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{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
module Simplex.Messaging.Notifications.Server where
import Control.Concurrent.STM (stateTVar)
import Control.Logger.Simple
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.IO.Unlift (MonadUnliftIO)
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Crypto.Random (MonadRandom)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import Data.Functor (($>))
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time.Clock.System (getSystemTime)
import Network.Socket (ServiceName)
import Simplex.Messaging.Client (ProtocolClientError (..))
import Simplex.Messaging.Client.Agent
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Crypto as C
import Simplex.Messaging.Notifications.Protocol
import Simplex.Messaging.Notifications.Server.Env
import Simplex.Messaging.Notifications.Server.Push.APNS (PNMessageData (..), PushNotification (..), PushProviderError (..))
import Simplex.Messaging.Notifications.Server.Store
import Simplex.Messaging.Notifications.Server.StoreLog
import Simplex.Messaging.Notifications.Transport
import Simplex.Messaging.Protocol (ErrorType (..), ProtocolServer (host), SMPServer, SignedTransmission, Transmission, encodeTransmission, tGet, tPut)
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Protocol as SMP
import Simplex.Messaging.Server
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.TMap as TM
import Simplex.Messaging.Transport (ATransport (..), THandle (..), TProxy, Transport (..))
import Simplex.Messaging.Transport.Server (runTransportServer)
import Simplex.Messaging.Util
import System.Mem.Weak (deRefWeak)
import UnliftIO (IOMode (..), async, uninterruptibleCancel)
import UnliftIO.Concurrent (forkIO, killThread, mkWeakThreadId, threadDelay)
import UnliftIO.Exception
import UnliftIO.STM
runNtfServer :: (MonadRandom m, MonadUnliftIO m) => NtfServerConfig -> m ()
runNtfServer cfg = do
started <- newEmptyTMVarIO
runNtfServerBlocking started cfg
runNtfServerBlocking :: (MonadRandom m, MonadUnliftIO m) => TMVar Bool -> NtfServerConfig -> m ()
runNtfServerBlocking started cfg = runReaderT (ntfServer cfg started) =<< newNtfServerEnv cfg
ntfServer :: forall m. (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadReader NtfEnv m) => NtfServerConfig -> TMVar Bool -> m ()
ntfServer NtfServerConfig {transports} started = do
s <- asks subscriber
ps <- asks pushServer
subs <- readTVarIO =<< asks (subscriptions . store)
void . forkIO $ resubscribe s subs
raceAny_ (ntfSubscriber s : ntfPush ps : map runServer transports) `finally` stopServer
runServer :: (ServiceName, ATransport) -> m ()
runServer (tcpPort, ATransport t) = do
serverParams <- asks tlsServerParams
runTransportServer started tcpPort serverParams (runClient t)
runClient :: Transport c => TProxy c -> c -> m ()
runClient _ h = do
kh <- asks serverIdentity
liftIO (runExceptT $ ntfServerHandshake h kh supportedNTFServerVRange) >>= \case
Right th -> runNtfClientTransport th
Left _ -> pure ()
stopServer :: m ()
stopServer = do
withNtfLog closeStoreLog
asks (smpSubscribers . subscriber) >>= readTVarIO >>= mapM_ (\SMPSubscriber {subThreadId} -> readTVarIO subThreadId >>= mapM_ (liftIO . deRefWeak >=> mapM_ killThread))
resubscribe :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadReader NtfEnv m) => NtfSubscriber -> Map NtfSubscriptionId NtfSubData -> m ()
resubscribe NtfSubscriber {newSubQ} subs = do
d <- asks $ resubscribeDelay . config
forM_ subs $ \sub@NtfSubData {} ->
whenM (ntfShouldSubscribe <$> readTVarIO (subStatus sub)) $ do
atomically $ writeTBQueue newSubQ $ NtfSub sub
threadDelay d
liftIO $ logInfo "SMP connections resubscribed"
ntfSubscriber :: forall m. (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadReader NtfEnv m) => NtfSubscriber -> m ()
ntfSubscriber NtfSubscriber {smpSubscribers, newSubQ, smpAgent = ca@SMPClientAgent {msgQ, agentQ}} = do
raceAny_ [subscribe, receiveSMP, receiveAgent]
subscribe :: m ()
subscribe =
forever $
atomically (readTBQueue newSubQ) >>= \case
sub@(NtfSub NtfSubData {smpQueue = SMPQueueNtf {smpServer}}) -> do
SMPSubscriber {newSubQ = subscriberSubQ} <- getSMPSubscriber smpServer
atomically $ writeTQueue subscriberSubQ sub
getSMPSubscriber :: SMPServer -> m SMPSubscriber
getSMPSubscriber smpServer =
atomically (TM.lookup smpServer smpSubscribers) >>= maybe createSMPSubscriber pure
createSMPSubscriber = do
sub@SMPSubscriber {subThreadId} <- atomically newSMPSubscriber
atomically $ TM.insert smpServer sub smpSubscribers
tId <- mkWeakThreadId =<< forkIO (runSMPSubscriber sub)
atomically . writeTVar subThreadId $ Just tId
pure sub
runSMPSubscriber :: SMPSubscriber -> m ()
runSMPSubscriber SMPSubscriber {newSubQ = subscriberSubQ} =
forever $
atomically (peekTQueue subscriberSubQ)
>>= \(NtfSub NtfSubData {smpQueue, notifierKey}) -> do
updateSubStatus smpQueue NSPending
let SMPQueueNtf {smpServer, notifierId} = smpQueue
liftIO (runExceptT $ subscribeQueue ca smpServer ((SPNotifier, notifierId), notifierKey)) >>= \case
Right _ -> do
updateSubStatus smpQueue NSActive
void . atomically $ readTQueue subscriberSubQ
Left err -> do
handleSubError smpQueue err
case err of
PCEResponseTimeout -> pure ()
PCENetworkError -> pure ()
_ -> void . atomically $ readTQueue subscriberSubQ
receiveSMP :: m ()
receiveSMP = forever $ do
(srv, _, _, ntfId, msg) <- atomically $ readTBQueue msgQ
let smpQueue = SMPQueueNtf srv ntfId
case msg of
SMP.NMSG nmsgNonce encNMsgMeta -> do
ntfTs <- liftIO getSystemTime
st <- asks store
NtfPushServer {pushQ} <- asks pushServer
atomically $
findNtfSubscriptionToken st smpQueue
>>= mapM_ (\tkn -> writeTBQueue pushQ (tkn, PNMessage PNMessageData {smpQueue, ntfTs, nmsgNonce, encNMsgMeta}))
SMP.END -> updateSubStatus smpQueue NSEnd
_ -> pure ()
pure ()
receiveAgent =
forever $
atomically (readTBQueue agentQ) >>= \case
CAConnected _ -> pure ()
CADisconnected srv subs -> do
logInfo . T.pack $ "SMP server disconnected " <> host srv <> " (" <> show (length subs) <> ") subscriptions"
forM_ subs $ \(_, ntfId) -> do
let smpQueue = SMPQueueNtf srv ntfId
updateSubStatus smpQueue NSInactive
CAReconnected srv ->
logInfo $ "SMP server reconnected " <> T.pack (host srv)
CAResubscribed srv sub -> do
let ntfId = snd sub
smpQueue = SMPQueueNtf srv ntfId
updateSubStatus smpQueue NSActive
CASubError srv (_, ntfId) err -> do
logError . T.pack $ "SMP subscription error on server " <> host srv <> ": " <> show err
handleSubError (SMPQueueNtf srv ntfId) err
handleSubError :: SMPQueueNtf -> ProtocolClientError -> m ()
handleSubError smpQueue = \case
PCEProtocolError AUTH -> updateSubStatus smpQueue NSAuth
PCEProtocolError e -> updateErr "SMP error " e
PCEIOError e -> updateErr "IOError " e
PCEResponseError e -> updateErr "ResponseError " e
PCEUnexpectedResponse r -> updateErr "UnexpectedResponse " r
PCETransportError e -> updateErr "TransportError " e
PCESignatureError e -> updateErr "SignatureError " e
PCEResponseTimeout -> pure ()
PCENetworkError -> pure ()
updateErr :: Show e => ByteString -> e -> m ()
updateErr errType e = updateSubStatus smpQueue . NSErr $ errType <> bshow e
updateSubStatus smpQueue status = do
st <- asks store
atomically (findNtfSubscription st smpQueue)
>>= mapM_
( \NtfSubData {ntfSubId, subStatus} -> do
atomically $ writeTVar subStatus status
withNtfLog $ \sl -> logSubscriptionStatus sl ntfSubId status
ntfPush :: forall m. (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadReader NtfEnv m) => NtfPushServer -> m ()
ntfPush s@NtfPushServer {pushQ} = forever $ do
(tkn@NtfTknData {ntfTknId, token = DeviceToken pp _, tknStatus}, ntf) <- atomically (readTBQueue pushQ)
liftIO $ logDebug $ "sending push notification to " <> T.pack (show pp)
status <- readTVarIO tknStatus
case (status, ntf) of
(_, PNVerification _) -> do
-- TODO check token status
deliverNotification pp tkn ntf >>= \case
Right _ -> do
status_ <- atomically $ stateTVar tknStatus $ \status' -> if status' == NTActive then (Nothing, NTActive) else (Just NTConfirmed, NTConfirmed)
forM_ status_ $ \status' -> withNtfLog $ \sl -> logTokenStatus sl ntfTknId status'
_ -> pure ()
(NTActive, PNCheckMessages) -> do
void $ deliverNotification pp tkn ntf
(NTActive, PNMessage {}) -> do
void $ deliverNotification pp tkn ntf
_ -> do
liftIO $ logError "bad notification token status"
deliverNotification :: PushProvider -> NtfTknData -> PushNotification -> m (Either PushProviderError ())
deliverNotification pp tkn@NtfTknData {ntfTknId, tknStatus} ntf = do
deliver <- liftIO $ getPushClient s pp
liftIO (runExceptT $ deliver tkn ntf) >>= \case
Right _ -> pure $ Right ()
Left e -> case e of
PPConnection _ -> retryDeliver
PPRetryLater -> retryDeliver
-- TODO alert
PPCryptoError _ -> err e
PPResponseError _ _ -> err e
PPTokenInvalid -> updateTknStatus NTInvalid >> err e
PPPermanentError -> err e
retryDeliver :: m (Either PushProviderError ())
retryDeliver = do
deliver <- liftIO $ newPushClient s pp
liftIO (runExceptT $ deliver tkn ntf) >>= either err (pure . Right)
updateTknStatus :: NtfTknStatus -> m ()
updateTknStatus status = do
atomically $ writeTVar tknStatus status
withNtfLog $ \sl -> logTokenStatus sl ntfTknId status
err e = logError (T.pack $ "Push provider error (" <> show pp <> "): " <> show e) $> Left e
runNtfClientTransport :: (Transport c, MonadUnliftIO m, MonadReader NtfEnv m) => THandle c -> m ()
runNtfClientTransport th@THandle {sessionId} = do
qSize <- asks $ clientQSize . config
ts <- liftIO getSystemTime
c <- atomically $ newNtfServerClient qSize sessionId ts
s <- asks subscriber
ps <- asks pushServer
expCfg <- asks $ inactiveClientExpiration . config
raceAny_ ([send th c, client c s ps, receive th c] <> disconnectThread_ c expCfg)
`finally` clientDisconnected c
disconnectThread_ c expCfg = maybe [] ((: []) . disconnectTransport th c activeAt) expCfg
clientDisconnected :: MonadUnliftIO m => NtfServerClient -> m ()
clientDisconnected NtfServerClient {connected} = atomically $ writeTVar connected False
receive :: (Transport c, MonadUnliftIO m, MonadReader NtfEnv m) => THandle c -> NtfServerClient -> m ()
receive th NtfServerClient {rcvQ, sndQ, activeAt} = forever $ do
ts <- tGet th
forM_ ts $ \t@(_, _, (corrId, entId, cmdOrError)) -> do
atomically . writeTVar activeAt =<< liftIO getSystemTime
logDebug "received transmission"
case cmdOrError of
Left e -> write sndQ (corrId, entId, NRErr e)
Right cmd ->
verifyNtfTransmission t cmd >>= \case
VRVerified req -> write rcvQ req
VRFailed -> write sndQ (corrId, entId, NRErr AUTH)
write q t = atomically $ writeTBQueue q t
send :: (Transport c, MonadUnliftIO m) => THandle c -> NtfServerClient -> m ()
send h@THandle {thVersion = v} NtfServerClient {sndQ, sessionId, activeAt} = forever $ do
t <- atomically $ readTBQueue sndQ
void . liftIO $ tPut h [(Nothing, encodeTransmission v sessionId t)]
atomically . writeTVar activeAt =<< liftIO getSystemTime
-- instance Show a => Show (TVar a) where
-- show x = unsafePerformIO $ show <$> readTVarIO x
data VerificationResult = VRVerified NtfRequest | VRFailed
verifyNtfTransmission ::
forall m. (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadReader NtfEnv m) => SignedTransmission NtfCmd -> NtfCmd -> m VerificationResult
verifyNtfTransmission (sig_, signed, (corrId, entId, _)) cmd = do
st <- asks store
case cmd of
NtfCmd SToken c@(TNEW tkn@(NewNtfTkn _ k _)) -> do
r_ <- atomically $ getNtfTokenRegistration st tkn
pure $
if verifyCmdSignature sig_ signed k
then case r_ of
Just t@NtfTknData {tknVerifyKey}
| k == tknVerifyKey -> verifiedTknCmd t c
| otherwise -> VRFailed
_ -> VRVerified (NtfReqNew corrId (ANE SToken tkn))
else VRFailed
NtfCmd SToken c -> do
t_ <- atomically $ getNtfToken st entId
verifyToken t_ (`verifiedTknCmd` c)
NtfCmd SSubscription c@(SNEW sub@(NewNtfSub tknId smpQueue _)) -> do
s_ <- atomically $ findNtfSubscription st smpQueue
case s_ of
Nothing -> do
-- TODO move active token check here to differentiate error
t_ <- atomically $ getActiveNtfToken st tknId
verifyToken' t_ $ VRVerified (NtfReqNew corrId (ANE SSubscription sub))
Just s@NtfSubData {tokenId = subTknId} ->
if subTknId == tknId
then do
-- TODO move active token check here to differentiate error
t_ <- atomically $ getActiveNtfToken st subTknId
verifyToken' t_ $ verifiedSubCmd s c
else pure $ maybe False (dummyVerifyCmd signed) sig_ `seq` VRFailed
NtfCmd SSubscription c -> do
s_ <- atomically $ getNtfSubscription st entId
case s_ of
Just s@NtfSubData {tokenId = subTknId} -> do
-- TODO move active token check here to differentiate error
t_ <- atomically $ getActiveNtfToken st subTknId
verifyToken' t_ $ verifiedSubCmd s c
_ -> pure $ maybe False (dummyVerifyCmd signed) sig_ `seq` VRFailed
verifiedTknCmd t c = VRVerified (NtfReqCmd SToken (NtfTkn t) (corrId, entId, c))
verifiedSubCmd s c = VRVerified (NtfReqCmd SSubscription (NtfSub s) (corrId, entId, c))
verifyToken :: Maybe NtfTknData -> (NtfTknData -> VerificationResult) -> m VerificationResult
verifyToken t_ positiveVerificationResult =
pure $ case t_ of
Just t@NtfTknData {tknVerifyKey} ->
if verifyCmdSignature sig_ signed tknVerifyKey
then positiveVerificationResult t
else VRFailed
_ -> maybe False (dummyVerifyCmd signed) sig_ `seq` VRFailed
verifyToken' :: Maybe NtfTknData -> VerificationResult -> m VerificationResult
verifyToken' t_ = verifyToken t_ . const
client :: forall m. (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadReader NtfEnv m) => NtfServerClient -> NtfSubscriber -> NtfPushServer -> m ()
client NtfServerClient {rcvQ, sndQ} NtfSubscriber {newSubQ, smpAgent = ca} NtfPushServer {pushQ, intervalNotifiers} =
forever $
atomically (readTBQueue rcvQ)
>>= processCommand
>>= atomically . writeTBQueue sndQ
processCommand :: NtfRequest -> m (Transmission NtfResponse)
processCommand = \case
NtfReqNew corrId (ANE SToken newTkn@(NewNtfTkn _ _ dhPubKey)) -> do
logDebug "TNEW - new token"
st <- asks store
ks@(srvDhPubKey, srvDhPrivKey) <- liftIO C.generateKeyPair'
let dhSecret = C.dh' dhPubKey srvDhPrivKey
tknId <- getId
regCode <- getRegCode
tkn <- atomically $ mkNtfTknData tknId newTkn ks dhSecret regCode
atomically $ addNtfToken st tknId tkn
atomically $ writeTBQueue pushQ (tkn, PNVerification regCode)
withNtfLog (`logCreateToken` tkn)
pure (corrId, "", NRTknId tknId srvDhPubKey)
NtfReqCmd SToken (NtfTkn tkn@NtfTknData {ntfTknId, tknStatus, tknRegCode, tknDhSecret, tknDhKeys = (srvDhPubKey, srvDhPrivKey), tknCronInterval}) (corrId, tknId, cmd) -> do
status <- readTVarIO tknStatus
(corrId,tknId,) <$> case cmd of
TNEW (NewNtfTkn _ _ dhPubKey) -> do
logDebug "TNEW - registered token"
let dhSecret = C.dh' dhPubKey srvDhPrivKey
-- it is required that DH secret is the same, to avoid failed verifications if notification is delaying
if tknDhSecret == dhSecret
then do
atomically $ writeTBQueue pushQ (tkn, PNVerification tknRegCode)
pure $ NRTknId ntfTknId srvDhPubKey
else pure $ NRErr AUTH
TVFY code -- this allows repeated verification for cases when client connection dropped before server response
| (status == NTRegistered || status == NTConfirmed || status == NTActive) && tknRegCode == code -> do
logDebug "TVFY - token verified"
st <- asks store
atomically $ writeTVar tknStatus NTActive
tIds <- atomically $ removeInactiveTokenRegistrations st tkn
forM_ tIds cancelInvervalNotifications
withNtfLog $ \s -> logTokenStatus s tknId NTActive
pure NROk
| otherwise -> do
logDebug "TVFY - incorrect code or token status"
pure $ NRErr AUTH
TCHK -> do
logDebug "TCHK"
pure $ NRTkn status
TRPL token' -> do
logDebug "TRPL - replace token"
st <- asks store
regCode <- getRegCode
atomically $ do
removeTokenRegistration st tkn
writeTVar tknStatus NTRegistered
let tkn' = tkn {token = token', tknRegCode = regCode}
addNtfToken st tknId tkn'
writeTBQueue pushQ (tkn', PNVerification regCode)
withNtfLog $ \s -> logUpdateToken s tknId token' regCode
pure NROk
TDEL -> do
logDebug "TDEL"
st <- asks store
qs <- atomically $ deleteNtfToken st tknId
forM_ qs $ \SMPQueueNtf {smpServer, notifierId} ->
atomically $ removeSubscription ca smpServer (SPNotifier, notifierId)
cancelInvervalNotifications tknId
withNtfLog (`logDeleteToken` tknId)
pure NROk
TCRN 0 -> do
logDebug "TCRN 0"
atomically $ writeTVar tknCronInterval 0
cancelInvervalNotifications tknId
withNtfLog $ \s -> logTokenCron s tknId 0
pure NROk
TCRN int
| int < 20 -> pure $ NRErr QUOTA
| otherwise -> do
logDebug "TCRN"
atomically $ writeTVar tknCronInterval int
atomically (TM.lookup tknId intervalNotifiers) >>= \case
Nothing -> runIntervalNotifier int
Just IntervalNotifier {interval, action} ->
unless (interval == int) $ do
uninterruptibleCancel action
runIntervalNotifier int
withNtfLog $ \s -> logTokenCron s tknId int
pure NROk
runIntervalNotifier interval = do
action <- async . intervalNotifier $ fromIntegral interval * 1000000 * 60
let notifier = IntervalNotifier {action, token = tkn, interval}
atomically $ TM.insert tknId notifier intervalNotifiers
intervalNotifier delay = forever $ do
threadDelay delay
atomically $ writeTBQueue pushQ (tkn, PNCheckMessages)
NtfReqNew corrId (ANE SSubscription newSub) -> do
logDebug "SNEW - new subscription"
st <- asks store
subId <- getId
sub <- atomically $ mkNtfSubData subId newSub
resp <-
atomically (addNtfSubscription st subId sub) >>= \case
Just _ -> atomically (writeTBQueue newSubQ $ NtfSub sub) $> NRSubId subId
_ -> pure $ NRErr AUTH
withNtfLog (`logCreateSubscription` sub)
pure (corrId, "", resp)
NtfReqCmd SSubscription (NtfSub NtfSubData {smpQueue = SMPQueueNtf {smpServer, notifierId}, notifierKey = registeredNKey, subStatus}) (corrId, subId, cmd) -> do
status <- readTVarIO subStatus
(corrId,subId,) <$> case cmd of
SNEW (NewNtfSub _ _ notifierKey) -> do
logDebug "SNEW - existing subscription"
-- TODO retry if subscription failed, if pending or AUTH do nothing
pure $
if notifierKey == registeredNKey
then NRSubId subId
else NRErr AUTH
SCHK -> do
logDebug "SCHK"
pure $ NRSub status
SDEL -> do
logDebug "SDEL"
st <- asks store
atomically $ deleteNtfSubscription st subId
atomically $ removeSubscription ca smpServer (SPNotifier, notifierId)
withNtfLog (`logDeleteSubscription` subId)
pure NROk
PING -> pure NRPong
getId :: m NtfEntityId
getId = getRandomBytes =<< asks (subIdBytes . config)
getRegCode :: m NtfRegCode
getRegCode = NtfRegCode <$> (getRandomBytes =<< asks (regCodeBytes . config))
getRandomBytes :: Int -> m ByteString
getRandomBytes n = do
gVar <- asks idsDrg
atomically (C.pseudoRandomBytes n gVar)
cancelInvervalNotifications :: NtfTokenId -> m ()
cancelInvervalNotifications tknId =
atomically (TM.lookupDelete tknId intervalNotifiers)
>>= mapM_ (uninterruptibleCancel . action)
withNtfLog :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadReader NtfEnv m) => (StoreLog 'WriteMode -> IO a) -> m ()
withNtfLog action = liftIO . mapM_ action =<< asks storeLog