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{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unrecognised-pragmas #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unticked-promoted-constructors #-}
{-# HLINT ignore "Use newtype instead of data" #-}
-- |
-- Module : Simplex.Messaging.ProtocolEncoding
-- Copyright : (c)
-- License : AGPL-3
-- Maintainer :
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable
-- Types, parsers, serializers and functions to send and receive SMP protocol commands and responses.
-- See
module Simplex.Messaging.Protocol
( -- * SMP protocol parameters
-- * SMP protocol types
ProtocolEncoding (..),
Command (..),
Party (..),
Cmd (..),
BrokerMsg (..),
SParty (..),
PartyI (..),
QueueIdsKeys (..),
ErrorType (..),
CommandError (..),
ClientMsgEnvelope (..),
PubHeader (..),
ClientMessage (..),
PrivHeader (..),
Protocol (..),
ProtocolType (..),
ProtocolServer (..),
pattern SMPServer,
pattern NtfServer,
SrvLoc (..),
CorrId (..),
Message (..),
RcvMessage (..),
EncRcvMsgBody (..),
RcvMsgBody (..),
ClientRcvMsgBody (..),
SMPMsgMeta (..),
NMsgMeta (..),
MsgFlags (..),
-- * Parse and serialize
ProtocolMsgTag (..),
-- * TCP transport functions
-- * exports for tests
CommandTag (..),
BrokerMsgTag (..),
import Control.Applicative (optional, (<|>))
import Control.Monad.Except
import Data.Aeson (ToJSON (..))
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 (Parser)
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 as A
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.Kind
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as L
import Data.Maybe (isNothing)
import Data.String
import Data.Time.Clock.System (SystemTime (..))
import Data.Type.Equality
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import GHC.TypeLits (type (+))
import Generic.Random (genericArbitraryU)
import Network.Socket (HostName, ServiceName)
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Crypto as C
import Simplex.Messaging.Encoding
import Simplex.Messaging.Encoding.String
import Simplex.Messaging.Parsers
import Simplex.Messaging.Transport
import Simplex.Messaging.Util (bshow, (<$?>))
import Simplex.Messaging.Version
import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary (..))
smpClientVersion :: Version
smpClientVersion = 1
smpClientVRange :: VersionRange
smpClientVRange = mkVersionRange 1 smpClientVersion
maxMessageLength :: Int
maxMessageLength = 16088
type MaxMessageLen = 16088
-- 16 extra bytes: 8 for timestamp and 8 for flags (7 flags and the space, only 1 flag is currently used)
type MaxRcvMessageLen = MaxMessageLen + 16 -- 16104, the padded size is 16106
-- it is shorter to allow per-queue e2e encryption DH key in the "public" header
e2eEncConfirmationLength :: Int
e2eEncConfirmationLength = 15936
e2eEncMessageLength :: Int
e2eEncMessageLength = 16032
-- | SMP protocol clients
data Party = Recipient | Sender | Notifier
deriving (Show)
-- | Singleton types for SMP protocol clients
data SParty :: Party -> Type where
SRecipient :: SParty Recipient
SSender :: SParty Sender
SNotifier :: SParty Notifier
instance TestEquality SParty where
testEquality SRecipient SRecipient = Just Refl
testEquality SSender SSender = Just Refl
testEquality SNotifier SNotifier = Just Refl
testEquality _ _ = Nothing
deriving instance Show (SParty p)
class PartyI (p :: Party) where sParty :: SParty p
instance PartyI Recipient where sParty = SRecipient
instance PartyI Sender where sParty = SSender
instance PartyI Notifier where sParty = SNotifier
-- | Type for client command of any participant.
data Cmd = forall p. PartyI p => Cmd (SParty p) (Command p)
deriving instance Show Cmd
-- | Parsed SMP transmission without signature, size and session ID.
type Transmission c = (CorrId, EntityId, c)
-- | signed parsed transmission, with original raw bytes and parsing error.
type SignedTransmission c = (Maybe C.ASignature, Signed, Transmission (Either ErrorType c))
type Signed = ByteString
-- | unparsed SMP transmission with signature.
data RawTransmission = RawTransmission
{ signature :: ByteString,
signed :: ByteString,
sessId :: SessionId,
corrId :: ByteString,
entityId :: ByteString,
command :: ByteString
deriving (Show)
-- | unparsed sent SMP transmission with signature, without session ID.
type SignedRawTransmission = (Maybe C.ASignature, SessionId, ByteString, ByteString)
-- | unparsed sent SMP transmission with signature.
type SentRawTransmission = (Maybe C.ASignature, ByteString)
-- | SMP queue ID for the recipient.
type RecipientId = QueueId
-- | SMP queue ID for the sender.
type SenderId = QueueId
-- | SMP queue ID for notifications.
type NotifierId = QueueId
-- | SMP queue ID on the server.
type QueueId = EntityId
type EntityId = ByteString
-- | Parameterized type for SMP protocol commands from all clients.
data Command (p :: Party) where
-- SMP recipient commands
NEW :: RcvPublicVerifyKey -> RcvPublicDhKey -> Command Recipient
SUB :: Command Recipient
KEY :: SndPublicVerifyKey -> Command Recipient
NKEY :: NtfPublicVerifyKey -> RcvNtfPublicDhKey -> Command Recipient
NDEL :: Command Recipient
GET :: Command Recipient
-- ACK v1 has to be supported for encoding/decoding
-- ACK :: Command Recipient
ACK :: MsgId -> Command Recipient
OFF :: Command Recipient
DEL :: Command Recipient
-- SMP sender commands
-- SEND v1 has to be supported for encoding/decoding
-- SEND :: MsgBody -> Command Sender
SEND :: MsgFlags -> MsgBody -> Command Sender
PING :: Command Sender
-- SMP notification subscriber commands
NSUB :: Command Notifier
deriving instance Show (Command p)
deriving instance Eq (Command p)
data BrokerMsg where
-- SMP broker messages (responses, client messages, notifications)
IDS :: QueueIdsKeys -> BrokerMsg
-- MSG v1/2 has to be supported for encoding/decoding
-- v1: MSG :: MsgId -> SystemTime -> MsgBody -> BrokerMsg
-- v2: MsgId -> SystemTime -> MsgFlags -> MsgBody -> BrokerMsg
MSG :: RcvMessage -> BrokerMsg
NID :: NotifierId -> RcvNtfPublicDhKey -> BrokerMsg
NMSG :: C.CbNonce -> EncNMsgMeta -> BrokerMsg
END :: BrokerMsg
OK :: BrokerMsg
ERR :: ErrorType -> BrokerMsg
PONG :: BrokerMsg
deriving (Eq, Show)
data RcvMessage = RcvMessage
{ msgId :: MsgId,
msgTs :: SystemTime,
msgFlags :: MsgFlags,
msgBody :: EncRcvMsgBody -- e2e encrypted, with extra encryption for recipient
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | received message without server/recipient encryption
data Message = Message
{ msgId :: MsgId,
msgTs :: SystemTime,
msgFlags :: MsgFlags,
msgBody :: C.MaxLenBS MaxMessageLen
instance StrEncoding RcvMessage where
strEncode RcvMessage {msgId, msgTs, msgFlags, msgBody = EncRcvMsgBody body} =
[ strEncode msgId,
strEncode msgTs,
"flags=" <> strEncode msgFlags,
strEncode body
strP = do
msgId <- strP_
msgTs <- strP_
msgFlags <- ("flags=" *> strP_) <|> pure noMsgFlags
msgBody <- EncRcvMsgBody <$> strP
pure RcvMessage {msgId, msgTs, msgFlags, msgBody}
newtype EncRcvMsgBody = EncRcvMsgBody ByteString
deriving (Eq, Show)
data RcvMsgBody = RcvMsgBody
{ msgTs :: SystemTime,
msgFlags :: MsgFlags,
msgBody :: C.MaxLenBS MaxMessageLen
encodeRcvMsgBody :: RcvMsgBody -> C.MaxLenBS MaxRcvMessageLen
encodeRcvMsgBody RcvMsgBody {msgTs, msgFlags, msgBody} =
let rcvMeta :: C.MaxLenBS 16 = C.unsafeMaxLenBS $ smpEncode (msgTs, msgFlags, ' ')
in C.appendMaxLenBS rcvMeta msgBody
data ClientRcvMsgBody = ClientRcvMsgBody
{ msgTs :: SystemTime,
msgFlags :: MsgFlags,
msgBody :: ByteString
clientRcvMsgBodyP :: Parser ClientRcvMsgBody
clientRcvMsgBodyP = do
msgTs <- smpP
msgFlags <- smpP
Tail msgBody <- _smpP
pure ClientRcvMsgBody {msgTs, msgFlags, msgBody}
instance StrEncoding Message where
strEncode Message {msgId, msgTs, msgFlags, msgBody} =
[ strEncode msgId,
strEncode msgTs,
"flags=" <> strEncode msgFlags,
strEncode msgBody
strP = do
msgId <- strP_
msgTs <- strP_
msgFlags <- ("flags=" *> strP_) <|> pure noMsgFlags
msgBody <- strP
pure Message {msgId, msgTs, msgFlags, msgBody}
type EncNMsgMeta = ByteString
data SMPMsgMeta = SMPMsgMeta
{ msgId :: MsgId,
msgTs :: SystemTime,
msgFlags :: MsgFlags
deriving (Show)
rcvMessageMeta :: MsgId -> ClientRcvMsgBody -> SMPMsgMeta
rcvMessageMeta msgId ClientRcvMsgBody {msgTs, msgFlags} = SMPMsgMeta {msgId, msgTs, msgFlags}
data NMsgMeta = NMsgMeta
{ msgId :: MsgId,
msgTs :: SystemTime
deriving (Show)
instance Encoding NMsgMeta where
smpEncode NMsgMeta {msgId, msgTs} =
smpEncode (msgId, msgTs)
smpP = do
-- Tail here is to allow extension in the future clients/servers
(msgId, msgTs, Tail _) <- smpP
pure NMsgMeta {msgId, msgTs}
-- it must be data for correct JSON encoding
data MsgFlags = MsgFlags {notification :: Bool}
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance ToJSON MsgFlags where toEncoding = J.genericToEncoding J.defaultOptions
-- this encoding should not become bigger than 7 bytes (currently it is 1 byte)
instance Encoding MsgFlags where
smpEncode MsgFlags {notification} = smpEncode notification
smpP = do
notification <- smpP <* A.takeTill (== ' ')
pure MsgFlags {notification}
instance StrEncoding MsgFlags where
strEncode = smpEncode
{-# INLINE strEncode #-}
strP = smpP
{-# INLINE strP #-}
noMsgFlags :: MsgFlags
noMsgFlags = MsgFlags {notification = False}
-- * SMP command tags
data CommandTag (p :: Party) where
NEW_ :: CommandTag Recipient
SUB_ :: CommandTag Recipient
KEY_ :: CommandTag Recipient
NKEY_ :: CommandTag Recipient
NDEL_ :: CommandTag Recipient
GET_ :: CommandTag Recipient
ACK_ :: CommandTag Recipient
OFF_ :: CommandTag Recipient
DEL_ :: CommandTag Recipient
SEND_ :: CommandTag Sender
PING_ :: CommandTag Sender
NSUB_ :: CommandTag Notifier
data CmdTag = forall p. PartyI p => CT (SParty p) (CommandTag p)
deriving instance Show (CommandTag p)
deriving instance Show CmdTag
data BrokerMsgTag
= IDS_
| MSG_
| NID_
| END_
| OK_
| ERR_
deriving (Show)
class ProtocolMsgTag t where
decodeTag :: ByteString -> Maybe t
messageTagP :: ProtocolMsgTag t => Parser t
messageTagP =
maybe (fail "bad message") pure . decodeTag
=<< (A.takeTill (== ' ') <* optional
instance PartyI p => Encoding (CommandTag p) where
smpEncode = \case
NEW_ -> "NEW"
SUB_ -> "SUB"
KEY_ -> "KEY"
GET_ -> "GET"
ACK_ -> "ACK"
OFF_ -> "OFF"
DEL_ -> "DEL"
smpP = messageTagP
instance ProtocolMsgTag CmdTag where
decodeTag = \case
"NEW" -> Just $ CT SRecipient NEW_
"SUB" -> Just $ CT SRecipient SUB_
"KEY" -> Just $ CT SRecipient KEY_
"NKEY" -> Just $ CT SRecipient NKEY_
"NDEL" -> Just $ CT SRecipient NDEL_
"GET" -> Just $ CT SRecipient GET_
"ACK" -> Just $ CT SRecipient ACK_
"OFF" -> Just $ CT SRecipient OFF_
"DEL" -> Just $ CT SRecipient DEL_
"SEND" -> Just $ CT SSender SEND_
"PING" -> Just $ CT SSender PING_
"NSUB" -> Just $ CT SNotifier NSUB_
_ -> Nothing
instance Encoding CmdTag where
smpEncode (CT _ t) = smpEncode t
smpP = messageTagP
instance PartyI p => ProtocolMsgTag (CommandTag p) where
decodeTag s = decodeTag s >>= (\(CT _ t) -> checkParty' t)
instance Encoding BrokerMsgTag where
smpEncode = \case
IDS_ -> "IDS"
MSG_ -> "MSG"
NID_ -> "NID"
END_ -> "END"
OK_ -> "OK"
ERR_ -> "ERR"
smpP = messageTagP
instance ProtocolMsgTag BrokerMsgTag where
decodeTag = \case
"IDS" -> Just IDS_
"MSG" -> Just MSG_
"NID" -> Just NID_
"NMSG" -> Just NMSG_
"END" -> Just END_
"OK" -> Just OK_
"ERR" -> Just ERR_
"PONG" -> Just PONG_
_ -> Nothing
-- | SMP message body format
data ClientMsgEnvelope = ClientMsgEnvelope
{ cmHeader :: PubHeader,
cmNonce :: C.CbNonce,
cmEncBody :: ByteString
deriving (Show)
data PubHeader = PubHeader
{ phVersion :: Version,
phE2ePubDhKey :: Maybe C.PublicKeyX25519
deriving (Show)
instance Encoding PubHeader where
smpEncode (PubHeader v k) = smpEncode (v, k)
smpP = PubHeader <$> smpP <*> smpP
instance Encoding ClientMsgEnvelope where
smpEncode ClientMsgEnvelope {cmHeader, cmNonce, cmEncBody} =
smpEncode (cmHeader, cmNonce, Tail cmEncBody)
smpP = do
(cmHeader, cmNonce, Tail cmEncBody) <- smpP
pure ClientMsgEnvelope {cmHeader, cmNonce, cmEncBody}
data ClientMessage = ClientMessage PrivHeader ByteString
data PrivHeader
= PHConfirmation C.APublicVerifyKey
| PHEmpty
deriving (Show)
instance Encoding PrivHeader where
smpEncode = \case
PHConfirmation k -> "K" <> smpEncode k
PHEmpty -> "_"
smpP =
A.anyChar >>= \case
'K' -> PHConfirmation <$> smpP
'_' -> pure PHEmpty
_ -> fail "invalid PrivHeader"
instance Encoding ClientMessage where
smpEncode (ClientMessage h msg) = smpEncode h <> msg
smpP = ClientMessage <$> smpP <*> A.takeByteString
type SMPServer = ProtocolServer 'PSMP
pattern SMPServer :: HostName -> ServiceName -> C.KeyHash -> ProtocolServer 'PSMP
pattern SMPServer host port keyHash = ProtocolServer SPSMP host port keyHash
{-# COMPLETE SMPServer #-}
type NtfServer = ProtocolServer 'PNTF
pattern NtfServer :: HostName -> ServiceName -> C.KeyHash -> ProtocolServer 'PNTF
pattern NtfServer host port keyHash = ProtocolServer SPNTF host port keyHash
{-# COMPLETE NtfServer #-}
data ProtocolType = PSMP | PNTF
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance StrEncoding ProtocolType where
strEncode = \case
PSMP -> "smp"
PNTF -> "ntf"
strP =
A.takeTill (== ':') >>= \case
"smp" -> pure PSMP
"ntf" -> pure PNTF
_ -> fail "bad ProtocolType"
data SProtocolType (p :: ProtocolType) where
SPSMP :: SProtocolType 'PSMP
SPNTF :: SProtocolType 'PNTF
deriving instance Eq (SProtocolType p)
deriving instance Ord (SProtocolType p)
deriving instance Show (SProtocolType p)
data AProtocolType = forall p. ProtocolTypeI p => AProtocolType (SProtocolType p)
instance TestEquality SProtocolType where
testEquality SPSMP SPSMP = Just Refl
testEquality SPNTF SPNTF = Just Refl
testEquality _ _ = Nothing
protocolType :: SProtocolType p -> ProtocolType
protocolType = \case
aProtocolType :: ProtocolType -> AProtocolType
aProtocolType = \case
PSMP -> AProtocolType SPSMP
PNTF -> AProtocolType SPNTF
instance ProtocolTypeI p => StrEncoding (SProtocolType p) where
strEncode = strEncode . protocolType
strP = (\(AProtocolType p) -> checkProtocolType p) <$?> strP
instance StrEncoding AProtocolType where
strEncode (AProtocolType p) = strEncode p
strP = aProtocolType <$> strP
checkProtocolType :: forall t p p'. (ProtocolTypeI p, ProtocolTypeI p') => t p' -> Either String (t p)
checkProtocolType p = case testEquality (protocolTypeI @p) (protocolTypeI @p') of
Just Refl -> Right p
Nothing -> Left "bad ProtocolType"
class ProtocolTypeI (p :: ProtocolType) where
protocolTypeI :: SProtocolType p
instance ProtocolTypeI 'PSMP where protocolTypeI = SPSMP
instance ProtocolTypeI 'PNTF where protocolTypeI = SPNTF
-- | server location and transport key digest (hash).
data ProtocolServer p = ProtocolServer
{ scheme :: SProtocolType p,
host :: HostName,
port :: ServiceName,
keyHash :: C.KeyHash
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance ProtocolTypeI p => IsString (ProtocolServer p) where
fromString = parseString strDecode
instance ProtocolTypeI p => Encoding (ProtocolServer p) where
smpEncode ProtocolServer {host, port, keyHash} =
smpEncode (host, port, keyHash)
smpP = do
(host, port, keyHash) <- smpP
pure ProtocolServer {scheme = protocolTypeI @p, host, port, keyHash}
instance ProtocolTypeI p => StrEncoding (ProtocolServer p) where
strEncode ProtocolServer {scheme, host, port, keyHash} =
strEncode scheme <> "://" <> strEncode keyHash <> "@" <> strEncode (SrvLoc host port)
strP = do
scheme <- strP <* "://"
keyHash <- strP <* A.char '@'
SrvLoc host port <- strP
pure ProtocolServer {scheme, host, port, keyHash}
instance ProtocolTypeI p => ToJSON (ProtocolServer p) where
toJSON = strToJSON
toEncoding = strToJEncoding
data SrvLoc = SrvLoc HostName ServiceName
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance StrEncoding SrvLoc where
strEncode (SrvLoc host port) = B.pack $ host <> if null port then "" else ':' : port
strP = SrvLoc <$> host <*> (port <|> pure "")
host = B.unpack <$> A.takeWhile1 (A.notInClass ":#,;/ ")
port = show <$> (A.char ':' *> (A.decimal :: Parser Int))
-- | Transmission correlation ID.
newtype CorrId = CorrId {bs :: ByteString} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance IsString CorrId where
fromString = CorrId . fromString
instance StrEncoding CorrId where
strEncode (CorrId cId) = strEncode cId
strDecode s = CorrId <$> strDecode s
strP = CorrId <$> strP
instance ToJSON CorrId where
toJSON = strToJSON
toEncoding = strToJEncoding
-- | Queue IDs and keys
data QueueIdsKeys = QIK
{ rcvId :: RecipientId,
sndId :: SenderId,
rcvPublicDhKey :: RcvPublicDhKey
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | Recipient's private key used by the recipient to authorize (sign) SMP commands.
-- Only used by SMP agent, kept here so its definition is close to respective public key.
type RcvPrivateSignKey = C.APrivateSignKey
-- | Recipient's public key used by SMP server to verify authorization of SMP commands.
type RcvPublicVerifyKey = C.APublicVerifyKey
-- | Public key used for DH exchange to encrypt message bodies from server to recipient
type RcvPublicDhKey = C.PublicKeyX25519
-- | DH Secret used to encrypt message bodies from server to recipient
type RcvDhSecret = C.DhSecretX25519
-- | Sender's private key used by the recipient to authorize (sign) SMP commands.
-- Only used by SMP agent, kept here so its definition is close to respective public key.
type SndPrivateSignKey = C.APrivateSignKey
-- | Sender's public key used by SMP server to verify authorization of SMP commands.
type SndPublicVerifyKey = C.APublicVerifyKey
-- | Private key used by push notifications server to authorize (sign) NSUB command.
type NtfPrivateSignKey = C.APrivateSignKey
-- | Public key used by SMP server to verify authorization of NSUB command sent by push notifications server.
type NtfPublicVerifyKey = C.APublicVerifyKey
-- | Public key used for DH exchange to encrypt notification metadata from server to recipient
type RcvNtfPublicDhKey = C.PublicKeyX25519
-- | DH Secret used to encrypt notification metadata from server to recipient
type RcvNtfDhSecret = C.DhSecretX25519
-- | SMP message server ID.
type MsgId = ByteString
-- | SMP message body.
type MsgBody = ByteString
-- | Type for protocol errors.
data ErrorType
= -- | incorrect block format, encoding or signature size
| -- | incorrect SMP session ID (TLS Finished message / tls-unique binding RFC5929)
| -- | SMP command is unknown or has invalid syntax
CMD {cmdErr :: CommandError}
| -- | command authorization error - bad signature or non-existing SMP queue
| -- | SMP queue capacity is exceeded on the server
| -- | ACK command is sent without message to be acknowledged
| -- | sent message is too large (> maxMessageLength = 16088 bytes)
| -- | internal server error
| -- | used internally, never returned by the server (to be removed)
DUPLICATE_ -- TODO remove, not part of SMP protocol
deriving (Eq, Generic, Read, Show)
instance ToJSON ErrorType where
toJSON = J.genericToJSON $ sumTypeJSON id
toEncoding = J.genericToEncoding $ sumTypeJSON id
instance StrEncoding ErrorType where
strEncode = \case
CMD e -> "CMD " <> bshow e
e -> bshow e
strP = "CMD " *> (CMD <$> parseRead1) <|> parseRead1
-- | SMP command error type.
data CommandError
= -- | unknown command
| -- | error parsing command
| -- | command is not allowed (SUB/GET cannot be used with the same queue in the same TCP connection)
| -- | transmission has no required credentials (signature or queue ID)
| -- | transmission has credentials that are not allowed for this command
| -- | transmission has no required entity ID (e.g. SMP queue)
deriving (Eq, Generic, Read, Show)
instance ToJSON CommandError where
toJSON = J.genericToJSON $ sumTypeJSON id
toEncoding = J.genericToEncoding $ sumTypeJSON id
instance Arbitrary ErrorType where arbitrary = genericArbitraryU
instance Arbitrary CommandError where arbitrary = genericArbitraryU
-- | SMP transmission parser.
transmissionP :: Parser RawTransmission
transmissionP = do
signature <- smpP
signed <- A.takeByteString
either fail pure $ parseAll (trn signature signed) signed
trn signature signed = do
sessId <- smpP
corrId <- smpP
entityId <- smpP
command <- A.takeByteString
pure RawTransmission {signature, signed, sessId, corrId, entityId, command}
class (ProtocolEncoding msg, ProtocolEncoding (ProtoCommand msg), Show msg) => Protocol msg where
type ProtoCommand msg = cmd | cmd -> msg
type ProtoType msg = (sch :: ProtocolType) | sch -> msg
protocolClientHandshake :: forall c. Transport c => c -> C.KeyHash -> VersionRange -> ExceptT TransportError IO (THandle c)
protocolPing :: ProtoCommand msg
protocolError :: msg -> Maybe ErrorType
type ProtoServer msg = ProtocolServer (ProtoType msg)
instance Protocol BrokerMsg where
type ProtoCommand BrokerMsg = Cmd
type ProtoType BrokerMsg = 'PSMP
protocolClientHandshake = smpClientHandshake
protocolPing = Cmd SSender PING
protocolError = \case
ERR e -> Just e
_ -> Nothing
class ProtocolMsgTag (Tag msg) => ProtocolEncoding msg where
type Tag msg
encodeProtocol :: Version -> msg -> ByteString
protocolP :: Version -> Tag msg -> Parser msg
checkCredentials :: SignedRawTransmission -> msg -> Either ErrorType msg
instance PartyI p => ProtocolEncoding (Command p) where
type Tag (Command p) = CommandTag p
encodeProtocol v = \case
NEW rKey dhKey -> e (NEW_, ' ', rKey, dhKey)
SUB -> e SUB_
KEY k -> e (KEY_, ' ', k)
NKEY k dhKey -> e (NKEY_, ' ', k, dhKey)
GET -> e GET_
ACK msgId
| v == 1 -> e ACK_
| otherwise -> e (ACK_, ' ', msgId)
OFF -> e OFF_
DEL -> e DEL_
SEND flags msg
| v == 1 -> e (SEND_, ' ', Tail msg)
| otherwise -> e (SEND_, ' ', flags, ' ', Tail msg)
e :: Encoding a => a -> ByteString
e = smpEncode
protocolP v tag = (\(Cmd _ c) -> checkParty c) <$?> protocolP v (CT (sParty @p) tag)
checkCredentials (sig, _, queueId, _) cmd = case cmd of
-- NEW must have signature but NOT queue ID
NEW {}
| isNothing sig -> Left $ CMD NO_AUTH
| not (B.null queueId) -> Left $ CMD HAS_AUTH
| otherwise -> Right cmd
-- SEND must have queue ID, signature is not always required
| B.null queueId -> Left $ CMD NO_ENTITY
| otherwise -> Right cmd
-- PING must not have queue ID or signature
| isNothing sig && B.null queueId -> Right cmd
| otherwise -> Left $ CMD HAS_AUTH
-- other client commands must have both signature and queue ID
| isNothing sig || B.null queueId -> Left $ CMD NO_AUTH
| otherwise -> Right cmd
instance ProtocolEncoding Cmd where
type Tag Cmd = CmdTag
encodeProtocol v (Cmd _ c) = encodeProtocol v c
protocolP v = \case
CT SRecipient tag ->
Cmd SRecipient <$> case tag of
NEW_ -> NEW <$> _smpP <*> smpP
SUB_ -> pure SUB
KEY_ -> KEY <$> _smpP
NKEY_ -> NKEY <$> _smpP <*> smpP
NDEL_ -> pure NDEL
GET_ -> pure GET
| v == 1 -> pure $ ACK ""
| otherwise -> ACK <$> _smpP
OFF_ -> pure OFF
DEL_ -> pure DEL
CT SSender tag ->
Cmd SSender <$> case tag of
| v == 1 -> SEND <$> pure noMsgFlags <*> (unTail <$> _smpP)
| otherwise -> SEND <$> _smpP <*> (unTail <$> _smpP)
PING_ -> pure PING
CT SNotifier NSUB_ -> pure $ Cmd SNotifier NSUB
checkCredentials t (Cmd p c) = Cmd p <$> checkCredentials t c
instance ProtocolEncoding BrokerMsg where
type Tag BrokerMsg = BrokerMsgTag
encodeProtocol v = \case
IDS (QIK rcvId sndId srvDh) -> e (IDS_, ' ', rcvId, sndId, srvDh)
MSG RcvMessage {msgId, msgTs, msgFlags, msgBody = EncRcvMsgBody body}
| v == 1 -> e (MSG_, ' ', msgId, msgTs, Tail body)
| v == 2 -> e (MSG_, ' ', msgId, msgTs, msgFlags, ' ', Tail body)
| otherwise -> e (MSG_, ' ', msgId, Tail body)
NID nId srvNtfDh -> e (NID_, ' ', nId, srvNtfDh)
NMSG nmsgNonce encNMsgMeta -> e (NMSG_, ' ', nmsgNonce, encNMsgMeta)
END -> e END_
OK -> e OK_
ERR err -> e (ERR_, ' ', err)
e :: Encoding a => a -> ByteString
e = smpEncode
protocolP v = \case
MSG_ -> do
msgId <- _smpP
MSG <$> case v of
1 -> RcvMessage msgId <$> smpP <*> pure noMsgFlags <*> bodyP
2 -> RcvMessage msgId <$> smpP <*> smpP <*> ( *> bodyP)
_ -> RcvMessage msgId (MkSystemTime 0 0) noMsgFlags <$> bodyP
bodyP = EncRcvMsgBody . unTail <$> smpP
IDS_ -> IDS <$> (QIK <$> _smpP <*> smpP <*> smpP)
NID_ -> NID <$> _smpP <*> smpP
NMSG_ -> NMSG <$> _smpP <*> smpP
END_ -> pure END
OK_ -> pure OK
ERR_ -> ERR <$> _smpP
PONG_ -> pure PONG
checkCredentials (_, _, queueId, _) cmd = case cmd of
-- IDS response should not have queue ID
IDS _ -> Right cmd
-- ERR response does not always have queue ID
ERR _ -> Right cmd
-- PONG response must not have queue ID
| B.null queueId -> Right cmd
| otherwise -> Left $ CMD HAS_AUTH
-- other broker responses must have queue ID
| B.null queueId -> Left $ CMD NO_ENTITY
| otherwise -> Right cmd
_smpP :: Encoding a => Parser a
_smpP = *> smpP
-- | Parse SMP protocol commands and broker messages
parseProtocol :: ProtocolEncoding msg => Version -> ByteString -> Either ErrorType msg
parseProtocol v s =
let (tag, params) = B.break (== ' ') s
in case decodeTag tag of
Just cmd -> parse (protocolP v cmd) (CMD SYNTAX) params
Nothing -> Left $ CMD UNKNOWN
checkParty :: forall t p p'. (PartyI p, PartyI p') => t p' -> Either String (t p)
checkParty c = case testEquality (sParty @p) (sParty @p') of
Just Refl -> Right c
Nothing -> Left "bad command party"
checkParty' :: forall t p p'. (PartyI p, PartyI p') => t p' -> Maybe (t p)
checkParty' c = case testEquality (sParty @p) (sParty @p') of
Just Refl -> Just c
_ -> Nothing
instance Encoding ErrorType where
smpEncode = \case
CMD err -> "CMD " <> smpEncode err
smpP =
A.takeTill (== ' ') >>= \case
"BLOCK" -> pure BLOCK
"CMD" -> CMD <$> _smpP
"AUTH" -> pure AUTH
"QUOTA" -> pure QUOTA
"NO_MSG" -> pure NO_MSG
_ -> fail "bad error type"
instance Encoding CommandError where
smpEncode e = case e of
smpP =
A.takeTill (== ' ') >>= \case
"NO_AUTH" -> pure NO_AUTH
_ -> fail "bad command error type"
-- | Send signed SMP transmission to TCP transport.
tPut :: Transport c => THandle c -> NonEmpty (SentRawTransmission) -> IO (NonEmpty (Either TransportError ()))
tPut th trs
| batch th = tPutBatch [] $ tEncode trs
| otherwise = forM trs $ tPutBlock th . tEncode
tPutBatch :: [Either TransportError ()] -> NonEmpty ByteString -> IO (NonEmpty (Either TransportError ()))
tPutBatch rs ts = do
let (n, s, ts_) = encodeBatch 0 "" ts
r <- if n == 0 then pure [Left TELargeMsg] else replicate n <$> tPutBlock th (lenEncode n `B.cons` s)
let rs' = rs <> r
case ts_ of
Just ts' -> tPutBatch rs' ts'
_ -> pure $ L.fromList rs'
encodeBatch :: Int -> ByteString -> NonEmpty ByteString -> (Int, ByteString, Maybe (NonEmpty ByteString))
encodeBatch n s ts@(t :| ts_)
| n == 255 = (n, s, Just ts)
| otherwise =
let s' = s <> smpEncode (Large t)
n' = n + 1
in if B.length s' > blockSize th - 1
then (n,s,) $ if n == 0 then L.nonEmpty ts_ else Just ts
else case L.nonEmpty ts_ of
Just ts' -> encodeBatch n' s' ts'
_ -> (n', s', Nothing)
tEncode (sig, tr) = smpEncode (C.signatureBytes sig) <> tr
encodeTransmission :: ProtocolEncoding c => Version -> ByteString -> Transmission c -> ByteString
encodeTransmission v sessionId (CorrId corrId, queueId, command) =
smpEncode (sessionId, corrId, queueId) <> encodeProtocol v command
-- | Receive and parse transmission from the TCP transport (ignoring any trailing padding).
tGetParse :: Transport c => THandle c -> IO (NonEmpty (Either TransportError RawTransmission))
tGetParse th
| batch th = either ((:| []) . Left) id <$> runExceptT getBatch
| otherwise = (:| []) . (parse transmissionP TEBadBlock =<<) <$> tGetBlock th
getBatch :: ExceptT TransportError IO (NonEmpty (Either TransportError RawTransmission))
getBatch = do
s <- ExceptT $ tGetBlock th
ts <- liftEither $ parse smpP TEBadBlock s
pure $ (\(Large t) -> parse transmissionP TEBadBlock t) ts
-- | Receive client and server transmissions (determined by `cmd` type).
tGet :: forall cmd c m. (ProtocolEncoding cmd, Transport c, MonadIO m) => THandle c -> m (NonEmpty (SignedTransmission cmd))
tGet th@THandle {sessionId, thVersion = v} = liftIO (tGetParse th) >>= mapM decodeParseValidate
decodeParseValidate :: Either TransportError RawTransmission -> m (SignedTransmission cmd)
decodeParseValidate = \case
Right RawTransmission {signature, signed, sessId, corrId, entityId, command}
| sessId == sessionId ->
let decodedTransmission = (,corrId,entityId,command) <$> C.decodeSignature signature
in either (const $ tError corrId) (tParseValidate signed) decodedTransmission
| otherwise -> pure (Nothing, "", (CorrId corrId, "", Left SESSION))
Left _ -> tError ""
tError :: ByteString -> m (SignedTransmission cmd)
tError corrId = pure (Nothing, "", (CorrId corrId, "", Left BLOCK))
tParseValidate :: ByteString -> SignedRawTransmission -> m (SignedTransmission cmd)
tParseValidate signed t@(sig, corrId, entityId, command) = do
let cmd = parseProtocol v command >>= checkCredentials t
pure (sig, signed, (CorrId corrId, entityId, cmd))