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{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Simplex.Messaging.Encoding
( Encoding (..),
Tail (..),
Large (..),
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 (Parser)
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 as A
import Data.Bits (shiftL, shiftR, (.|.))
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.ByteString.Internal (c2w, w2c)
import Data.Int (Int64)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as L
import Data.Time.Clock.System (SystemTime (..))
import Data.Word (Word16, Word32)
import Network.Transport.Internal (decodeWord16, decodeWord32, encodeWord16, encodeWord32)
import Simplex.Messaging.Parsers (parseAll)
import Simplex.Messaging.Util ((<$?>))
-- | SMP protocol encoding
class Encoding a where
{-# MINIMAL smpEncode, (smpDecode | smpP) #-}
-- | protocol encoding of type (default implementation uses protocol ByteString encoding)
smpEncode :: a -> ByteString
-- | decoding of type (default implementation uses parser)
smpDecode :: ByteString -> Either String a
smpDecode = parseAll smpP
-- | protocol parser of type (default implementation parses protocol ByteString encoding)
smpP :: Parser a
smpP = smpDecode <$?> smpP
instance Encoding Char where
smpEncode = B.singleton
{-# INLINE smpEncode #-}
smpP = A.anyChar
{-# INLINE smpP #-}
instance Encoding Bool where
smpEncode = \case
True -> "T"
False -> "F"
{-# INLINE smpEncode #-}
smpP =
smpP >>= \case
'T' -> pure True
'F' -> pure False
_ -> fail "invalid Bool"
{-# INLINE smpP #-}
instance Encoding Word16 where
smpEncode = encodeWord16
{-# INLINE smpEncode #-}
smpP = decodeWord16 <$> A.take 2
{-# INLINE smpP #-}
instance Encoding Word32 where
smpEncode = encodeWord32
{-# INLINE smpEncode #-}
smpP = decodeWord32 <$> A.take 4
{-# INLINE smpP #-}
instance Encoding Int64 where
smpEncode i = w32 (i `shiftR` 32) <> w32 i
{-# INLINE smpEncode #-}
smpP = do
l <- w32P
r <- w32P
pure $ (l `shiftL` 32) .|. r
{-# INLINE smpP #-}
w32 :: Int64 -> ByteString
w32 = smpEncode @Word32 . fromIntegral
{-# INLINE w32 #-}
w32P :: Parser Int64
w32P = fromIntegral <$> smpP @Word32
{-# INLINE w32P #-}
-- ByteStrings are assumed no longer than 255 bytes
instance Encoding ByteString where
smpEncode s = B.cons (lenEncode $ B.length s) s
{-# INLINE smpEncode #-}
smpP = A.take =<< lenP
{-# INLINE smpP #-}
lenEncode :: Int -> Char
lenEncode = w2c . fromIntegral
{-# INLINE lenEncode #-}
lenP :: Parser Int
lenP = fromIntegral . c2w <$> A.anyChar
{-# INLINE lenP #-}
instance Encoding a => Encoding (Maybe a) where
smpEncode s = maybe "0" (("1" <>) . smpEncode) s
{-# INLINE smpEncode #-}
smpP =
smpP >>= \case
'0' -> pure Nothing
'1' -> Just <$> smpP
_ -> fail "invalid Maybe tag"
{-# INLINE smpP #-}
newtype Tail = Tail {unTail :: ByteString}
instance Encoding Tail where
smpEncode = unTail
{-# INLINE smpEncode #-}
smpP = Tail <$> A.takeByteString
{-# INLINE smpP #-}
-- newtype for encoding/decoding ByteStrings over 255 bytes with 2-bytes length prefix
newtype Large = Large {unLarge :: ByteString}
instance Encoding Large where
smpEncode (Large s) = smpEncode @Word16 (fromIntegral $ B.length s) <> s
{-# INLINE smpEncode #-}
smpP = do
len <- fromIntegral <$> smpP @Word16
Large <$> A.take len
{-# INLINE smpP #-}
instance Encoding SystemTime where
smpEncode = smpEncode . systemSeconds
{-# INLINE smpEncode #-}
smpP = MkSystemTime <$> smpP <*> pure 0
{-# INLINE smpP #-}
-- lists encode/parse as a sequence of items prefixed with list length (as 1 byte)
smpEncodeList :: Encoding a => [a] -> ByteString
smpEncodeList xs = B.cons (lenEncode $ length xs) . B.concat $ map smpEncode xs
smpListP :: Encoding a => Parser [a]
smpListP = (`A.count` smpP) =<< lenP
instance Encoding String where
smpEncode = smpEncode . B.pack
{-# INLINE smpEncode #-}
smpP = B.unpack <$> smpP
{-# INLINE smpP #-}
instance Encoding a => Encoding (L.NonEmpty a) where
smpEncode = smpEncodeList . L.toList
smpP =
lenP >>= \case
0 -> fail "empty list"
n -> L.fromList <$> A.count n smpP
instance (Encoding a, Encoding b) => Encoding (a, b) where
smpEncode (a, b) = smpEncode a <> smpEncode b
{-# INLINE smpEncode #-}
smpP = (,) <$> smpP <*> smpP
{-# INLINE smpP #-}
instance (Encoding a, Encoding b, Encoding c) => Encoding (a, b, c) where
smpEncode (a, b, c) = smpEncode a <> smpEncode b <> smpEncode c
{-# INLINE smpEncode #-}
smpP = (,,) <$> smpP <*> smpP <*> smpP
{-# INLINE smpP #-}
instance (Encoding a, Encoding b, Encoding c, Encoding d) => Encoding (a, b, c, d) where
smpEncode (a, b, c, d) = smpEncode a <> smpEncode b <> smpEncode c <> smpEncode d
{-# INLINE smpEncode #-}
smpP = (,,,) <$> smpP <*> smpP <*> smpP <*> smpP
{-# INLINE smpP #-}
instance (Encoding a, Encoding b, Encoding c, Encoding d, Encoding e) => Encoding (a, b, c, d, e) where
smpEncode (a, b, c, d, e) = smpEncode a <> smpEncode b <> smpEncode c <> smpEncode d <> smpEncode e
{-# INLINE smpEncode #-}
smpP = (,,,,) <$> smpP <*> smpP <*> smpP <*> smpP <*> smpP
{-# INLINE smpP #-}
instance (Encoding a, Encoding b, Encoding c, Encoding d, Encoding e, Encoding f) => Encoding (a, b, c, d, e, f) where
smpEncode (a, b, c, d, e, f) = smpEncode a <> smpEncode b <> smpEncode c <> smpEncode d <> smpEncode e <> smpEncode f
{-# INLINE smpEncode #-}
smpP = (,,,,,) <$> smpP <*> smpP <*> smpP <*> smpP <*> smpP <*> smpP
{-# INLINE smpP #-}
instance (Encoding a, Encoding b, Encoding c, Encoding d, Encoding e, Encoding f, Encoding g) => Encoding (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) where
smpEncode (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) = smpEncode a <> smpEncode b <> smpEncode c <> smpEncode d <> smpEncode e <> smpEncode f <> smpEncode g
{-# INLINE smpEncode #-}
smpP = (,,,,,,) <$> smpP <*> smpP <*> smpP <*> smpP <*> smpP <*> smpP <*> smpP
{-# INLINE smpP #-}
instance (Encoding a, Encoding b, Encoding c, Encoding d, Encoding e, Encoding f, Encoding g, Encoding h) => Encoding (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) where
smpEncode (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) = smpEncode a <> smpEncode b <> smpEncode c <> smpEncode d <> smpEncode e <> smpEncode f <> smpEncode g <> smpEncode h
{-# INLINE smpEncode #-}
smpP = (,,,,,,,) <$> smpP <*> smpP <*> smpP <*> smpP <*> smpP <*> smpP <*> smpP <*> smpP
{-# INLINE smpP #-}