This option enables saving memory to append only log,\n\
\# and restoring it when the server is started.\n\
\# Log is compacted on start (deleted objects are removed).\n\
\enable: "
<> (if enableStoreLog then "on" else "off")
<> "\n\
\log_stats: off\n\n\
\port: "
<> defaultServerPort
<> "\n\
\websockets: off\n",
mkServerConfig = \storeLogFile transports ini ->
let settingIsOn section name = if lookupValue section name ini == Right "on" then Just () else Nothing
logStats = settingIsOn "STORE_LOG" "log_stats"
in NtfServerConfig
{ transports,
subIdBytes = 24,
regCodeBytes = 32,
clientQSize = 16,
subQSize = 64,
pushQSize = 128,
smpAgentCfg = defaultSMPClientAgentConfig,
apnsConfig = defaultAPNSPushClientConfig,
inactiveClientExpiration = Nothing,
resubscribeDelay = 50000, -- 50ms
caCertificateFile = caCrtFile,
privateKeyFile = serverKeyFile,
certificateFile = serverCrtFile,
logStatsInterval = logStats $> 86400, -- seconds
logStatsStartTime = 0, -- seconds from 00:00 UTC
serverStatsLogFile = combine logPath "ntf-server-stats.daily.log",
serverStatsBackupFile = logStats $> combine logPath "ntf-server-stats.log"