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{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
module AgentTests.NotificationTests where
-- import Control.Logger.Simple (LogConfig (..), LogLevel (..), setLogLevel, withGlobalLogging)
import AgentTests.FunctionalAPITests (get, makeConnection, (##>), (=##>), pattern Msg)
import Control.Concurrent (killThread, threadDelay)
import Control.Monad.Except
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as JT
import Data.Bifunctor (bimap, first)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64.URL as U
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import NtfClient
import SMPAgentClient (agentCfg, initAgentServers, testDB, testDB2)
import SMPClient (testPort, withSmpServer, withSmpServerStoreLogOn)
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Env.SQLite (AgentConfig (..))
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Protocol
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Crypto as C
import Simplex.Messaging.Encoding.String
import Simplex.Messaging.Notifications.Protocol
import Simplex.Messaging.Notifications.Server.Push.APNS
import Simplex.Messaging.Notifications.Types (NtfToken (..))
import Simplex.Messaging.Protocol (ErrorType (AUTH), MsgFlags (MsgFlags), SMPMsgMeta (..))
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Protocol as SMP
import Simplex.Messaging.Transport (ATransport)
import Simplex.Messaging.Util (tryE)
import System.Directory (doesFileExist, removeFile)
import Test.Hspec
import UnliftIO
removeFileIfExists :: FilePath -> IO ()
removeFileIfExists filePath = do
fileExists <- doesFileExist filePath
when fileExists $ removeFile filePath
notificationTests :: ATransport -> Spec
notificationTests t =
after_ (removeFile testDB >> removeFileIfExists testDB2) $ do
describe "Managing notification tokens" $ do
it "should register and verify notification token" $
withAPNSMockServer $ \apns ->
withNtfServer t $ testNotificationToken apns
it "should allow repeated registration with the same credentials" $ \_ ->
withAPNSMockServer $ \apns ->
withNtfServer t $ testNtfTokenRepeatRegistration apns
it "should allow the second registration with different credentials and delete the first after verification" $ \_ ->
withAPNSMockServer $ \apns ->
withNtfServer t $ testNtfTokenSecondRegistration apns
it "should re-register token when notification server is restarted" $ \_ ->
withAPNSMockServer $ \apns ->
testNtfTokenServerRestart t apns
describe "Managing notification subscriptions" $ do
it "should create notification subscription for existing connection" $ \_ ->
withSmpServer t $
withAPNSMockServer $ \apns ->
withNtfServer t $ testNotificationSubscriptionExistingConnection apns
it "should create notification subscription for new connection" $ \_ ->
withSmpServer t $
withAPNSMockServer $ \apns ->
withNtfServer t $ testNotificationSubscriptionNewConnection apns
it "should change notifications mode" $ \_ ->
withSmpServer t $
withAPNSMockServer $ \apns ->
withNtfServer t $ testChangeNotificationsMode apns
it "should change token" $ \_ ->
withSmpServer t $
withAPNSMockServer $ \apns ->
withNtfServer t $ testChangeToken apns
describe "Notifications server store log" $
it "should save and restore tokens and subscriptions" $ \_ ->
withSmpServer t $
withAPNSMockServer $ \apns ->
testNotificationsStoreLog t apns
describe "Notifications after SMP server restart" $
it "should resume subscriptions after SMP server is restarted" $ \_ ->
withAPNSMockServer $ \apns ->
withNtfServer t $ testNotificationsSMPRestart t apns
testNotificationToken :: APNSMockServer -> IO ()
testNotificationToken APNSMockServer {apnsQ} = do
a <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfg initAgentServers
Right () <- runExceptT $ do
let tkn = DeviceToken PPApnsTest "abcd"
NTRegistered <- registerNtfToken a tkn NMPeriodic
APNSMockRequest {notification = APNSNotification {aps = APNSBackground _, notificationData = Just ntfData}, sendApnsResponse} <-
atomically $ readTBQueue apnsQ
verification <- ntfData .-> "verification"
nonce <- C.cbNonce <$> ntfData .-> "nonce"
liftIO $ sendApnsResponse APNSRespOk
verifyNtfToken a tkn nonce verification
NTActive <- checkNtfToken a tkn
deleteNtfToken a tkn
-- agent deleted this token
Left (CMD PROHIBITED) <- tryE $ checkNtfToken a tkn
pure ()
pure ()
(.->) :: J.Value -> J.Key -> ExceptT AgentErrorType IO ByteString
v .-> key = do
J.Object o <- pure v
liftEither . bimap INTERNAL (U.decodeLenient . encodeUtf8) $ JT.parseEither (J..: key) o
-- logCfg :: LogConfig
-- logCfg = LogConfig {lc_file = Nothing, lc_stderr = True}
testNtfTokenRepeatRegistration :: APNSMockServer -> IO ()
testNtfTokenRepeatRegistration APNSMockServer {apnsQ} = do
-- setLogLevel LogError -- LogDebug
-- withGlobalLogging logCfg $ do
a <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfg initAgentServers
Right () <- runExceptT $ do
let tkn = DeviceToken PPApnsTest "abcd"
NTRegistered <- registerNtfToken a tkn NMPeriodic
APNSMockRequest {notification = APNSNotification {aps = APNSBackground _, notificationData = Just ntfData}, sendApnsResponse} <-
atomically $ readTBQueue apnsQ
verification <- ntfData .-> "verification"
nonce <- C.cbNonce <$> ntfData .-> "nonce"
liftIO $ sendApnsResponse APNSRespOk
NTRegistered <- registerNtfToken a tkn NMPeriodic
APNSMockRequest {notification = APNSNotification {aps = APNSBackground _, notificationData = Just ntfData'}, sendApnsResponse = sendApnsResponse'} <-
atomically $ readTBQueue apnsQ
_ <- ntfData' .-> "verification"
_ <- C.cbNonce <$> ntfData' .-> "nonce"
liftIO $ sendApnsResponse' APNSRespOk
-- can still use the first verification code, it is the same after decryption
verifyNtfToken a tkn nonce verification
NTActive <- checkNtfToken a tkn
pure ()
pure ()
testNtfTokenSecondRegistration :: APNSMockServer -> IO ()
testNtfTokenSecondRegistration APNSMockServer {apnsQ} = do
-- setLogLevel LogError -- LogDebug
-- withGlobalLogging logCfg $ do
a <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfg initAgentServers
a' <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfg {dbFile = testDB2} initAgentServers
Right () <- runExceptT $ do
let tkn = DeviceToken PPApnsTest "abcd"
NTRegistered <- registerNtfToken a tkn NMPeriodic
APNSMockRequest {notification = APNSNotification {aps = APNSBackground _, notificationData = Just ntfData}, sendApnsResponse} <-
atomically $ readTBQueue apnsQ
verification <- ntfData .-> "verification"
nonce <- C.cbNonce <$> ntfData .-> "nonce"
liftIO $ sendApnsResponse APNSRespOk
verifyNtfToken a tkn nonce verification
NTRegistered <- registerNtfToken a' tkn NMPeriodic
APNSMockRequest {notification = APNSNotification {aps = APNSBackground _, notificationData = Just ntfData'}, sendApnsResponse = sendApnsResponse'} <-
atomically $ readTBQueue apnsQ
verification' <- ntfData' .-> "verification"
nonce' <- C.cbNonce <$> ntfData' .-> "nonce"
liftIO $ sendApnsResponse' APNSRespOk
-- at this point the first token is still active
NTActive <- checkNtfToken a tkn
-- and the second is not yet verified
liftIO $ threadDelay 50000
NTConfirmed <- checkNtfToken a' tkn
-- now the second token registration is verified
verifyNtfToken a' tkn nonce' verification'
-- the first registration is removed
Left (NTF AUTH) <- tryE $ checkNtfToken a tkn
-- and the second is active
NTActive <- checkNtfToken a' tkn
pure ()
pure ()
testNtfTokenServerRestart :: ATransport -> APNSMockServer -> IO ()
testNtfTokenServerRestart t APNSMockServer {apnsQ} = do
a <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfg initAgentServers
let tkn = DeviceToken PPApnsTest "abcd"
Right ntfData <- withNtfServer t . runExceptT $ do
NTRegistered <- registerNtfToken a tkn NMPeriodic
APNSMockRequest {notification = APNSNotification {aps = APNSBackground _, notificationData = Just ntfData}, sendApnsResponse} <-
atomically $ readTBQueue apnsQ
liftIO $ sendApnsResponse APNSRespOk
pure ntfData
-- the new agent is created as otherwise when running the tests in CI the old agent was keeping the connection to the server
threadDelay 1000000
disconnectAgentClient a
a' <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfg initAgentServers
-- server stopped before token is verified, so now the attempt to verify it will return AUTH error but re-register token,
-- so that repeat verification happens without restarting the clients, when notification arrives
Right () <- withNtfServer t . runExceptT $ do
verification <- ntfData .-> "verification"
nonce <- C.cbNonce <$> ntfData .-> "nonce"
Left (NTF AUTH) <- tryE $ verifyNtfToken a' tkn nonce verification
APNSMockRequest {notification = APNSNotification {aps = APNSBackground _, notificationData = Just ntfData'}, sendApnsResponse = sendApnsResponse'} <-
atomically $ readTBQueue apnsQ
verification' <- ntfData' .-> "verification"
nonce' <- C.cbNonce <$> ntfData' .-> "nonce"
liftIO $ sendApnsResponse' APNSRespOk
verifyNtfToken a' tkn nonce' verification'
NTActive <- checkNtfToken a' tkn
pure ()
pure ()
testNotificationSubscriptionExistingConnection :: APNSMockServer -> IO ()
testNotificationSubscriptionExistingConnection APNSMockServer {apnsQ} = do
alice <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfg initAgentServers
bob <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfg {dbFile = testDB2} initAgentServers
Right (bobId, aliceId, nonce, message) <- runExceptT $ do
-- establish connection
(bobId, qInfo) <- createConnection alice SCMInvitation
aliceId <- joinConnection bob qInfo "bob's connInfo"
("", _, CONF confId "bob's connInfo") <- get alice
allowConnection alice bobId confId "alice's connInfo"
get bob ##> ("", aliceId, INFO "alice's connInfo")
get alice ##> ("", bobId, CON)
get bob ##> ("", aliceId, CON)
-- register notification token
let tkn = DeviceToken PPApnsTest "abcd"
NTRegistered <- registerNtfToken alice tkn NMInstant
APNSMockRequest {notification = APNSNotification {aps = APNSBackground _, notificationData = Just ntfData}, sendApnsResponse} <-
atomically $ readTBQueue apnsQ
verification <- ntfData .-> "verification"
vNonce <- C.cbNonce <$> ntfData .-> "nonce"
liftIO $ sendApnsResponse APNSRespOk
verifyNtfToken alice tkn vNonce verification
NTActive <- checkNtfToken alice tkn
-- send message
liftIO $ threadDelay 50000
1 <- msgId <$> sendMessage bob aliceId (SMP.MsgFlags True) "hello"
get bob ##> ("", aliceId, SENT $ baseId + 1)
-- notification
(nonce, message) <- messageNotification apnsQ
pure (bobId, aliceId, nonce, message)
-- alice client already has subscription for the connection
Left (CMD PROHIBITED) <- runExceptT $ getNotificationMessage alice nonce message
-- aliceNtf client doesn't have subscription and is allowed to get notification message
aliceNtf <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfg initAgentServers
Right () <- runExceptT $ do
(_, [SMPMsgMeta {msgFlags = MsgFlags True}]) <- getNotificationMessage aliceNtf nonce message
pure ()
disconnectAgentClient aliceNtf
Right () <- runExceptT $ do
get alice =##> \case ("", c, Msg "hello") -> c == bobId; _ -> False
ackMessage alice bobId $ baseId + 1
-- delete notification subscription
deleteNtfSub alice bobId
-- send message
2 <- msgId <$> sendMessage bob aliceId (SMP.MsgFlags True) "hello again"
get bob ##> ("", aliceId, SENT $ baseId + 2)
-- no notifications should follow
noNotification apnsQ
pure ()
baseId = 3
msgId = subtract baseId
testNotificationSubscriptionNewConnection :: APNSMockServer -> IO ()
testNotificationSubscriptionNewConnection APNSMockServer {apnsQ} = do
alice <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfg initAgentServers
bob <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfg {dbFile = testDB2} initAgentServers
Right () <- runExceptT $ do
-- alice registers notification token
_ <- registerTestToken alice "abcd" NMInstant apnsQ
-- bob registers notification token
_ <- registerTestToken bob "bcde" NMInstant apnsQ
-- establish connection
liftIO $ threadDelay 50000
(bobId, qInfo) <- createConnection alice SCMInvitation
liftIO $ threadDelay 500000
aliceId <- joinConnection bob qInfo "bob's connInfo"
liftIO $ print 0
void $ messageNotification apnsQ
("", _, CONF confId "bob's connInfo") <- get alice
liftIO $ threadDelay 500000
allowConnection alice bobId confId "alice's connInfo"
liftIO $ print 1
void $ messageNotification apnsQ
get bob ##> ("", aliceId, INFO "alice's connInfo")
liftIO $ print 2
void $ messageNotification apnsQ
get alice ##> ("", bobId, CON)
liftIO $ print 3
void $ messageNotification apnsQ
get bob ##> ("", aliceId, CON)
-- bob sends message
1 <- msgId <$> sendMessage bob aliceId (SMP.MsgFlags True) "hello"
get bob ##> ("", aliceId, SENT $ baseId + 1)
liftIO $ print 4
void $ messageNotification apnsQ
get alice =##> \case ("", c, Msg "hello") -> c == bobId; _ -> False
ackMessage alice bobId $ baseId + 1
-- alice sends message
2 <- msgId <$> sendMessage alice bobId (SMP.MsgFlags True) "hey there"
get alice ##> ("", bobId, SENT $ baseId + 2)
liftIO $ print 5
void $ messageNotification apnsQ
get bob =##> \case ("", c, Msg "hey there") -> c == aliceId; _ -> False
ackMessage bob aliceId $ baseId + 2
-- no unexpected notifications should follow
noNotification apnsQ
pure ()
baseId = 3
msgId = subtract baseId
registerTestToken :: AgentClient -> ByteString -> NotificationsMode -> TBQueue APNSMockRequest -> ExceptT AgentErrorType IO DeviceToken
registerTestToken a token mode apnsQ = do
let tkn = DeviceToken PPApnsTest token
NTRegistered <- registerNtfToken a tkn mode
APNSMockRequest {notification = APNSNotification {aps = APNSBackground _, notificationData = Just ntfData'}, sendApnsResponse = sendApnsResponse'} <-
atomically $ readTBQueue apnsQ
verification' <- ntfData' .-> "verification"
nonce' <- C.cbNonce <$> ntfData' .-> "nonce"
liftIO $ sendApnsResponse' APNSRespOk
verifyNtfToken a tkn nonce' verification'
NTActive <- checkNtfToken a tkn
pure tkn
testChangeNotificationsMode :: APNSMockServer -> IO ()
testChangeNotificationsMode APNSMockServer {apnsQ} = do
alice <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfg initAgentServers
bob <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfg {dbFile = testDB2} initAgentServers
Right () <- runExceptT $ do
-- establish connection
(bobId, qInfo) <- createConnection alice SCMInvitation
aliceId <- joinConnection bob qInfo "bob's connInfo"
("", _, CONF confId "bob's connInfo") <- get alice
allowConnection alice bobId confId "alice's connInfo"
get bob ##> ("", aliceId, INFO "alice's connInfo")
get alice ##> ("", bobId, CON)
get bob ##> ("", aliceId, CON)
-- register notification token, set mode to NMInstant
tkn <- registerTestToken alice "abcd" NMInstant apnsQ
-- send message, receive notification
liftIO $ threadDelay 500000
1 <- msgId <$> sendMessage bob aliceId (SMP.MsgFlags True) "hello"
get bob ##> ("", aliceId, SENT $ baseId + 1)
void $ messageNotification apnsQ
get alice =##> \case ("", c, Msg "hello") -> c == bobId; _ -> False
ackMessage alice bobId $ baseId + 1
-- set mode to NMPeriodic
NTActive <- registerNtfToken alice tkn NMPeriodic
-- send message, no notification
liftIO $ threadDelay 500000
2 <- msgId <$> sendMessage bob aliceId (SMP.MsgFlags True) "hello again"
get bob ##> ("", aliceId, SENT $ baseId + 2)
noNotification apnsQ
get alice =##> \case ("", c, Msg "hello again") -> c == bobId; _ -> False
ackMessage alice bobId $ baseId + 2
-- set mode to NMInstant
NTActive <- registerNtfToken alice tkn NMInstant
-- send message, receive notification
liftIO $ threadDelay 500000
3 <- msgId <$> sendMessage bob aliceId (SMP.MsgFlags True) "hello there"
get bob ##> ("", aliceId, SENT $ baseId + 3)
void $ messageNotification apnsQ
get alice =##> \case ("", c, Msg "hello there") -> c == bobId; _ -> False
ackMessage alice bobId $ baseId + 3
-- turn off notifications
deleteNtfToken alice tkn
-- send message, no notification
liftIO $ threadDelay 500000
4 <- msgId <$> sendMessage bob aliceId (SMP.MsgFlags True) "why hello there"
get bob ##> ("", aliceId, SENT $ baseId + 4)
noNotification apnsQ
get alice =##> \case ("", c, Msg "why hello there") -> c == bobId; _ -> False
ackMessage alice bobId $ baseId + 4
-- turn on notifications, set mode to NMInstant
void $ registerTestToken alice "abcd" NMInstant apnsQ
-- send message, receive notification
liftIO $ threadDelay 500000
5 <- msgId <$> sendMessage bob aliceId (SMP.MsgFlags True) "hey"
get bob ##> ("", aliceId, SENT $ baseId + 5)
void $ messageNotification apnsQ
get alice =##> \case ("", c, Msg "hey") -> c == bobId; _ -> False
ackMessage alice bobId $ baseId + 5
-- no notifications should follow
noNotification apnsQ
pure ()
baseId = 3
msgId = subtract baseId
testChangeToken :: APNSMockServer -> IO ()
testChangeToken APNSMockServer {apnsQ} = do
alice <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfg initAgentServers
bob <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfg {dbFile = testDB2} initAgentServers
Right (aliceId, bobId) <- runExceptT $ do
-- establish connection
(bobId, qInfo) <- createConnection alice SCMInvitation
aliceId <- joinConnection bob qInfo "bob's connInfo"
("", _, CONF confId "bob's connInfo") <- get alice
allowConnection alice bobId confId "alice's connInfo"
get bob ##> ("", aliceId, INFO "alice's connInfo")
get alice ##> ("", bobId, CON)
get bob ##> ("", aliceId, CON)
-- register notification token, set mode to NMInstant
void $ registerTestToken alice "abcd" NMInstant apnsQ
-- send message, receive notification
liftIO $ threadDelay 500000
1 <- msgId <$> sendMessage bob aliceId (SMP.MsgFlags True) "hello"
get bob ##> ("", aliceId, SENT $ baseId + 1)
void $ messageNotification apnsQ
get alice =##> \case ("", c, Msg "hello") -> c == bobId; _ -> False
ackMessage alice bobId $ baseId + 1
pure (aliceId, bobId)
disconnectAgentClient alice
alice1 <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfg initAgentServers
Right () <- runExceptT $ do
subscribeConnection alice1 bobId
-- change notification token
void $ registerTestToken alice1 "bcde" NMInstant apnsQ
-- send message, receive notification
liftIO $ threadDelay 500000
2 <- msgId <$> sendMessage bob aliceId (SMP.MsgFlags True) "hello there"
get bob ##> ("", aliceId, SENT $ baseId + 2)
void $ messageNotification apnsQ
get alice1 =##> \case ("", c, Msg "hello there") -> c == bobId; _ -> False
ackMessage alice1 bobId $ baseId + 2
-- no notifications should follow
noNotification apnsQ
pure ()
baseId = 3
msgId = subtract baseId
testNotificationsStoreLog :: ATransport -> APNSMockServer -> IO ()
testNotificationsStoreLog t APNSMockServer {apnsQ} = do
alice <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfg initAgentServers
bob <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfg {dbFile = testDB2} initAgentServers
Right (aliceId, bobId) <- withNtfServerStoreLog t $ \threadId -> runExceptT $ do
(aliceId, bobId) <- makeConnection alice bob
_ <- registerTestToken alice "abcd" NMInstant apnsQ
liftIO $ threadDelay 250000
4 <- sendMessage bob aliceId (SMP.MsgFlags True) "hello"
get bob ##> ("", aliceId, SENT 4)
void $ messageNotification apnsQ
get alice =##> \case ("", c, Msg "hello") -> c == bobId; _ -> False
ackMessage alice bobId 4
liftIO $ killThread threadId
pure (aliceId, bobId)
liftIO $ threadDelay 250000
Right () <- withNtfServerStoreLog t $ \threadId -> runExceptT $ do
liftIO $ threadDelay 250000
5 <- sendMessage bob aliceId (SMP.MsgFlags True) "hello again"
get bob ##> ("", aliceId, SENT 5)
void $ messageNotification apnsQ
get alice =##> \case ("", c, Msg "hello again") -> c == bobId; _ -> False
liftIO $ killThread threadId
pure ()
testNotificationsSMPRestart :: ATransport -> APNSMockServer -> IO ()
testNotificationsSMPRestart t APNSMockServer {apnsQ} = do
alice <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfg initAgentServers
bob <- getSMPAgentClient agentCfg {dbFile = testDB2} initAgentServers
Right (aliceId, bobId) <- withSmpServerStoreLogOn t testPort $ \threadId -> runExceptT $ do
(aliceId, bobId) <- makeConnection alice bob
_ <- registerTestToken alice "abcd" NMInstant apnsQ
liftIO $ threadDelay 250000
4 <- sendMessage bob aliceId (SMP.MsgFlags True) "hello"
get bob ##> ("", aliceId, SENT 4)
void $ messageNotification apnsQ
get alice =##> \case ("", c, Msg "hello") -> c == bobId; _ -> False
ackMessage alice bobId 4
liftIO $ killThread threadId
pure (aliceId, bobId)
Right () <- runExceptT $ do
get alice =##> \case ("", "", DOWN _ [c]) -> c == bobId; _ -> False
get bob =##> \case ("", "", DOWN _ [c]) -> c == aliceId; _ -> False
Right () <- withSmpServerStoreLogOn t testPort $ \threadId -> runExceptT $ do
get alice =##> \case ("", "", UP _ [c]) -> c == bobId; _ -> False
get bob =##> \case ("", "", UP _ [c]) -> c == aliceId; _ -> False
liftIO $ threadDelay 1000000
5 <- sendMessage bob aliceId (SMP.MsgFlags True) "hello again"
get bob ##> ("", aliceId, SENT 5)
_ <- messageNotificationData alice apnsQ
get alice =##> \case ("", c, Msg "hello again") -> c == bobId; _ -> False
liftIO $ killThread threadId
pure ()
messageNotification :: TBQueue APNSMockRequest -> ExceptT AgentErrorType IO (C.CbNonce, ByteString)
messageNotification apnsQ = do
1000000 `timeout` atomically (readTBQueue apnsQ) >>= \case
Nothing -> error "no notification"
Just APNSMockRequest {notification = APNSNotification {aps = APNSMutableContent {}, notificationData = Just ntfData}, sendApnsResponse} -> do
nonce <- C.cbNonce <$> ntfData .-> "nonce"
message <- ntfData .-> "message"
liftIO $ sendApnsResponse APNSRespOk
pure (nonce, message)
_ -> error "bad notification"
messageNotificationData :: AgentClient -> TBQueue APNSMockRequest -> ExceptT AgentErrorType IO PNMessageData
messageNotificationData c apnsQ = do
(nonce, message) <- messageNotification apnsQ
NtfToken {ntfDhSecret = Just dhSecret} <- getNtfTokenData c
Right pnMsgData <- liftEither . first INTERNAL $ Right . strDecode =<< first show (C.cbDecrypt dhSecret nonce message)
pure pnMsgData
noNotification :: TBQueue APNSMockRequest -> ExceptT AgentErrorType IO ()
noNotification apnsQ = do
500000 `timeout` atomically (readTBQueue apnsQ) >>= \case
Nothing -> pure ()
_ -> error "unexpected notification"