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{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Simplex.Messaging.Transport.Client
( runTransportClient,
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.IO.Unlift
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.Default (def)
import qualified Data.X509 as X
import qualified Data.X509.CertificateStore as XS
import Data.X509.Validation (Fingerprint (..))
import qualified Data.X509.Validation as XV
import GHC.IO.Exception (IOErrorType (..))
import Network.Socket
import qualified Network.TLS as T
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Crypto as C
import Simplex.Messaging.Transport
import Simplex.Messaging.Transport.KeepAlive
import System.IO.Error
import UnliftIO.Exception (IOException)
import qualified UnliftIO.Exception as E
-- | Connect to passed TCP host:port and pass handle to the client.
runTransportClient :: Transport c => MonadUnliftIO m => HostName -> ServiceName -> C.KeyHash -> Maybe KeepAliveOpts -> (c -> m a) -> m a
runTransportClient host port keyHash keepAliveOpts client = do
let clientParams = mkTLSClientParams host port keyHash
c <- liftIO $ startTCPClient host port clientParams keepAliveOpts
client c `E.finally` liftIO (closeConnection c)
startTCPClient :: forall c. Transport c => HostName -> ServiceName -> T.ClientParams -> Maybe KeepAliveOpts -> IO c
startTCPClient host port clientParams keepAliveOpts = withSocketsDo $ resolve >>= tryOpen err
err :: IOException
err = mkIOError NoSuchThing "no address" Nothing Nothing
resolve :: IO [AddrInfo]
resolve =
let hints = defaultHints {addrSocketType = Stream}
in getAddrInfo (Just hints) (Just host) (Just port)
tryOpen :: IOException -> [AddrInfo] -> IO c
tryOpen e [] = E.throwIO e
tryOpen _ (addr : as) =
E.try (open addr) >>= either (`tryOpen` as) pure
open :: AddrInfo -> IO c
open addr = do
sock <- socket (addrFamily addr) (addrSocketType addr) (addrProtocol addr)
connect sock $ addrAddress addr
mapM_ (setSocketKeepAlive sock) keepAliveOpts
ctx <- connectTLS clientParams sock
getClientConnection ctx
mkTLSClientParams :: HostName -> ServiceName -> C.KeyHash -> T.ClientParams
mkTLSClientParams host port keyHash = do
let p = B.pack port
(T.defaultParamsClient host p)
{ T.clientShared = def,
T.clientHooks = def {T.onServerCertificate = \_ _ _ -> validateCertificateChain keyHash host p},
T.clientSupported = supportedParameters
validateCertificateChain :: C.KeyHash -> HostName -> ByteString -> X.CertificateChain -> IO [XV.FailedReason]
validateCertificateChain _ _ _ (X.CertificateChain []) = pure [XV.EmptyChain]
validateCertificateChain _ _ _ (X.CertificateChain [_]) = pure [XV.EmptyChain]
validateCertificateChain (C.KeyHash kh) host port cc@(X.CertificateChain sc@[_, caCert]) =
if Fingerprint kh == XV.getFingerprint caCert X.HashSHA256
then x509validate
else pure [XV.UnknownCA]
x509validate :: IO [XV.FailedReason]
x509validate = XV.validate X.HashSHA256 hooks checks certStore cache serviceID cc
hooks = XV.defaultHooks
checks = XV.defaultChecks
certStore = XS.makeCertificateStore sc
cache = XV.exceptionValidationCache [] -- we manually check fingerprint only of the identity certificate (ca.crt)
serviceID = (host, port)
validateCertificateChain _ _ _ _ = pure [XV.AuthorityTooDeep]